*** Watercoolers Wet Thursday ****


Morning All

DS is having trouble getting up this morning so will try to let him sleep in for as long as possible. So have some free time.

Jeanette - I sure would love to send this rain out to you. It seems for every nice sunny day we get lately we get 3-4 days of rain rain rain.}( Glad to see you got your golf game in and your swing is improving. I've had lousy success at the plate lately and don't think there are any batting cages to go and practice. Will persevere.

Kim - I know what you mean about leaving a game early. I used to go to a lot of the Blue Jay games and always left around the 7-8th inning just to get home at a decent hour. Never fails when you leave early that's when your team turns things around. Good for you for getting up so early in the a.m. Not for me though. Do you kids know how much $$ you just spent to "entertain" them. Do we all love to watch men at work.:p :p

Okay, better see if I can get Matthew up. I think he is still a bit under the weather as he has had a cough all week. :( :(
Patricia, your post looks lonely on here. Thought I'd keep you company this morning. Poor little Matthew, always felt bad when the kiddos were not feeling well. I remember my DD getting chicken pox when she was about 7 years old. She covered up those arms and legs with long sleeves and hibernated in her room for the duration. Bet you get out of your hitting slump soon. Just 2 weeks ago I was so frustrated with my golf swing. I'm fairly athletic, why can't I hit this ball? Well, 2 weeks later, my swing probably still looks like a sagging gate, but I'm finally hitting the ball with a nice connection. I'm sure slumps are ahead for me too. I'll enjoy this nice little honeymoon for now.

Today was a timesaver superset premix (31 minutes) from GS Chest & Triceps, then followed up with the supermans (or is it supermen) and planks from Slow & Heavy. Really, really fun and nice variety on the superset. I'd never done it this way before. My arms and chest muscles were a'trembling. The nice thing about this is she does the pushups from 6 reps on down. Of course, I did them on my knees.

Tonite is a short game golf lesson after work. I'll come home right afterwards (without playing) and get those lawns mowed. Saturday, we will be woodcutting in the morning, then a nice dinner out with 4 other couples at a nearby lake. Hope more of the smoke is gone so we can see the lake. Not so smoky this morning, thank goodness. Sunday will be a trip to Reno to go to Costco and then to look at pavers for the patio area. Need to start that list for the camping trip next week.


Good Morning Ladies,

I've got a moment before I have to get ready and leave for art class.

I'm going to try to go to a yoga class at a new studio today. I've decided to stop going to the power heated yoga class at my regular place. After going to the workshop, I realize I need more attention to form, and teachers who place more focus on teaching correct form. They cue things like Pinch your shoulder blades as hard as you can!!! They concentrate on power without regard to safety or concentrating on the flow and balance.

If Sandra is lurking, I have to wonder if Eoin was really in Bryan Kest's dvd! While I was listening to his interview on yogapeeps, he mentions that Bryan and him are great friends. Too bad I forgot to ask him.

Tracy: Oh! I agree!!! I truly believe the reason why I injured myself was through power heated yoga!!! And, the reason why I can't heal fast enough is because of my form!!! I've got a lot of work rewiring my body to move in new ways. Eoin thinks Shiva is good. I will definitely have to revisit her dvd. After the workshop, I told him that I understand Shiva more! He showed us what she meant by having the power shoot back up through the body when he discussed the power of arches.... I'll try to explain more about it later. Great results thus far with the X+ rotation!!! I have some educational questions that I thought you might be able to help me with... I'll send you an email later today if you don't mind.

Jeanette: Have a great golf lesson!!! Sounds like Fitness Freaks Lower Body rotation is good. I'll have to mosey on over and check it out. What? The lawns still need mowed? So do ours. I'm wondering if eldest ds will do it when he gets home? It'll keep him off the streets. LOL He still needs to tell me when to pick him up at the airport!!! Knowing him, he'll call me on his connecting flight!x( If you find your camping list, you might want to save it on your computer. My neighbor does that for her vacation list. She copies me a list every year.:D Yes, I was self conscious during Friday night's class with my armpit exposed. But, the rest of the classes were almost half the size and very relaxing.

Patricia: Hope ds woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed for you! Hopefully, his cough will clear up with the warmer weather. I have a dd just like me in the A.M. She lets out a long whine saying how tired she is. Made me want to smother her with kisses when she was your ds' age. Now, I'm like yeah, me too! Does that make me a bad mother? ;-) Love watching dh work!!! In fact, I get out my general contractor's hat and sit in a chair while I micro manage his every move. Gets on his last nerve!!!

