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  1. L

    Obama fires the CEO of GM

    Ordinarily I'd say let the car industry fail, but there are waaaaay too many people who's jobs depend on this industry and they are the only reason the company deserves to be saved. In these times, more needs to be done to keep jobs, even if they have to take a pay cut. No people working...
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    speaking of Jari Love....

    Cyn, could you also do this with any of the other pure weight ones? Like Ripped, S&L, or RTTC? I have those and R1000, but not R&C.
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    I do not want children!

    I think that is very profound and something I need to remember as well.
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    Lower back strain...forced rest week

    Connie this happened to me twice in the past few months. THe first time while shoveling my driveway and I wrenched something. The second time, moments before I was leaving for the airport. i was jsut leaning over my bag, not lifting, just leaning and low low back felt like it was being...
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    Cathe, STS Shock Cardio Request

    I hate the idea of a PIP. Most of us dont use big tv's to work out with and that box is awfully small. Not to mention that box would be more distracting than just including a modifier. I hope they show modifications and for everyone who doesnt want them, ignore them.
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    Iron King squat stands

    So we should be able to use these using a bench and slanted risers correct?
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    Obama fires the CEO of GM

    I think that about sums it up. Clearly they havent been making good decisions on their own. And hey, they could always refuse the money.
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    I do not want children!

    I so dont want kids, but I keep hearing 'oh you'll change your mind when you find the right man' I'm sorry, I feel that having a good mate and wanting kids is mutually exclusive. You should want kids. Finding the mate doesnt make you want to have kids, you want to have kids with THIS person...
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    Those against a modifier in high impact workouts, what's the downside?

    My this has gotten rude fast. Exactly. I can rarely think of good modifications to keep the intensity up so suggestions are welcome. A modifier would be nice, but at least I'd like her to layer the moves (here's teh low impact option, here's the high impact option) Modifiers are not...
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    Plate mates

    I have both and love both, it just depends on what I'm trying to do. Shoulders, pace weights are a god send for getting over the 5-8 barrier. Lower body or strong upper body muscles, plate mates save the day. I havent had them long but I'm glad I made the investment
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    Is anyone else sick of this Rihanna story?

    But, and I ask this seriously, what is he supposed to do? I think that no matter waht he did, people would criticize. If he sat in his house, people would say he was putting on a front. And we really dont know what he does with his time, we just see the photos they show us. Not making...
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    Is anyone else sick of this Rihanna story?

    I doubt the fist was a 'yeah I hit her and I'm free' gesture. It was probably more of a greeting/pose
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    Is anyone else sick of this Rihanna story?

    Very sick of it. At this point, I've gotten enough info to make up my mind about it (I was initially not). It is what it is. He's made his decisions, she's made hers and now they have to live with them and accept he consequences. Sounds harsh, but clearly being a 24/7 news story hasnt...
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    How to stop my gossipy friend?

    If its harmless stuff, she probably doesnt realize that it would bother you. I'd mention that it bothers you and ask her to stop. I wouldnt make a huge deal over it to start b/c you might damage a friendship over an innocent mistake.
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    I actually like Kick Max

    I like Kick Max. There was a combo or 2 that I wasnt crazy about but I like it. i even did the blasts once (with lots of breaks) and I like them. I'll have to pull it out again.
  16. L

    Best Cathe Step workout to prep for RT?

    From my RT experince last year, Cathe doesnt do much tricky choreography. So if you dont master a step oh well, maybe just make up a modification before hand. I dont do a lot of turns or pivots, so I know how to modify them for my own needs. I did Step Blast combo 1 today and didnt have a...
  17. L

    Cathe why no pushups in Meso 2 & 3?

    I'll have to find a way to work the pushups in. I'm currently working on the 100 pushup challenge to get to a level where I can do the large number of pushups required by STS. I know that my pushup strength seems to decrease over time if I dont do them, so i want to keep up the habit. Even if...
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    Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers

    have you ever tried a straussburg sock? I had pf a few years ago and I started sleeping in the sock regularly and the pain went away. Its come back (i think after a while of inactivity) so now I'm going to go back to wearing it. I also need to make a point of doing some foot exercises in the...
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    I have asked my husband at least 1000 times...

    I agree with letting him put them to bed. he gets time with them and you get downtime. But for me, if I were the guy, if I got off work, i wouldnt sit around waiting an hour after they were in bed to go to my own house and I'd be pissed if someone asked me to. My opinion.
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    Teenager help!

    Here's how I feel (fyi, i dont have kids, I'm 25 so the teen years aren't THAT far behind me) You trusted your kid and he broke the trust (as kids are goign to do). So punish him. Take away or limit the phone or Xbox or whatever it is. Personally I dont think kids needs unlimited cell...