<--- Phhhhbbbbt :P

<--- tells Rogue there is no barging, it is a free thread for all to enjoy
<--- hopes Rogue will come back soon
<--- is really quite disgusted by the thought of boss sneezing on desserts
<--- is hoping he didn't sneeze on the veggies and hummus at the same time;)
<---waves hi to all the Catheites posting today
<---is happy that she is now POST "everything" for this month
<---has lost 25lbs since July 7th and has 20 more to go by New Year's Eve.
<---isn't sure what she's going to look like if she loses another 20 lbs.
<---will deal with that when the time comes....
<---starts training at Bed Bath and Beyond on Thursday! YAY!
<---is also disgusted by Shelley's boss sneezing on the desserts.
<---hopes all is well in Catheland
<---needs prayers for the strength to do what is right for herself even tho it's hurting other people

<---thanks Sandy and Angie for not seeing my saddlebags:)
<---is her own worst critic:(
<---likes the idea of Unclean Heathens worshipping in the Church of the Forbidden Foods:p }(
<---tells Susan that YAY! she did get her car back!:7
<---was about to faint when she got the bill, however:(
<---thinks Debbie can't be overtaken by toddlers and locked in a closet because she has a Super Punch and a Rocket Kick;-)
<---says hi to Rogue and hopes she comes back:)
<---tells Rogue she tells it like it is because there are a lot of intelligent, perceptive women on these forums, and they do know when one exaggerates and/or pretends, but might not say anything because they don't want to stir the pot
<---should do some light cardio today
<---gotta keep it light or her knees won't workx(

<---is glad that Pinky got her car back!

<---assures Pinky that sometimes pot-stirring is ineveitable....and very therapeutic!!

<---convinces Shelley that the veggies and hummus were covered and did not fall victim to the sneezing escapade.

<---welcomes Rogue and hope she comes back often!

<---congratulates Kali on her awesome weight loss and thinks she'll look even MORE gorgeous by New Year's!!

<--- is quite pleased that she ventured to post in this thread and thanks for the warm welcome.
<--- agrees about stirring the pot, however has so far been successful at retracting claws and backing away carefully from such posts.
<--- to stave off yawning attack just ventured out into cubicle land and made the sound "Phhhhbbbbt" a few octaves above the acceptable level.
<--- returned to desk feeling much better albeit a bit surprised at own outburst.
<--- wishes she were outside enjoying the beautiful weather here in Washington DC today.
<--- congratulates Rogue on being so in charge of her claws
<--- is afraid that sometimes her claws won't retract, no matter how hard she tries}(
<--- has eaten about 5 lbs of veggies this afternoon
<--- feels strangely bloated now:p
<--throwing another big warm welcome to Rogue!!
<--is happy that Pinky got her car back
<--tells Pinky that Angie and <-- can't see what does not EXIST:p
<--congratulates Kali on the weight loss!! Sending cyber high fives:7
<--agrees wholeheartedly with Pinky about why she tells it like it is and love her for doing so!!
<--sending positive vibes to Kali so she can keep doing what is right for her
<--waves enthusiastically as she sends cyber hugs right back to Angie!!
<--wants to say she misses Angie and the rest of the 512 girls along with the 403 girls and would just LOVE it if we could have a reunion before the next road trip
<--doesn't think she can wait that long lol *as she goes through painful withdrawal symptoms*!!!
<---waves hi and has to fly!
<---needs a new computer!
<---had a rattlesnake in the backyard last night, 2nd one in 12 years, great photo op for visiting German guest, who also got her photo taken with a bunch of firefighters in front of the fire truck!
<---would not let husband go dispatch snake.
<---hasn't read thread and hope to get out the butt glue but must wait or the children will win the war between cleanliness and disorder.
<---is at a draw with them now but remembers she was winning and can still take the whole shebang even if she had to concede a few battles. ;)
<---feels "funny" talking about herself in the third person as that could be sign of craziness.
<---has no problemo with craziness.
<---waves goodbye until until the latest muster is over!
<---blows kisses wildly. http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de//love/luvkiss.gif
<--waves hello to all!
<--wishes her saddlebags looked like Pinkys}(
<--has the day off from work! YAY!
<--slept in this morning! Another YAY!
<---congrats to Kali for super great work!
<---tells Pinky I am one with the force of Boyb ;)
<---asks her if any more cows have gone missing? maybe a pig or 2?? Hmmmm????
<---tells Limey that if she sneezes on my dessert it's on. ding ding }(
<---tells Rogue welcome and barge away! the more the merrier
<---thanks Sandy for the compliment :) we love our son's name & love even more when we tell people we're not irish or anything of the like
<---gonna do coffeemax
<---will workout for sure tomorrow :eek:
<---shield your burning eyes everyone. I am unclean and lazy the past few days. don't let my bloblike formation engulf you ;)
<---oh and I can squat 250 lbs at the gym for anyone that might care - so don't irritate me ;) ;) ;) BWAHAHAHAHAHA ahem.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---just finished doing Power Max
<---had to avoid those 360's to protect her kneesx(
<---congratulates Kali for her weight loss and is confident that Kali will reach her goal:)
<---hopes Rogue gets to enjoy the day in DC anyway
<---thinks Shelley's claws ROCK;-)
<---sends HUGS to Sandy... miss ya a lot, girl!:( :)
<---reminds Sandy about the LIGHTING, which is why Sandy doesn't see the saddlebags
<---also keeps that part of her body covered ALL THE TIME, which is why they remain unseen;-)
<---blows wild kisses back to Bobbi
<---also sending HUGS to Laura... Happy birthday!!!:)
<---tells Debbie to live long and prosper:7
<---tells Debbie that no more cows or pigs have gone missing, only several tuna fish:eek:
<---can't picture Super Boybie as a blob, no way!:)
<---thanks y'all for the laughs:7

