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  1. lisab99

    Exercise, Losing Weight, BrightLine Eating

    Hi all - thanks for the replies. I have personally experienced a slow down in weightloss when I started HIIT workouts regularly. Long story - but for a couple of months, I could only walk after some surgery. I was watching what I ate and lost a lot of weight. When I was able to start back up...
  2. lisab99

    Exercise, Losing Weight, BrightLine Eating

    Hi Cathe and forum members. I have been reading about Bright Line Eating - and although I think the concept is good, the author says that research shows that exercise and losing weight are not compatible. Her program advocates ZERO exercise because she says it drains will power - and changes to...
  3. lisab99

    Series for beginners.

    roxynut - I am curious why you feel it is important to get some agreement that they shouldn't be called intermediate. Why not just say you thought these were too easy for you.
  4. lisab99

    Cathe Friedrich's LITE PHA 2 Workout

    I did this one last night. It was GREAT!!! And an nice complement to the ICE PHA workout. I highly recommend it - really, really good. Thanks, Cathe!
  5. lisab99

    New "Trendy goal" --/-- Is it realistic? :), Your thoughts

    OMG!! I have an "it" body part????? I can't believe it. The rest of me - well not so much. [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. lisab99

    The KILLER one

    I couldn't walk well the next day. The second time through was better. I really love this workout. Prior to Cathe my backside was pretty flat. Now it is much better and I think it will really get good with this DVD.
  7. lisab99

    missing Cedie

    My husband really misses her. She is his absolute favorite member of the crew.
  8. lisab99


    Oxygen magazine has an article on it from a couple of months ago. You might want to check out their web site to find it.
  9. lisab99

    A complete Low Impact series please please please

    I would buy a low-impact, high intensity series in heartbeat! The nerves in my feet were damaged during chemotherapy in 2005. My feet hurt no matter what -but high impact cardio really hurts. I do it -but I really pay for it later. I'm also getting older. .. . 45 this year and I want to do...
  10. lisab99

    Which Weight lifting DVD's Do I Start With?

    I would agree that STS sounds perfect for you. I would also say that Cathe DVDs really lend themselves to customization. You can lift whatever works for you. I would also suggest that, if you don't want to make the "BIG" investment right away - start with the Gym Style series just to make...
  11. lisab99

    Athletic Step or Step Moves?

    Since there isn't as much "learning curve" as Cathe mentions for these dvds, I found Step Moves to be one of the most stressful dvds I have ever done. I can usually pick up the dancy stuff eventually- but this was just too much for me and I was finding myself not getting a work out - just...
  12. lisab99

    NEW!!! Gaining Control (End of Overeating): 1st Thread

    So I had a major "ah ha" moment today. I was in an all-day training and the facilitator for the training is a very fit man about 42 years old. He wasn't a body builder - but he was slender and had a nice phsyique. So I was sitting next to him at lunch - and I noticed what he ate. He ate MUCH...
  13. lisab99

    Finally in Maryland!!

    Hi Afreet - I went to David's Natural Market today and to Roots. David's has so much stuff - great for the bulk items, yes??? I was impressed, but I was also rather discouraged by some of the pricing - pretty high overall except in the bulk bins. I went to Roots also today - Great Sage was...
  14. lisab99

    NEW!!! Gaining Control (End of Overeating): 1st Thread

    Hey - I just realized that you are talking about a different "End of Overeating" book - I have one from years ago that is the same title - just the first part. Hmmmmm. . . .when my stuff gets here from California, I will look for it. However - I HAVE read parts of this other EOO book at...
  15. lisab99

    NEW!!! Gaining Control (End of Overeating): 1st Thread

    Hi Sandra et al - I would be very interested in working in this thread with all of you. I read The End of Overeating a few years ago. My very favorite book is called "Intuitive Eating" and I read it all the time to try to help me get over using food as an emotional tool. I am truly...
  16. lisab99

    Finally in Maryland!!

    You are sure right about Columbia - lots of twisting and turning and suddenly I find that I am in a big circle - so sometimes I realize that if I had turned left instead of right, I would have gotten someplace quicker. I bought a GPS - life saver!!!! When I moved to California 11 years ago -...
  17. lisab99

    Vegetarians - what are your favorite recipes and cookbooks?

    Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everybody. It is very big but it goes to all the basics, all the veggies, and a huge amount of variety. It is a one stop shop for all things vegetarian. I rely on it totally.
  18. lisab99

    Finally in Maryland!!

    Thank you so much for the information. This is really different being here. I am glad we are here - but I am feeling rather lost. I actually tried to shop at a Safeway because I didn't know what else to do - ack! I rarely go into those types of stores anymore. . . I'm sure I will be posting...
  19. lisab99

    Finally in Maryland!!

    Hi Marylanders! Well - I got here permanently on the evening of August 31st. We are in our empty apartment waiting for furniture and stuff! So - I am living in Columbia right now and have found the Trader Joe's but I'm really needing a good natural foods market. And wasn't there a...
  20. lisab99

    Moving to Maryland

    Thanks for all the great information. I got the impression that this community would be similar to Sacramento - and yes, the traffic will be awful - but that has steadily increased here to almost intolerable!! We are going to try to get a small apartment around my office initially for 6 months...