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  1. 6

    **** Coolers: What a Weekend! *******

    Hi Ladies! Went to a gentle/restorative yoga class today. It was good. The hour went by very fast for such a slow class. Tomorrow I'm going to try another studio with a gentle flow class. I'm so relaxed right now, I think I'll take a nap.:-) BBL for personals. Wendy
  2. 6

    ####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####

    RE: Eoin Report Part 2 Good Evening Ladies, Ds got his flight fixed. He'll be home Sunday instead of Saturday. Sure can't wait to yell at him for sleeping in and missing his train. Oh, yeah, right. He says it was late. Um, yeah. Let him lie to my face! Oh, wait. I can't tell when my kids lie...
  3. 6

    ####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####

    RE: Eoin Report Part 2 Getting back to the butt :P ... So, to check for that rebound force. Do your arches with proper form in downward dog. Have someone push on your sit bones. The force should be strong enough that they cannot push you over. You will be solid as a rock!!!! This is what...
  4. 6

    ####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####

    RE: Eoin Report Part 2 More on the palm arch and even tension. Move your whole hand to see what I'm talking about. Rotate your hand with the thumb moving away and then towards your body. You can see how this activates your muscles. So, with this in mind, you may, like me, need to rotate your...
  5. 6

    ####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####

    Eoin Report Part 2 I best post this before I forget more... So, Saturday's session was at a rented facility since the studios were full with regularly scheduled classes. Debra slept in, Eoin was late... slept in too. And, apparently, everyone knew that we had gone out with him that night...
  6. 6

    ####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####

    Debra's post reminded me of when eldest dd was two years old. One morning, dd wakes up early and snuggles with me and Phil on the couch. <--- We were thinner back then. :-) We had fallen asleep watching tv. Later that day, she starts dancing provocatively, flipping her long hair all around with...
  7. 6

    ####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####

    Jeanette: WTG with two risers!!! That's like a highstep for us petite ladies!!!:-) I was wondering if you got any fires near your home. Hope all Californian's wet dreams come true!}( :+ Debra: Is the diva baptised yet?;-) What is this with all this arm talk? I guess it's not ALL about the...
  8. 6

    ####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####

    Good Morning Ladies, I've been on the phone with eldest ds's ex-gf. Eldest's train was late and he missed his flight. So, lots of rescheduling and rebooking. And, clueless gf is doing it for him!!!! So, it is going to probably cost him an arm and leg to get home. And, he wants me to deposit...
  9. 6

    *** Watercoolers Wet Thursday ****

    Good Morning Ladies, I've got a moment before I have to get ready and leave for art class. I'm going to try to go to a yoga class at a new studio today. I've decided to stop going to the power heated yoga class at my regular place. After going to the workshop, I realize I need more...
  10. 6

    ***Watercoolers, Wingin' It Wednesday*****

    RE: Eoin Report I'm such an airhead. HTM and PBS are one and the same. He called the shy teenager the Neanderthal. How about we call it TMBBS... Too Much Big Boob Syndrome or BBS for short.:D
  11. 6

    ***Watercoolers, Wingin' It Wednesday*****

    RE: Eoin Report About the butt.... We all know I have a tendency towards high heels. So, naturally, I tend to stick my butt out. Well, that's what I was doing in Downward Dog. Hey, why do you think Phil goes to yoga with me.}( ;) Anyhow, stand like you're a proud person with your chest...
  12. 6

    ***Watercoolers, Wingin' It Wednesday*****

    Eoin Report First, you should check out and download Eoin's interview since he discusses his thoughts about the yoga alignment workshop. It gave me a better perspective about it as well. I wished I had found it before the workshop. Secondly, I know I will forget and miss parts...
  13. 6

    ***Watercoolers, Wingin' It Wednesday*****

    Hi Ladies!!! Did the warm-up and first combo to BM2 done before doing Shoulder ^^. Watched Flipping Out on Bravo last night. OMW!!! Jeff totally cracks me up!!! I love that show!!! I totally get how OCD, self-centered, he is. Okay, maybe not so much the OCD. :7 :+ OH! Jeanette and...
  14. 6

    *****Watercoolers, Tranquil Tuesday******

    I had to rush over here to tell you about my latest stumble!!! I was googling SuperFlow Yoga because Eoin had mentioned that I should try it when I found his wife's blog. On there was a link to Yoga Peeps. It's a free podcast. Well, one of the recent interviews was with TONY HORTON!!!! I...
  15. 6

    *****Watercoolers, Tranquil Tuesday******

    Hello Ladies!!! LOVE it seeing Traci post as she flies by cackling!!!:7 ;) :* :* Somehow, perhaps due to the thunder and lightening, part of last night's post didn't post. Here's a brief recap of the missing post... The road to Lane Bryant is paved with good intentions. (No offense to...
  16. 6

    *****Watercoolers***** Manic Monday!

    Bad News: I had to use dh's toothbrush to brush my teeth today.x( Good News: The girls like the new homeschooling curriculum for summer. Bad News: I never checked my voice mail messages on my cell phone from the weekend. Good News: My eldest ds called with Good News!!!! He's coming home...
  17. 6

    *****Watercoolers***** Manic Monday!

    Good Afternoon Coolers! I finally got home after 3:00 in the morning. Long story. And, the airline put my suitcase on another flight. I was not about to sit at the airport for another hour or more until my suitcase arrived. So, they are going to deliver my belongings to me sometime today. Not...
  18. 6

    **** Watercoolers Sat & Sun in Eoin Land ****

    Hi Ladies! I'm still in the airport. My flight was delayed till 10:30. That's okay, I've got David and Mike to keep me company.:D Eoin was great this weekend!!!! I'll chat more tomorrow. Hope all is going well with everyone! Jeanette, I'm so glad you were able to spend time with your...
  19. 6

    **** Watercoolers Sat & Sun in Eoin Land ****

    Morning All It's Patricia here. I've actually disposed of Wendy and now going to sneak up on Debra and CBL. Just kidding. Wendy is safe and sound but I don't know about Eoin.:P :P We had such a good time last night. The workshop was great and I think Wendy was over the moon. Eoin was...
  20. 6

    ^^^Watercooler Fast Friday^^^

    Good Morning Laurie and All. I'm sitting in the airport about to take a nap. My flight doesn't take off for a couple more hours. There wasn't any traffic to speak of. D@MN!!!! An ANNOYING family with a spoiled three year old just sat behind me!!! Off to look for a brat-free zone!!! Wendy