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  1. F

    HELP! I've started eating & I can't stop!

    Three letters: P M S
  2. F

    Did you ever have one of those days?

    Whew! At least you found them! I bet your heart rate went through the roof just from sheer panic! I lost my cell phone once during a walk with my kids and the dogs but I found it just down the street so it didn't add up to be that much extra of a workout! Angie
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    I agree, Terri, it totally sucks, but unfortunately that's the wave of corporate America these days. They are more concerned about the bottom line than their employees. Gone is the loyalty - both for the company and for the employees. It can happen to any position but computer specialists are...
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    <--- KABOOM!

    <---picks jaw up from the floor after reading Debbie's workout <---wishes I could be like Super Debbie ;-) <---hopes Laura enjoys her last day of vacation! Angie
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    Desperate Housewives

    I like Edie, too - she adds so much to the show! I like Lynette - I think she's very clever and quite hilarious. Susan is a total airheaded dipwad. She's cute but totally clueless. I kinda feel sorry for her. Angie
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    <--- KABOOM!

    <---waves to all women above and below! <---is contemplating a new job and has NO IDEA what to do if offered the position <---so much contemplating is affecting current work x( <---ALSO thinks hot weather in October sucks donkey dung <---thinks Pinky is a brilliant writer and...
  7. F

    Daily check-in for tuesday, October 4th

    Good morning, ladies! Suzanne - your vacation sounds awesome! I've always wanted to spend some time in Door County. Judy - enjoy your golf game! I didn't get to pick up my clubs ONCE this season! x( Wendy - I'm so sorry for the loss in your family. Carla - Wow! That's quite a...
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    Magic Express-Disney WOrld

    We used ME in July and had no problems with it. We opted to pick up our luggage from baggage claim ourselves. Yes, we were paranoid! Angie
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    In my next life I am only having dogs...

    I'm thinking the same thing too, lately. My dogs are the ones creating havoc and disorder in my house and my cats are NOT the clean creatures that they are supposed to be!! At least my teenagers don't throw up on my exercise mat or poop on the floor NEXT to the toilet/litter box or spread the...
  10. F

    What hurts?

    I went for a brisk walk yesterday with some friends for 90 minutes and my legs ACHED the rest of the day. Plus I got a blister on my heel. x( Is this the price we pay for getting older?!? Angie
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    <--- Phhhhbbbbt :P

    <---waves HI!! and sends cyber hugs to Sandy!! HOWYADOIN?!? Angie
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    <--- Phhhhbbbbt :P

    <---is glad that Pinky got her car back! <---assures Pinky that sometimes pot-stirring is ineveitable....and very therapeutic!! <---convinces Shelley that the veggies and hummus were covered and did not fall victim to the sneezing escapade. <---welcomes Rogue and hope she comes back...
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    Desperate Housewives

    I didn't believe her story about her son dying, either. I think she was playing on the doctor's emotions so that she could get the prescription filled. Did you see the previews for next week? It looks like he gets loose and bursts out of the basement! Debbie - here's a link to...
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    Desperate Housewives

    What the heck was Edie wearing?!? Some totally out-dated 1970's terry cloth shorts set with roller skates?!! Please don't tell me that fad is coming back!! I had to giggle when Susan hit her with the car. She deserved it! And what an a$$ her ex-husband is! Angie
  15. F did your marathon go???

    Wow, Elaine! That is very impressive! The high elevation is a huge factor and a big negative so finishing with such an awesome time despite that is certainly something to celebrate! CONGRATULATIONS!! Angie
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    (St. Louis) Cheesecake Factory was a lot of fun! (Thanks, girls!) :)

    Glad to hear you guys had a great time!! What is it about The Cheesecake Factory and Cathe GTG's?? The Chicago crew is meeting at The Cheesecake Factory in Oak Brook in a couple weeks! Can't wait to try the Key Lime Cheesecake!! Angie
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAURA! (libra01971)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAURA!!! Hope it was a good one! Angie
  18. F

    <--- Phhhhbbbbt :P

    <---thinks Shelley will be fine as long as she takes deep breaths and imagines that the boss sneezed all over the desserts before bringing them in the office. }( <---tells Terri that the job interview is for a company closer to home, slightly higher pay but the benefits suck. x( <---has...
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    <--- Phhhhbbbbt :P

    <---thinks pumpkin bars sound amazing right now <---hopes Shelley is not coming down with something <---hopes Evily has a safe flight to Canada <---congratulates Becky on day (11?) of not smoking! <---finally has a clean house <---has an job interview at 5pm and doesn't know what...
  20. F

    The Marathoner and the Jolly Green Giant!!!

    BTW, your husband is HILARIOUS!! He's certifiably crazy, isn't he?!? LOL! ;) Seriously, he was a lot of fun and I hope we can hang out with you guys again. Angie