^^^Watercooler Fast Friday^^^

Good Morning Laurie and All. I'm sitting in the airport about to take a nap. My flight doesn't take off for a couple more hours. There wasn't any traffic to speak of.

D@MN!!!! An ANNOYING family with a spoiled three year old just sat behind me!!!

Off to look for a brat-free zone!!!

Morning Coolers,

Today I have not done a workout, and probably will not get one in. We are going to the truck race tonight, just hoping that the rain holds off for this.

Really busy weekend for us with the two races and faire. Just looked at all I have to do and I think I just might go crazy! :D

Wendy, Hope you where able to find a quiet spot during your wait. :D I have put the foot down about dating. I have restricted DD's to 16 for dating one on one. She can go on a group date once school starts, and I will allow her to go to the Homecoming dance with this boy. Otherwise I feel that she will rebel to much, and that won't be a good thing either. If this boy really likes her, he will wait. :) He will also be getting a talk from DH and I before he is allowed to take our DD out. }( Yes we are evil parents, but dang it these girls are precious to us. ;-) I don't blame you for not wanting to run, I always think that you have to enjoy the workouts you do. :D Have a great time with Eion! Don't put those cold hands on him!

Patricia, Yep the truck series is the same one you saw in Michigan. It is always fun to watch these races, because the track is only a 1/2 mile. Will watch for the #99. We are only about a 2-1/2 hour ride to Green Bay. And yes we are cheeseheads. :D I really love my Packers, and am still crying buckets because Brett Farve retired. ;( Thanks for the info on the steamer, will have to check that option out. Have a great time in TO this weekend, and have fun meeting Eion, Wendy and Debra too. :D

Lea, Hello, and glad you could pop in.

Debra, So where did you go to eat last night, and have you checked out that Spa yet? :7 :7

Jeanette, Hope all is well with you, and that your weekend is a good one with the family. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you remember the wonderful life of your Grandmother.

Kim, Is your day another busy one? :D

Have a great day!

Good morning all! Hope everyone is having a fun week...and that you guys have a great weekend planned. We are having loads of fun here! We went to a very cool shopping district yesterday with lots of funky little boutiques....CBL wanted me to buy a t-shirt...which he didn't realize was basically saying that I am a lesbian...LOL! I thought he got it, but when I explained it to him later...it was obvious he didn't...LOL! Welcome to Gay Pride Week! I wore it out last night. Anyhoo....we went to a great steak house last night, and then to a few clubs afterwards...One of which is called Tattoo and you can get tattoos there while you listen to heavy metal music! Who knew?!?! Anyway...looking forward to seeing Wendy and Patricia today....And Eoin tonight!!!

Just a couple of personals...

I promise to keep you and DH in my prayers as you enter this new stage in DD's life! A BF??? WTH?? Hope you DH is handling this okay...LOL! I know how those Friske women are!

Thinking of you and your family...I know your Grandma would love to know how you are celebrating her life. Kisses to you all.

Wendy and Patrcia....
See you soon!! Wendy....move away from the children! They will only give you diseases and disrupt your sleep!

Okay...off for now...Have a great day all...


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi all...Just wanted to let you all know that Wendy and Patricia are here safe in Toronto!! Wendy and I were already told to hush while we were in the spa....LOL!

back later to say good night!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

I'm here. I did read everyone's post last night but dd was hanging on the chair singing so decided not to try and post:p I'm really enjoy a rest week, and getting in some relaxation time. I haven't worked out since Monday!! (very unusual for me). I did go help with the Grade 2 field trip today, they went to a park for a picnic. One more week of school!

Jeanette Hope you're enjoying your family time. Hopefully your mom's sister doesn't get anyone too upset. It feels so good to have the asthma under control, I just upped my usual meds and rested alot. I think it was a combination of a cold (I had a head cold while we were away), being overtired and the race.

My friend injured an inner thigh muscle about 2 weeks before the marathon, she took the two weeks off and went to physio but she is very stubborn and decided to run. She was aiming for a 4:10 which is her Boston qualifying time (she's 53) and got 5:30 instead. She ended up walking the last 3 miles. She came to work Tuesday using her golf club as a cane and then we found her a cane at the hospital. She has us fetching her coffee and stuff. ;) Silly girl, she shouldn't have run.

Wendy Have a great holiday!!! Glad that you got such a nice massage to get you ready for the trip! A respiratory therapist once told me that kids's never outgrow asthma, but when they hit their growth spurt, their ribcages expand and they manage it better and so people think that they have "outgrown" it.

Debra- Glad that you're enjoying TO!!

Laurie Oh goodness on the boyfriend! How old is your dd, 14?? Wow, busy weekend for you. Hope you have enough breathing space to enjoy some of it. We have a fairly quiet weekend and I'm looking forward to it!

Gotta go, the kiddos are home from school!

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