*****Watercoolers***** Manic Monday!

Morning Coolers,

Today I have started my day with a 2m run with Cami, and Kenpo Plus. I didn't get in a single workout this weekend. x(

Friday we had a great time at the truck race, and the racers put on a great show. On Saturday I was waiting for the UPS man to show up with some trim, and then I drove the trim down to the sewing party. We have a group of people sewing outfits for some of our people. Well I decided that they needed help, so I stayed and put together parts until it was time to leave for the Saturday race. Again we saw some great racing. Sunday was our rehearsal, which we had to endure on and off showers all day long. Was fast asleep in bed by 10:30 last night. :D

Our dog sitter worked out great, because Cami was calm and happy when we got home. I think this critter sitter thing will work out just great. :D

Wendy, So that bd present from Phil sounds like it was a great thing for him to give you. :D So now I have to ask, how where all the yoga classes? Where they as good as the heated yoga?

Debra, Glad you and CBL are enjoying your vacation. Is CBL going to be a yoga convert yet, since this has been partially a yoga weekend? :D

Patricia, Sounds like you had a great time too, and from what you described, I'm like Jeanette not surprised at all. So you are an Eion convert now too. :D Is he funny? That was my number one question, because he inserted that little dog in when it came to down dog. I figured that he had to have a sense of humor! :7 So Matthew is about ready to chat your ear off, OH! Watch out, now he probably will not stop! :7 :7

Kim, I don't know if my DD's have watch Camp Rock yet. But it has those cute brothers in it. I'm sure they will watch it 100 times. :D If we where not so busy I'm sure our basement would be getting the fix up like yours is. One of these days it will get done. :D Sounds like your Disney Crusie is going to be a good one, those are nice because the children are occupied all day long. :D

Jeanette, Glad to hear that your GM's memorial went so well. I'm sure it was hard on your DM, but it sounds like she has some great memories of her. How did the 4-wheeler ride go?

After work I am adjusting a flower girl dress for my niece, and then I would like to get in Upper Plus and Abs/Core Plus. Almost feel like starting my 2nd week of the Plus over again. :D

Have a great day!

Morning Everyone:

Well, it's Monday and everything back to normal again at least this week.:p DH has to go back down to T.O. for an all meeting tomorrow so he'll go later this afternoon and stay overnight so just DS and me tonight and tomorrow. I'm suppose to play BB tomorrow but with all the rain we've had the fields have been closed and we're expecting more rain tonight. If we don't play tomorrow it'll save me looking for a babysitter.

I think I'll do Gin Millers Simply step tonight. I just got it in a trade.

I lucked out this weekend and bought Slim n 6 on DVD at a used dvd store for only $15. I have them all on VHS but couldn't pass this up.;-)

Laurie - sounds like you got the same wet weather as us.}( I definetly would say Eion is funny. You can tell he looks for the sense of humour in everything and is a genuine caring person w/o being "out there" the way some yogis or back to nature type people can be. He is not a vegetarian I don't think either. Better you then me for sewing. I don't do anything that requires a needle & thread:p :p

Okay BBL.
Good Afternoon Coolers!

I finally got home after 3:00 in the morning. Long story. And, the airline put my suitcase on another flight. I was not about to sit at the airport for another hour or more until my suitcase arrived. So, they are going to deliver my belongings to me sometime today. Not a big deal in the whole scheme of life. I met a few interesting, FUNNY people while waiting for my flight and on my flight. It's all good.

I really need to get back into doing some rotation. I feel flabby. I will probably do PY4H2 today and try to implement all that I've learned over the weekend on alignment. I've got to retrain my body to do the poses differently with better alignment. Easier said than done!!!!

I will get to my yoga seminar thoughts after I finish with personals.

Laurie: What's your thoughts on Kenpo+? How long are the + workouts? I can imagine there are tons of preparations to do before the faire starts another season. I have to hand it to you. It sounds like a huge commitment! Maybe that's why you're our Triple X Queen!:) Do you think the dog sitter is better for Cami than doggie daycare? Do you still do doggie daycare once in awhile for Cami? Wow! You're going to do two more workouts tonight?!?!?! I bow to you!!!!