Debra: That sucks about CBL's car computer!!! Did the mechanic provide him with a loaner car for the hassle? Oh dear. VBS. Kids love it. But, I don't. Doesn't make me a Baby though!:p :+

Kim: Oh! I'm Totally Bad Luck!!! I know exactly what you mean. Same thing happened when we left the Michigan/ Penn State game early. We watched the play of the year from the bar. Hey, anything for the team. ;-) What type of driveway do you have? We need to pave ours. But, dh is thinking of changing it over to brick or stone to prevent the neighborhood boys from skateboarding down it.

Okay, gotta get ready and head out.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Morning Coolers,

Today I spent a little time with Eion by doing PY4H Quickie, and then followed that up with Abs/Core Plus. I had the plus on tap for tomorrow, but thought I'd get it in today because I plan on a 6m run for tomorrow. :D

Had a great time with my GF's last night, but one friend doesn't want to participate in our get togethers anymore. Nobody knows what is going on, but she has been on anti-depressants. DH said that her husband finally made her depressed. :( Hope that is not the case, she was always the one with a smile on her face. :(

Patricia, Yup, I think I have consumed my fill of light beer for this month. :7 :7 We girls have to find a new place to hang though, because they changed their appetizers or didn't have the ones we liked. x( Oh you would love banana's. :D For a banana you lay on your back feet and arms extended (almost like superman on your back). Tony uses the banana in different ways for the abs/core+ workout. He will have you in banana and then make you do mason twists then back to banana. A mason twist is similar to the last ab exercise in Bootcamp. Except you don't use the med ball, go faster and your feet are off the floor. }( I would think that you would be able to do the plus workouts. I think the hardest parts are the push-ups and all the bar work. Kenpo and Interval are doable, you would have to figure out something for the recovery weeks. Because Tony uses the P90 workouts for those.

Jeanette, Yippee on having a not to full in basket! :D I always like it when the boss isn't here when I get to work. I feel like I always get more done. :D Oh yes those DC M&M's are wonderful. :9 I really really like the ones with peanuts. :9 (So I've heard also :9 ) Have you seen the OD thread about the smoke in CA. Yep you bet there is a thread just devoted to your air quality! ;-) After reading some of those posts you shouldn't be breathing in at all!!! :D

Wendy, Thanks for the form pointers, I tried my best this morning to have proper form. I think it might have helped me a little. At least it was in my brain while I was in down dog. :D I have to call our cable company because when I go to Barvo it says that it is not available. WTH is with that! I couldn't watch the first episode of Shear Genius last night! Bye the way I don't suffer from BBS! :7 :7 :7

Debra, Your summer days are so filled up, and they sound so fun. Makes me want to stay home for the summer too! :D

Tracy, Thanks for the info on the recovery week. It will be interesting to see how I do with the P90X workouts at that point. :D

Kim, I'm one that stays at games until the bitter end. Unless of course I have to get home before the game ends. :D Hey you where up with me working out this morning. :D

Have a great day!

Shuuush!!! Where is everyone today??? I hope all is well! Let's see....I'm still trying to catch up on laundry...UGH. I took DD and one of her friends to the pool today...and I am about pooled out for the week. And for the big shocker..I finally worked out today...WooHoo!!!!!! I did 4DS KB (no legs) and added on CTX chest, back and abs. My knee (from the fall) is almost healed, but my left hamstring/glute is still giving me lots of problems. I am not sure how long I need to take it easy before I see someone about it. I haven't done any leg work except for yoga for over 3 weeks and it's still not right. On the positive side, I used a lot of the things I learned in Eoin's workshop in my workout today...the same principles he talked about can be applied to all exercising. I focused on keeping my hips even and the 'tree hugger' pose that Wendy was talking about in my upper body. Good stuff!

Gotta run and eat some dinner...back in a few for some much neglected personals!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Had a lovely Kashi frozen pizza for dinner...now time for personals!

Sorry that DS isn't feeling his best. It is so tough when your little ones are under the weather. Yuck-o on the excessive rain! We need a lot of rain down here, though. Wish we could get some of yours. CBL has a king size bed...It is always nice when I get to stay at his place...we get to snuggle for a while, then sleep basically alone...LOL! DD's VBS was just for 3 hours in the evening....but then she ended up spending the night with her friend that she went with. If I were you, I would get the X before X+....I think you really need to get Tony's style with the X first...JMO.

