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  1. L

    One more RT lesson / observation

    Cathe's genuine and warm personality really shines through on her DVD's, as well as her talent and her committment to quality. Her personality is right up there on a par with the quality and her talent as to why I keep going back to her videos, and why I would love to go on a road trip and meet...
  2. L

    The 35W bridge collapse

    Many thanks to your husband and his colleagues. I am also in Minneapolis.
  3. L

    It's official People...I have biceps!!!

    whoohoo! that's awesome news. congrats! how long were you on that rotation?
  4. L

    Looking forward to 4-day split because......

    Right now, I'm working out each body part 1x a week. I feel that's not enough, but I feel 2x a week is too much. With the 4-day split, I've decided every 8 days I'll get each DVD 2x, the 9th will be an interval and the 10th will be a rest. I think a rest day every 10th day suits me better than...
  5. L

    What is your weekend workout?

    Friday.....about a 20-mile bike ride with a co-worker in the morning and GS back, bi and shoulders in the evening Saturday....a longer, 35-45 mile bike ride Sunday....GS chest and triceps in the morning and some kind of cardio.
  6. L

    Already my least favorite?

    "I personally prefer no breakdown. Repeating base moves over and over gets boring once you finally get the moves" which, we all know, Cathe is completely aware of, and I'm sure she gives a lot of thought as to how much/when to break down or not. Let's stop the tone arguments (please?)and...
  7. L

    Already my least favorite?

    >(blame the user, of course) > I work in IT...that's what I always do. :P I know I feel a tad left out when Cathe says "You know this" and I, new to her step videos, don't. :P I just re-wind and re-wind and tackle part by part until I get somthing. However, this requires time, as I...
  8. L

    New style of GAP jeans

    I also like lower than the belly button but please, let them stay above my pubic bone? It's been hard for me to find mid-rise this year...these look like a good option!
  9. L

    My first step workout in 1 1/2 years!

    Hi Cassie, Honestly, I wouldn't have had the imagination to understand how hard it would be to keep your spirits up during recovery, but breaking my ankle, which pales in comparison to what you went through, has given me a glimpse of what kind of mental battle you had to go through, in...
  10. L

    Your Favorite "Signature" Scent?

    RE: Your Favorite The only fragrance I use, and I use it everyday, is DKNY Be Delicious. I suppose I should find another one for other seasons...someone above said it's summery, and I guess it is, but I do like it very much. Also, I think it's the scent my SO associates with me, and he likes...
  11. L

    Opinion on Low Max

    >>I did IMAX 2 this morning and will do Low Max tonight. :) >>I think it's fun, but I definitely work harder with IMAX 2. >>Still, not everything can be high impact (or so my knees >>constantly tell me!). But, it does a different, >good >>way. > >I'm amazed you can do two Cathe...
  12. L

    Cathe - slight differences in your pictures

    Hi Cathe, You're not going on and on 'bout're answering one of many personal questions asked of you! About the bangs...I've been trying to grow mine out FOREVER. I've finally come to the conclusion that I'll have bangs when I'm 87, but looking at how pretty you are in bangs...
  13. L

    What are your weekend workouts and plans?

    GS backs, shoulders and bi's, as soon as I finish my bagel and get u the energy. Then a bike ride (15-20 miles?) with my daughter. (then seeing the movie Hairspray with her! :) ) Tomorrow....long bike ride by myself, about 40 miles. Then server maintenance at 3:30 am Sunday morning will...
  14. L

    Cueing in Low Max?

    I am not good with choreography, but I'm trying.... I've done low max mabye 6 times now, and I still don't have the 3rd step segment. I tend to skip it and go to the blast. As a matter of fact.....the third step segment in the few step tapes I have of her seem to universally give me...
  15. L

    4 Day Split Series Question?

    I think I'm going to do workouts 1-4, workouts 1-4 again, Interval Day, rest day. Start over. So I'll have 9 days on, 1 day off.
  16. L

    Opinion on Low Max

    I did IMAX 2 this morning and will do Low Max tonight. :) I think it's fun, but I definitely work harder with IMAX 2. Still, not everything can be high impact (or so my knees constantly tell me!). But, it does a different, good way.
  17. L

    From the blog...Cathe does an incline press with 30 lb dumbbells. I can often match Cathe on wts

    RE: From the blog...Cathe does an incline press with 30... physics...the load is dispersed over a greater length. :)
  18. L

    Negative comments I've heard about Cathe workouts

    hey fitgoddess, You just can't compare Cathe workouts to hip-hop-anything, shake your tushy, or zumba this or zumba that...well, you know what I mean. They are marketed to different segments of the population and server different you surmised! "advanced" exercises, or thos who...
  19. L

    From the blog...Cathe does an incline press with 30 lb dumbbells. I can often match Cathe on wts

    RE: From the blog...Cathe does an incline press with 30 lb dumbbells.I can often match Cathe on wts in the workouts I have, though I usually have to take longer breaks or slow down my reps. Some of t I'm in the double hockey sticks category. BUT! I'll try my damndest to get as high as I can by...
  20. L

    Who else feels like crud when they don't exercise???!!

    I feel like crud, too...I think we all do, but if we leave off exercising enough, we get used ot the feeling and think it's 'normal' and are surprised how good and energized we feel when we get back in the habit. I usually exercise in the mornings before work. If I have to re-arrange my...