What are your weekend workouts and plans?


For me, it's one of my faves, LowMax. One of my first Cathe DVDs. Other plans include demolition/destruction of a porch overhang too.
Maybe, some walking on the pier on Lake MI for ice cream. Saturday night, it's usually BBC-America on PBS.
I have been using MuscleMax and Muscle Endurance lately. I will do one of them on Saturday and then probably a 3 mile run on both days.
I ran 3 miles this morning and then did Butts and Gutts.

I'll run 3 miles again tomorrow morning, but I'm not sure what workout I will do. Maybe TaeBo?
Tomorrow (Friday) I'm doing Step Jump & Pump to end a week of mostly Body Blast stuff. Then Saturday is my rest day. I think I'll do Crunch: Super Slimdown, which is a Pilates/Yoga mix. Sunday I'm going to start a 3-day split--Chest and Shoulders premix from Amy Bento's All Pump Extreme.


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain
I am resting today a little early after my first dance with butts and guts yesterday.

On tap for tomorrow is LIC, which I have never done before. Sunday will be straight cardio, either walking or elliptical at the rec center.
Today will be P90X Chest and Back plus ARX.

Tomorrow will be a spin class at the gym

Sunday will be P90X Legs and Back plus ARX.

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Have a great weekend everyone!:)
I've got a pulled back muscle,so not sure about the workouts but plans are.....tonight(friday)DH and I are going to a bb game---go braves--.

Saturday some swimming at a local park and sunday not sure,sunday is usually a slow and lazy day!

If my back feels better,I'll do LIC sat.w/40min powerwalk and sunday PH(maybe)or just do a step with a walk in the pm!

Have a great weekend!
Cardio Saturday morning . . . going into work for a few hours and then it's Milwaukee Brewers baseball at 2:15 . . . and we're going to the game again on Sunday, so it may be biceps curls, 16 oz at a time! The weather's supposed to be beautiful here. It's going to be a media frenzy with Barry Bonds in town - I hope they walk him every appropriate chance they get!

DH is on his way to San Francisco for a long weekend, so, for the first time in a long while, I will be single. So, I'll just do the usual: get dressed kinda slutty, go to a few bars, get wasted, and dangerously flirt with strangers.

Or, on second thought, I think I'll just do laundry, organize the dressing room, clean the exercise space, go for a walk/run, give my dogs a bath (that should be a workout in and of itself!), do some weight work, read, and maybe go to dinner and a movie alone...something I loved to do in my single days, but don't do that much anymore.

Man, get me off this wild ride!!!!
Tonight is a release party for the new Harry Potter. Tomorrow is Cardio & Weights and a day working in the yard, and on the pond. Sunday is an 8 mile run and maybe a trip to the lake to chillax.
Today is my traditional rest day but tomorrow The Horse and I are going to his first show of the season. We are saying goodbye to Training Level and doing First Level dressage tests! I am no longer a Training Level Queen but a First Level Diva!

Heck if I know if i'll even get to a Cathe workout as show days are all-day exhausting efforts.

Susan L.G.
Today is Step Blast. I just love that workout. I've done it hundreds of times and never get bored. Tomorrow is an early trip to Walmart and then I'm reading Harry Potter. I doubt I'll exercise!
GS backs, shoulders and bi's, as soon as I finish my bagel and get u the energy. Then a bike ride (15-20 miles?) with my daughter. (then seeing the movie Hairspray with her! :) )

Tomorrow....long bike ride by myself, about 40 miles. Then server maintenance at 3:30 am Sunday morning will screw up my body block. :( Guess I'll go to be early Sat night, get up for the work, hope to be done in 5 hours, sleep a few hours, eat, get up and do GS chest and tri's.
Tonight I go to my fitness boot camp and who knows what we will be doing. On Wednesday we were running hills and carrying sandbags up the stairs all in 100 degree heat. It's hell week so we'll probably do more of the same.

Saturday will be Gym Styles BSB and Sunday will be GS C&T and some form of cardio.
Today (Friday)~ I did a premix of KPC/ L & G, lots of fun!

Sat ~ Long bike ride + GS CT

Sunday ~ Either bike or run + abs (probably CoreMax or Ab Ripper)
Today I am going to do a treadmill run. Then I have to take DS to a b-day party at Pump It Up.
Tommorow is DS's 7th B-day. We are having a swim party/ luau.
Sunday is a 1st B-day party for my sisters daughter.
I don't think I will have alot of time for much this week-end. I'll take sat off and try hard to get a sunday w/out in.
Today I'm doing a very short bike ride.

Tomorrow I'm resting. I'm a little nervous about that because Saturday's are usually my high calorie burning days (1 hour fast run or track/bleachers).

Sunday I am doing a sprint triathlon. (Hence, the reason for the rest on Saturday.) :)

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