I've skimmed the responses, but I didn't read them all in detail. So I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this:
I am going to be the dissenting minority. I used to work for a HUGE company that had outsourced to America from France. See, I was one of those people who had a job where the parent company was overseas and outsourced to America, and I was exposed to this topic countless times directly while I worked for that company. So, I know a thing or two about the economic truth behind outsourcing.
The media has put such a big spin on this topic (and I saw this "media spin" over and over while I worked at that France-owned company, because we were in the press a lot) that everyone has failed to see one very big truth: America has more jobs outsourced TO here from other countries than we outsource FROM here to others. In other words, America is getting more work from other countries than we are sending to other countries. I can't remember the exact number of jobs we're talking about here, but I do remember that it was a pretty significant differece. But, knowing the truth about outsourcing isn't "in vogue" right now. The media would much rather paint this "be loyal to American companies" picture, and cause a big political uproar over outsourcing, than tell you the truth that America is the biggest benefactor of outsourced jobs than any country in the world.
So, before you all get up in arms about stopping outsourcing, think about all the American jobs that would be lost if NO ONE outsourced outside their own country. Because, let's face it, if we stop outsourcing to other countries, they will stop outsourcing to us. Millions of people all around the world would lose their jobs and be displaced. Unemployment would skyrocket, especially in America, because since America is the largest benefactor of outsourcing from other countries, more Americans than any other nationality would lose their jobs. Our economy DEPENDS on outsourcing - both TO and FROM other countries. If outsourcing is stopped, we would see a worldwide economic crash of proportions unseen since the Great Depression. In fact, resistance to outsourcing was considered a major contributor to the Great Depression. Read your history, and check out some economic texts on the subject if you don't believe me. This subject gets about a page-and-a-half (if that) of attention in college textbooks, so don't be surprised if you have a hard time finding anything on it. This is a point many politicians and media hounds would prefer you not know about - it makes it easier for them to rile you up about outsourcing if you don't know the truth and the history.
Oh, and you won't have to worry about outsourcing to China for too many more years. Their economy is in the middle of an amazing boom, and significant wage increases won't be far behind.
Don't believe everything you hear in the popular media. Blaming outsourcing for this country's woes is "popular" right now. It's easy to blame someone else and point fingers when we (or someone we know) gets laid off, but that doesn't do anybody any good. Outsourcing is a reality, and any one of us could lose our jobs tomorrow due to it. But, that's when you pick up the pieces and find something better. I've been laid off three times, and each time I found a better job. Those lay-offs were blessings in disguise.
For those who still can't see the silver lining of outsourcing, we have only to look internally at own country to see where it is failing. Blaming others isn't going to solve the problems we have with keeping jobs in this country. Outsourcing has nothing to do with it, and this country needs to start realizing that and take responsibility for its problems. The truth is much deeper than this superficial "outsourcing" excuse.
Thanks for your time.