Patricia: You got home fast! I read your post to Phil last night. Thanks, that was sweet of you to post! I'm glad I got to meet you too! For the record, I did not get these guys' whole life story. But, we did exchange emails and took pictures before boarding the plane.:7 I'm sure your ds and dh were happy to have you back home too! I agree with Laurie, once they start talking, sometimes they never shush up! :+ Did you see Fit Mom posted on the OD about potty training frustration. It's only a season. Don't fret. It will happen. Until it does, you both will become frustrated. Like the one reply said... soon they'll be in highschool. In life no one will ask him when were you potty trained. :7 ;)

Kim: I hear you about missing Cathe after doing an X rotation!!! Glad to hear you took a rest week. You deserve it. You're body will probably perform much better now!!! That's awesome that your dh is doing the + with you too. Yes, I know what you're saying about the outgrowing asthma comment. The doctor explained it like that to my ds. But, he has clinged to the idea that he's outgrown it. I just hope he listens to his body, seeks medical attention if needed, and keeps himself healthy. My neice has asthma and allergies. She could never have regular stuffed animals. So, she was into the beanie babies before they were popular. But, nothing was ever said about carpet. Dh took the girls to see Kung Fu Panda. They thought it was funny. I hope they don't hear of Camp Rock. They probably already have, they just haven't mentioned it to us... yet.

Jeanette: How fun to have a workout partner! Is your sister a lot like you? Do you have more than one step for your sister to use at the same time as you? How was the memorial? Were you able to focus on your grandmother and not let yourself "go there" in your mind about your aunt?

Debra: Have a safe, delay-free, luggage-lost-free flight home!!!! Will chat more with you later.

Summer homeschool books just arrived. :) Off to see what new ways I can torture the girls.}( :+ I'll be back soon with my Eoin comments and thoughts.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Hi ladies,
Glad everyone is back home safe and sound and a good time had by all. No workout for me this morning as it's my rest day. Saw my sister and her family off this morning. I just made a list of things I want to get done today, but of course the list has a couple fun things on them. Trouble is, I usually do those first, then don't have the ambition to do more LOL! I'm off for the nursery now to pick up some plants for the front yard.

I'll post tonite as I can concentrate on posting now that company is gone. With DH, I can type and have a glazed look in my eyes while he's trying to tell me something, but don't feel like I can do it while my sister's talking to me LOL! How that man puts up with me, I'll never know :7 .


Hi all! Just wanted to let you guys know we are hoe safe and sound. I could barely get DD to hug me hello!!! I have to pick up the pooch tomorrow, so everything should be back to normal then. I will be posting some pics on my picture trail this evening...so they should be on there in a couple of hours....Hope everyone is having a great Monday...I will be around some tomorrow to catch up with everyone...but I am pretty beat now, and need to just veg out for a bit.

Kisses to all!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Glad to see all the Coolers home safe and sound. Did Interval+ and Abs+ tonight for the first time. Kim
Good Evening Coolers:

Lets see I did the 1st 40 min. of Gin Millers Simply Step that I got in a trade along with Kathy Smith's Tummy Trimmers - ball w/o segment. I liked SS as it is very basic but then there goes the FUN factor. :-(

DH had to drive back down to T.O. this afternoon for a meeting tomorrow so just DS and me tonight. Hopefully he'll be home in time for my BB game tomorrow night. Kinda s**cks that he drove down there Sat., home Sun. then back down there Mon. and home Tues. At least this trip the company pays for it.:p

Glad to see Debra and Wendy that you got home safe and sound. How are your hamstrings? Mine are so tight tight tight. I find they are quite often after yoga.

Debra - loved the new meez.

Kim - you never said how you like Interval/Abs + since its your 1st time.
Bad News: I had to use dh's toothbrush to brush my teeth today.x(

Good News: The girls like the new homeschooling curriculum for summer.

Bad News: I never checked my voice mail messages on my cell phone from the weekend.

Good News: My eldest ds called with Good News!!!! He's coming home this Saturday for ~10 days!!!!!

Bad News: I could have enjoyed this Good News earlier had I checked my voice mail!!!

Good News: I'm slowly remembering bits and pieces from the yoga seminar.

Bad News: I still have to write them down before I forget.

Good News: Debra and Patricia can hopefully fill in anything I forget.

Good News: I can strike a mean Cathe Butt Pose!!!!}( <--- Debra's Picturetrail

Bad News: I forgot to take the tag off my Hammock Blissolgy shirt that I wore over my yoga shirt while striking a Cathe Butt pose.;-)

Jeanette: LOL about not getting away with the glazed eye look around your sister! Oooo Oooo!!! ::waving my hand in the air:: I know! I know! Pick Me!!!.... The Captain puts up with you because you are a beautiful woman!!! And, it saves him from actually having to listen to you chatter on and on while he's watching his movies.:eek: :7 ;) :+

Debra: I'm so glad you got home safe and sound!!! Loved seeing the pictures from Toronto. Did you take any more pictures from your adventures with CBL?

Kim: What are your thoughts so far about the X+ workouts?

Patricia: Will the field be dry enough for your game tomorrow night? My hammies are fine. My shoulders were sore yesterday, but are fine now. My glutes are a little sore. But, they always are when I do pigeon for long or without a good long warm-up.

