It's official People...I have biceps!!!


Yes, it's true, I can finally see them. They have been feeling much firmer since I started a S&H rotation so I knew something was working. And I just caught a glimpse of myself in my sliding glass door and there they were. I even looked twice to make sure!!:D

Getting some great definition from this rotation and my "water weight" seems to be diminishing.

Glad I didn't give up! :7
Thanks Jane and LadyUnix!!

LadyUnix, I've been on the rotation for three weeks.

I was going to start an endurance week but I'm thinking of tacking on an extra week or two of the S&H. I feel like I've only begun to see the results I'm looking for.
Yeah!! Now, you have your own gun set!! (Oh, gosh - was I just that cheesy??) Anyway, CONGRATS!! KEEP GOING!!!
OK, so where are the pics??? ;-) I started to notice my *guns* while doing the GS and then they really popped w/ P90X! Love it!
I'm glad you didn't let the water weight discourage you, Melissa. I always get great results from a S&H rotation! Keep up the good work. Isn't it fun to see the fruits of your labor?!


How long were you on the S&H rotation for? Which DVDs did you use? How much cardio did you do each week? Can you give a brief overview of your diet during the rotation as well?
WHOO HOO!!! Hooray for you! I remember the first time I spotted my bicep vein and went running in to show my SO. He was very impressed:p
Hi BeautyandGrace.

I've been on the rotation for about 3 weeks now. I'm using the S&H DVD along with cardio from others. I've been doing short cardio tacked on to each S&H workout, then one day of HIIT cardio.

Here is an example:

Sunday: S&H Legs followed by LowMax Blasts only premix
Monday: S&H Chest/S&H Tris follwed by HSTA cardio only premix
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Imax 2
Thursday: S&H Back/S&H Shoulders followed by KPC combos only premix
Friday: Off
Saturday: S&H Biceps followed by BC cardio only premix

The only thing that has changed in my diet is that I've incorporated a little more protein mostly in the way of egg whites.
Me, too, Melissa! I just finished my second week of S&H. I am following a rotation Cathe put together some time back. Here it is:
(note I skipped the conditioning weeks she suggested since I felt I didn't need as much, only doing 1 week of GS, plus an hour of cardio six days a week)

3 weeks S&H (I am currently on week 2), plus hour of cardio in the evening 6 days a week

3 weeks Pure Strength, plus hour of cardio in the evening 6 days a week

3 weeks S&H, plus the above cardio

1 week of Power Hour and Muscle Endurance, plus above cardio

1 week of circuits, plus Imax2 twice a week in the evening

1 week of CTX (I will be subbing in the new 4 day split), plus Push Pull and Supersets in the evening, each done once in the week

My endurance and strength have already took off! This is really helping me break a plateau.

Wow, wonderful! I have noticed a little bit more defination in my arms/legs. But this water is a different story. It is my abs. I hope I can gain muscle defination in my abs this week. Annette

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