My first step workout in 1 1/2 years!


Hi Everyone,

I just had to share my good news with some folks who might actually "get it." Today was the first time since March 8, 2006, that I was able to do a step workout. It was the Basic Step workout and I was on cloud nine!:D

I tore my ACL while skiing in March of 2006 and have had 3 surgeries since then to repair in March, one in June, and the last one this past December. Needless to say it has been quite the journey (physically, emotionally and spiritually) and while I've done PLENTY of rehab exercises and upper body workouts I just wanted to step and with Cathe and the gang!

I received my custom brace this week and was released from physical therapy yesterday so I slapped the brace on this a.m. and popped in Basic Step and it was just the best! Honestly, when she got to the cha-cha I was crying...tears of joy, hope, and just plain gratitude.

I know I've still got a lot of work ahead and it will be awhile until I can work myself up to the higher intensity workouts but I've got every workout Cathe has made (even preordered last year when I couldn't work out!) and today is the first time that I feel like I'm truly on the road to recovery:)

Thanks Cathe for all the great workouts and although I don't post often I always read many of the threads and have been living my fitness life "vicariously" through you guys during this ordeal. Thanks for keeping me inspired (and reading this rambling message if you've made it this far!)

All the best,

Cassie, congratulations on your progress to full recovery. I don't know that I would have been that dedicated and consistent after an injury like that. You should be very proud of yourself. Basic Step is fun Cathe step workout to acclimate to her style before moving on to more intense step workouts. It took me more than one try to accomplish what you have today. Good luck, good health and have FUN!!

Oh I can feel your joy!!! I also love to step and just plain workout doing anything. It has been a long time for you with the step so go slow and enjoy!:)

Thanks so much you guys!

It's so nice that you guys understand because my husband thought I was little crazy when I was crying while working out:)

It's so funny but I bought that DVD years ago just so I could have all of Cathe's workouts.;-) I had never used it but in the back of my mind I thought, "Well, it might be good to have around if I ever have to come back from an illness or something." I'm so glad I got it now!

I noticed yesterday that while stepping that I really had to focus on my balance, which is something you lose quickly after ACL reconstruction (especially after 3 of them!). So I think this will definitely help in my continuing rehab.

Thanks again for the encouragement!

Hi Cassie,

Honestly, I wouldn't have had the imagination to understand how hard it would be to keep your spirits up during recovery, but breaking my ankle, which pales in comparison to what you went through, has given me a glimpse of what kind of mental battle you had to go through, in addition to the physical one.

Congrats on 'keeping your chin up' and approaching your workout with such a positive attitude. I too started back with Basic Step, (oh, and I'm relatively new to Cathe, also!) but I'm a bit shamed that my attiude wasn't as positive and grateful.

Thanks for being an inspiration, too! :)

Good luck with continuing your recovery. And enjoy too! :)
All right! You'll surprise yourself with how fast you get up to speed. I'm recovering from a car crash (almsot there) so I totally get it. What matters most is to not give up and to keep pushing onward. Very impressive.
Hi Cassie,

CONGRATULATIONS on being able to do step after that long! I so admire your dedication and you can't imagine what reading your post this morning did for me. I somehow tore my calf muscle back in March and have not been able to do cardio since then. For the past 4 months I have been whining and feeling sorry for myself even though I have continued to do strength training for my upper body and my abs. After reading your post, I feel ashamed of myself for how I have felt. You went through 3 surgeries and endured everything that you did and you are still so upbeat about it. I so admire that. And I can certainly understand how you felt this morning when you were able to do step. I think that's the workout that I miss most of all. Especially Imax2!

You keep up the good work and I'll bet you will be surprised how quickly you get back up to speed.

I would love to hear more about your recovery and if you have the time, my email address is: [email protected]

Have a great day and happy stepping!!!

Ouch! Breaking your ankle is nothing to sneeze at.:( I've truly gained a new appreciation for all orthopedic injuries...they are the pits!

Hopefully we'll get to keep working out with Cathe for years to come!

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry you were injured in a car crash. How scary!

Thanks for the encouragement and I hope your recovery continues smoothly.:)

Hi Bev,

I miss Imax2 the most of all! I can hear the music in my head and can't wait until I can tackle that one again.:)

I hope you'll be able to step soon too!


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