I think in college you have to start over, you didn't go to school with the same kids, for a few years or most of your life depending if you moved as a child. This when you enter you can be more you. As you have no idea who is the most popular and there really isn’t a most popular person in college. There is in certain groups but it’s more of a group thing, rather then the whole darn school. There is some pressure from the Greek houses, if you join one, on dressing correctly. But in general, no one cares what you wear in college. I see it every day, even though I'm no longer a real student. I still take classes to keep my certifications up, but I don't do the full time student thing. I look young enough that I get involved with the younger people, just because they think I'm their age. So I hear a lot of stuff. And most of what I've been told as well as what I remember of my first few years of college it's only been 3 years since I finished my last degree (long story). It really is like day and night, high school you are trying to impress everyone and fit in, and so you don't get bullied, and since everyone know you, or in general it’s pretty easy to know who is who, and who is with the in crowd and who isn’t etc, there is just a lot more pressure in that department. And in college, your free, your free from your parents going you can't wear that, you free from peer pressure of what to wear or not wear. So you can really find you, and be you. And have people who like you for who you believe you are. This is what a lot of kids had explained in similar conversation in my humanities class.
I guess since your trying to find what type of career you want and what direction you want your life to go. Then the fashion standard falls to the wayside. And trust me when you walk into the room full of students, some days you really wish you could dress them. Guys who have actually slept in their clothes for more then a day, women who shouldn’t wear the things they do. Or should at least get a bigger mirror to look in. I don’t mind bigger people, don’t get me wrong, but I do generally like to see them in clothes that are right for them. Not a shirt that was turned into a micro t-shirt due to being about 5 sizes too small, and the breasts are hanging out one end, and the stomach the other, and they sit there the whole hour trying to pull at it, as every time they move, more skin comes out.
I lived in the dorm for two years, off campus the rest of the college career, and never heard anyone ever say anything about anyone’s style of dress. Well besides a joke about the professors but I don’t exactly count that. As that is something you don’t walk up and tell a prof. Unless of course you want to really make getting a passing grade hard on yourself.
But personally I am really happy my parents didn't try to buy me the expensive new clothes in high school I still got a few new things, usually what ever we could afford, with having to have one parent take off work drive for 4 hours to the nearest big town then allowed me to go shoping at the mall. My designer second hand clothes always out lasted the new stuff, as the one thing I figured out pretty quickly was that the older clothes were actually made a lot better. To this day, I still have quite a few pairs of jeans in my closet, that I got second hand, that still look brand new, and I've worn them a ton of times. And yes I still can wear those jeans this day. It sure turned me into one heck of a bargin shopper, and I'm super careful with my money today. I still try to always wait for the sales, and find coupons etc before I'm willing to buy it.