Hello! This is a check in forum for anyone who's read "The End of Overeating", "Body Fat Solutions", or any other book on the psychology of eating. The purpose of this group is to take the advice and principles advanced in the books, and to apply them in an effort to change our relationship with food; to gain control over what we eat.
If you want some support and discussion as you attempt the difficult task of changing your relationship with food, this is the place to check in!!
A great place to start is to tell us your goal. Where would you like to be, say, 12 weeks from now?
Personally, my goal is to lose the last bit of belly fat. That translates to probably 5lbs. I want to maintain or increase my lean body mass. To do this, I need to maintain a very clean diet, 7 days a week. I'm tired of self-sabatoguing myself and winding up right back where I started. I plan to use the strategies in the two books mentioned above to help me maintain my motivation and focus. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to eating clean. I start off well, then get derailed by a birthday, or other such event, and never seem to get back on that clean eating wagon quickly enough.
Tonight I'm going to review some of the strategies in The End of Overeating (EO), and tomorrow I'll tell you which one I'm going to employ, and how I'm going to do it.
I hope this doesn't come across wrong, but I don't want to see this thread turn into an enabling group for people to come here and confess about their food "cheats". Too often people seem to fall into a pattern of confessing, then simply repeating their actions, as though the confession has made it all better. Nothing ever improves. I'd like this to be the thread where we change all that! I want people to come here and talk about their struggles, without guilt! If something didn't go as planned, then we can use it as a learning experience, talk about it without judgment, and figure out a way to do it better the next time something similar happens. So, if you're committed to making change, then please join in! This is a place to find and provide support for making a difference! Change is good, but change can be hard. Let's do it!!!
If you want some support and discussion as you attempt the difficult task of changing your relationship with food, this is the place to check in!!
A great place to start is to tell us your goal. Where would you like to be, say, 12 weeks from now?
Personally, my goal is to lose the last bit of belly fat. That translates to probably 5lbs. I want to maintain or increase my lean body mass. To do this, I need to maintain a very clean diet, 7 days a week. I'm tired of self-sabatoguing myself and winding up right back where I started. I plan to use the strategies in the two books mentioned above to help me maintain my motivation and focus. I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to eating clean. I start off well, then get derailed by a birthday, or other such event, and never seem to get back on that clean eating wagon quickly enough.
Tonight I'm going to review some of the strategies in The End of Overeating (EO), and tomorrow I'll tell you which one I'm going to employ, and how I'm going to do it.
I hope this doesn't come across wrong, but I don't want to see this thread turn into an enabling group for people to come here and confess about their food "cheats". Too often people seem to fall into a pattern of confessing, then simply repeating their actions, as though the confession has made it all better. Nothing ever improves. I'd like this to be the thread where we change all that! I want people to come here and talk about their struggles, without guilt! If something didn't go as planned, then we can use it as a learning experience, talk about it without judgment, and figure out a way to do it better the next time something similar happens. So, if you're committed to making change, then please join in! This is a place to find and provide support for making a difference! Change is good, but change can be hard. Let's do it!!!