So nice to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi there! It seems like forever since we have chatted! I am sure your golf swing is improving with every time you practice. Sounds like you had a nice workout this morning. It has been so long since I lifted that I struggled a lot today...but I am feeling pretty lean right now...so I'll take it! I know you will have a great time at the lake this weekend with your friends. You have been looking forward to it for a while now. Where are you guys going camping next week? I am sure I missed that somewhere along the way. I am sure your Grandma would have been happy with the way you all honored her memory this past weekend. And I am sure it was good to have the family together. Darn lawn mowing fairies! Where are they when you really need them?!?

I am glad to hear that you are going to a new yoga studio that focuses on alignment and form. I really got so much out of my time with the local place I went...at first I thought it was so slow...but then I realized that I got better at my poses by going slow. And of course, Eoin helped us with that this past weekend. I'm telling you, you NEED Pure and simple! Gosh, it is taking me a while to get back into the swing of things at the house. Ugh. I do much better when DD is at school so that I have to get up at a certain time...I don't know how you stay focused with homeschooling the girls! I would probably sleep until noon every day! CBL did get a loaner for the day. Which of course, he should have! VBS...I know! DD had a great time...but as you know, it is not my favorite thing either. I had to LOL about your having to stick your butt out!!! You crack me up sista!

So glad you got some time with Eoin this morning! How are things going with DD's 'boyfriend'??? I think about you when I am at the pool watching all of the teenage girls and their boyfriends flirt and play....UGH! Good you got some girlfriend time last night. I hope everything is okay with your friend...she must be going through some tough times. I am really lucky to be able to be at home this summer...It will probably be my last one for a while. I tell you what, though...I saw a few ladies today in bikinis that had NO business in one...LOL! WTH are they thinking?? Oh, well...who am I to judge...They probably think the same thing about me. DD is having a blast going to the pool and hanging out with her friends. She is already getting so grown up. Little boys are hanging around. What's up with that?? Good that volley ball is going well...How are your knees handling it??

Good for you with being able to keep up with a rotation! I am certainly not that dedicated. Nice to go to a baseball game...They are always such fun in person...not nearly as boring as they seem on TV...LOL!

Well...I think that catches me up for now...Hope everyone is having a great evening. I will see you all in the morning!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi ladies,
Just a quick one before heading to bed. My golf lesson didn't happen as the instructor was sick. He didn't call to tell me. I won't put up with that many more times. I hit some balls, practiced putting and then went home.

Wendy, how was yoga at the new place? Sounds like you got a lot out of the workshop. I have a girlfriend that called me the other day and wants to get a group together to do yoga DVD's. I told her that I'm interested. We'll see if we can figure out a time to do it. That may be the only way that I can stick to it. This lazy girl didn't get the lawns mowed again today as DH was busy watering. Tomorrow, after some cycling. You're right, I need to type up a list and save it on the computer for the camping. Re: my lesson today, obviously, I'm no Tiger Woods, but I do deserve to be contacted if the instructor can't be there. Humph! I was disappointed, but I'm over it. The manager came out to the driving range where I was to tell me about the instructor's sickness, then asked to see me hit the ball. All he said was, "Well, you're athletic". Try slowing down your swing". DH did comment on my arms again today. I think he's feeling Friske....

Laurie, sorry about your friend not feeling chipper. Hope she can snap out of it. So they have dc peanut M&M's too? Hmmmmm. Our air was better today. Hope it's okay tomorrow as I want to hop on my bike tomorrow after work. Glad you are getting to go out with your friends for a brewskie. I'm looking forward to dinner with mine this Saturday night. Now, if the smoke will go away for a while. I have BBS (big butt syndrome).

Debra, whatever happened to your hamstring? Was it injured when you fell with Polly? I loved lifting this morning. I was trembling on those bench presses and flies. Love that feeling. Heard that there is a forest fire somewhat near to the area we were planning on camping. We may have to change locations and head further north. Think there may be some more thunder and lightning in the future, hopefully with moisture. There are just not enough resources right now to fight these fires. Unless they are threatening homes, they are letting them go. The memorial for Grandma was good. So good to see everyone. I enjoyed time with my sister.

Well ladies, must run. Seems a little skimpy around this watercooler. Hoping STS isn't too far off. My guess is September.

Night, night.


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