Okay Ladies, I've gotta go calm down the Baby. She's freaking out underneath the computer desk, slobbering on my feet, and doing the hyperventilating panting because it's storming outside.

Sweet Dreams!!!
Hi coolers!
Hope everyone is resting up and ready to get back into the swing of things. I'll have one more day off from work. Plan on getting some golfing, biking, more planting, and a few errands and shopping done. I bought a bunch of perennials today and got them in one of my flower beds. Planted them tonite while it was shady and cooler. I also played 9 holes of golf this afternoon and did very well. Remember that breakthru I needed? I think I've gotten a bit of one and have been smacking the ball better. I took the dogs to the vet for their shots so that's done. We'll be going camping over the 4th and will be boarding our pups (a first for them and us, boohoo). DH went out for a load of wood after work today. I hear the woods will be closing this weekend to woodcutting until fall comes so he's taking advantage of his time off after work (he gets off at 3 p.m.).

Laurie, sorry you didn't get workouts in this weekend, but you are so well conditioned and in great shape that I'm sure it's no big thing. The memorial was good and my Mom talked a lot, think she needed too. The 4 wheeler ride was a lot of fun, though only a small group of the family went. Always love getting out there. We'll be trying out a kennel to board our pups. Our DD lives on the ranch that has the kennels so I'll have her check on the girls regularly.

Patricia, good score on the Slim In Six workouts! Send that rain our way! Northern California has many, many forest fires burning right now. The smoke is terrible at times, depending on the wind. I have a Gin Miller step interval workout that's pretty good. Need to pull that one out sometime soon.

Wendy, was the Eoin workshop everything you wanted it to be? I checked out Debra's picture trail and it looks like everyone is having a wonderful time and got "hands on" training too! How is your shoulder feeling? Did Eoin have any suggestions for it? I got to work out with my sister twice while she was here, Supersets and then a SJP circuit workout premix. My sister is shorter than I am, if you can believe it. She does the "8 Minutes In The Morning" workouts, but not consistently here lately and I think rarely does any cardio. She's put on some weight since I last saw her at Christmas. I'm sure the workouts we did together were a "shock" to her system. She's just someone that has never embraced the exercise thing. I keep encouraging her to find something that is "fun" for her. She's supposed to sign up for a tapdance class. Oh well, as long as she's happy in her skin, who am I to try to change her? I did mention functional fitness type of workouts (like Tracy Long). She has very poor endurance and really is not or has never been a strong person. Her bents have always been toward theatre and such. She did tell me that she's skipped her period this last month so she thinks that menopause is coming on for her. She's a few months over 51 years old. I'm 49 (will be 50 in November) and still very regular on my periods. She's definitely put the weight on in her stomach area, which I hear is typical for menopausal women. Sigh. The memorial for Grandma was good. I didn't get into it with my Aunt at all. The pastor was there to ask questions like "What are some sayings that your Grandmother was known for"? "Did she have a sense of humor"? I spoke up about asking Grandma if her latest Nora Roberts book was steamy enough, and her answer that it wasn't. The memorial/family get together was just right. Thanks for asking. So sorry about the luggage problems. Hope all is well now. You girls all look so beautiful and healthy in the pictures. Eoin looked different than I remember from PYFH. Maybe I should pull it out and do it sometime soon. I'm soooo bad. OMG!!! I just read that your DS is coming home for a visit!!! That is so exciting!!! Bet he will love being home and some of Mom's home cooking. None of that tofu and hemp powder though for him, I've got a feeling. Thanks for the nice words as to why DH puts up with me. Hmmmm, I'll have to tell him what you said. He might chuckle. If the woods closes soon, I'll get out my whip and have him start the patio project. He said he would prep the ground if I lay the pavers. Deal. Speaking of dogs freaking out, the vet had me hand Tillie to him so he could weigh her and she freaked out big time, peed all over the table and floor and released that nasty gland in her butthole. P.U.! She was okay after that, but guess we blind sided her. After that, I held her and he gave the shots and she was just fine. She's always been such a suspicious little dog, unlike Lexxie who never met a stranger. Hope Baby settled down okay.

Debra, thanks for posting the pictures so quickly. You know we love living vicariously thru you girls. Sounds like your little vacation with CBL was a hit too. Give Julia, Polly and the Tick a hug for me. Is the headache vamoose? Were your bruises and scrapes all healed for the workshop? Hope they didn't interfere with any of those exotic moves you were doing.

Must get to bed as it's almost 11:30 p.m. Will be up with DH in the morning, then back on the couch for a little shuteye before working out. I could definitely get used to this life of no work. Will be a bummer to go back on Wednesday.


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