<--- thinks New York City is FAB in February
<--- can't imagine why Pinky would think she has anything remotely resembling saddlebags
<--- just went for a nice bike ride with Sophiekins
<--- is glad Pinky likes her claws}(
<--- ate too much cereal for dinner
<---just put Boybie to bed
<---says he barely made it to 7pm
<---dinnertime for mommy
<---thanks everyone for putting up with my goofy, crazy self
<---really admires and respects you all
<---scratches head as well about Pinky's saddlebags - i think they must have left w/ that missing cow....
<---can't wait to bike ride w/ my baby :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---hey Pinky, if you're driving to hell, can i call shotgun???

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<--sends huge hugs right back at Pinky and wishes to remind my friend that lighting is a non-issue........<--has seen Pinky live in the flesh and can vouch that there is in fact, as most of us have already suspected, no saddlebags and that our dear friend is suffering from from some kind of visual distortion disorder:p
<--another one that thinks Shelley's claws are da bomb}(
<--tells Debbie that Aidan is one of my favorite names for a boy and that she does have superior taste in name selection:7 I am not Irish either but that won't stop me from loving it:p
<--also thinks NYC in Feb is THE place to be and I would rather be nowhere else with my kick a$$ amazing heiffers
<--needs to go workout now before I turn into the ultimate GLOB:eek: :eek:
<---tells Debbie she sure can call shotgun anytime;-)
<---not so sure about NYC in February, but will TRY to make it
<---swears she HAS saddlebags, they're just smaller:p
<---admires and respects Debbie back:)
<---thinks Debbie is so lucky to have a baby who sleeps early
<---has been contemplating drugging her kiddo so he falls asleep at 10 p.m. AT LEAST
<---thinks Sandy is too kind and MAYBE right;-) about that visual distortion disorder

<--thanks Pinky and Sandy for the bday wishes and hugs
<--wishes bdays would always last 4 days :p
<--would LOVE to be in NYC with Sandy and all
<--could eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner :9

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