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  1. K

    Roadtrippers--it's confession time

    Nancy, I'm shocked you can't find a warm up type of outfit, Lady Foot Locker here has a ton of warm upper stuff, that is really a cute. I about drooled over this cute black and pink satin set that they had. As well as a light blue and white one. and the pink and grey, okay so I kind of...
  2. K

    Is it school or a fashion show?

    I think in college you have to start over, you didn't go to school with the same kids, for a few years or most of your life depending if you moved as a child. This when you enter you can be more you. As you have no idea who is the most popular and there really isn’t a most popular person in...
  3. K

    I purchased a BOSU Trainer for $39.50

    Awesome find Desi, I wish we had one of those places here or I'd try to get one that cheap. WantFit, Bosu, is kind of like half a stability ball with a hard flat back. Depending on the challenge is dependant of what side you use and how much you blow it up. I love these things, it really...
  4. K

    Lighted Makeup Mirror

    Are you talking about portable? If not, just go buy a couple light bulb strips. You can get them in different colors, and number of lights and watts. Hang them up around the mirror where ever you like, in your bathroom and then you'll have the same light as the Hollywood people do. And no...
  5. K


    Everyone is different but yes she does need to work the legs a little bit. And you're body changes over time, so what worked 5 years ago, may actually do the reverse for you now. Which might be something she's finding, a few years ago she may not needed to work the legs, but now she does. Just...
  6. K

    Exercise and colds--restarting?

    Bunbun, Glad your cold is getting together, I basically eveluate myself based on energy, as well as no sneezing, coughing, etc, and little congestion as I don't want to be hacking in the middle of a workout, or have my nose turn into a water fountain. Did you manage to start your workout...
  7. K

    Body Target Pilates -- opinions

    Wantfit, Kathy S. Pilates are more of a basic in nature, there are some harder moves. But she does talk a lot in these, basically telling you your form etc, and what to watch out for. This is good when your first doing Pilates, but once you do them a few times, you'll be going into...
  8. K

    Roadtrippers--it's confession time

    RE: Hey, about those tech pants! I usually have to hem my pants and make them shorter as well as when all I can find is a small make them skinner. I have a love/hate relationship with doing this. I hate to do it, but love the results and being able to custom fit my clothes. But it means I...
  9. K

    Is it school or a fashion show?

    I remember my school days, starting in 5th grade, the richer kids would really make fun of the *poor* kids for wearing non brand stuff and not having the latest and greatest. My friend's daughter just graduated 6th grade a couple months ago, the parents of a lot of the 6th graders rented a hall...
  10. K

    Yo Jes!! I grew!!!

    Shelly you have had any kids? Sometimes the body releases a growth hormone at that time, and you get bigger feet and a little bit taller. Most though just get the bigger feet. A few very lucky ones get to be taller without the bigger feet. Also it could be the fact you've been doing Cathe...
  11. K

    I'm 38 and just diagnosed w/osteopenia..?

    WantFit, Thank you so much, that complement really made my day. :-) I’ve always believed that I’m there for the person who hired me or asked me a question. I much rather explain why to someone then to just have them take it on my word. And I’m the same way, I want to know why I’m doing...
  12. K

    Does anyone get bloating?

    Take out anything that has a slightest bit of salt at this time, and turn into a fish. But seriously no salt and drink, drink and drink water. It will help with the bloating as it makes your body relase the water (bloat) that it already has and then it all washes out. Kit
  13. K

    Bootcamp again tomorrow?

    I am in. This sounds like a lot of fun, and it will be interesting to do the same workout as all my net friends. Kit
  14. K

    Can someone lend me an egg?

    It's 6:50 pm here and were finally down to 87 here in Michigan, and 98% humidity. I am soo happy tomrrow is my normal day off and I can go hide inside. Kit