####Watercoolers, Finally Friday#####


Hi girls,
Today was the warmup and odd intervals of Lowmax (4 of them) and on 2 risers for me. Always makes me sweat. May do a bike workout after work today. Less smoky out this morning. Hope it stays that way.


Good morning all! Hope everyone is planning a fun weekend. I have no plans...which suits me just fine! CBL is coming over for dinner tonight...but that is about it. I have some boring things to do around the house today and I am planning on a little yoga to warm myself up and then tris, bis and shoulders from CTX.

Good morning dear! I am assuming that the forest fires are not endangering you guys in any way...just more of a PITA than anything else?? I would be pis*ed if my instructor didn't call to let me know he was going to be out sick! WTH?? Anyhoo...funny what the manager said, though! CBL mentioned my arms yesterday too...he called them my 'little guns'...LOL! Nice to get compliments from the guys. I am not quite sure how I hurt my hamstring...it was bothering me before I fell with the dog. I may have hurt it by going too deep in a yoga pose, or it may be from heavy lifting with my legs...don't really know...but I know what makes it ache now and what to avoid. Hope you have a wonderful ride to night and that the smoke eases a bit for you. I am sure those darn uncut lawns will be there for you this weekend, my grasshopper!

I think I caught up with everyone else last night...Hope everyone has a great day!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Okay...I had to come back and say to please keep me off OD...I may say some things that I shouldn't! There is a thread about a gal's 7 y/o looking up naughty pics on the internet...and I really have a lot to say about the topic...

#1 WTH are you doing letting your 7 y/o surf the net without any supervision??????????????

#2 She is lying when she says no one showed it to her!!

#3 She should only have certain sites she is allowed to go to...with the parents approval naturally.

#4 She had the birds and the bees talk 2 years ago???? At 5??? I just recently explained where babies really come from to my DD...and she thought it was 'gross.' Her first question was, "Why would anyone want to do that????" And this kid is looking up porn at 7???

Okay...off my rant right now...I needed to get that out without posting it on OD...You guys can certainly disagree without offending me, but I didn't feel like I could post on OD....IYKWIM!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Morning Coolers,

Today I got in a good 6m run. Will see what I can get in after work, would like to do a little stretching. The long run makes the legs feel a little tight. :D

DH is taking the girls to the dentist this morning, and he has the day off. Maybe we can do something with Dad tonight. I took the girls to Olive Gardens (because I had a gift card) after church last night. And that was a lot of fun! I think that we will make that a habit. Don't need to go to someplace expensive like OG again, but the going out to eat gave us a chance to talk. :D My youngest is so funny, and it doesn't come out enough. I was voted down from Panera, but they would like Noodles & Company next week. :9

Jeanette, Sorry to hear that the instructor was a no show. So you are athletic are you, gee I guess those arms didn't come by magic. :7 :7 Here is me hoping that the fires die down, so the air is good enough for you to ride that bike of yours. Wonder what they are going to do for the Olymipics this year. We have people going over to China all the time, and the pictures they bring back of the smog is unbelievable. You can hardly see people walking in front of you. Can you imagine running or biking in air like that! LOL about DH feeling Friske. :7 :7

Debra, Oh yes having no plans for the weekend sounds wonderful. :D This weekend is going to be another busy one for us. The "boyfriend" and DD are talking an texting all the time, but she has given up some hard earned money to pay for her share of the bill. I wouldn't give up my money for a boy, but then I'm not in the "like" stage. They want to go to the mall on Saturday with his mother. So I tell her that I need a few questions answered. What time, how long will they be their and what mall? She says that he is afraid of me know, and is afraid to touch DD. :7 :7 :7 Just what I was wanting. :7 :7 I told DD that he only has 4 toes on the pedistal, just hanging on. :7 So far the knees are doing ok, I'm trying to make sure I don't make any weird moves. :7

Have a great day!


I'm not going to disagree with you at all. Here I am putting fear in the heart of a new boyfriend. My youngest just had the boy/girl talk at school this year, and she is 11 years old. Why wouldn't they have blocks put on that type of thing.

Laurie, you are making me laugh this morning with the boyfriend talk! Olive Garden sounds wonderful! DH and I are going to Reno tomorrow to shop. I was just thinking how nice it would be to go to OG, but just remembered we are going to dinner with friends later tomorrow night.

Debra, I was concerned about the 7yo too. I heard about the birds and bees much, much, much later in life and I thought, "gross, my mom and dad wouldn't do that!". How naive I was.

Good Morning Ladies,

I've been on the phone with eldest ds's ex-gf. Eldest's train was late and he missed his flight. So, lots of rescheduling and rebooking. And, clueless gf is doing it for him!!!! So, it is going to probably cost him an arm and leg to get home. And, he wants me to deposit money into his American account because he tied his $ up in another account. It's a huge mess. Alls I know is he best pay me back!:p

sigh Whatcha gonna do.

I didn't get to the studio last night. I forgot that I had an appointment at the salon. So, I did a little Shiva and Eoin last night. I'll have to preview Shiva before I try it again. It's been forever since I used it.

I ended up going with a darker color and bangs and shorter layers around my face. Dd thought I looked so young when she saw me. Sweet. I have well water... hard water. So, I ordered a clarifying shampoo with a semi permanent color in it from the salon. It should help with this darn red color in my hair.

I plan on going to the new yoga studio sometime this weekend. I see that this studio also has a few Baron Baptiste instructors (got their cert from my old studio)... no thanks. The two instructors with awesome resumes (studied under Shiva and David Swenson) aren't on the schedule. I wonder if they're still teaching. Anyhow, there's one instructor who seems like she would be perfect for teaching proper alignment. So, I'll go to her class.

Jeanette: Oh! I hate being stood up!!! I always take it so personally until I find out what the excuse is. I don't blame you for not putting up with it for long. Maybe he didn't call cuz he assumed your track phone was in the out house.:eek: :7 :+ ;) :+ You know I'm teasing you!!! That sounds like fun doing yoga with a bunch of friends. Hey, if you wanna get that Ax Woman dvd produced in this lifetime, you've gotta include some A-X Yoga.:+ Say what? Captain's Friske? }( I'm appalled at the sheer manipulation!!! Watch out! Next thing, he'll be all over your stroke!:eek: }( :+

Debra: Did you see his website has form pointers on it too? I'll have to get Pure and Simple soon!!! I want to set up some mirrors to double check my form too. Until then, I'm going to go to a live class. I want slow until I get as good as you. :) Smart Cookie with integrating tree hugger into your strength workouts. The Bar Method does a tilted pelvis for upper body. But, she exaggerates the tilt.

Laurie: I'll have to read today's personals to see if you got your run in today. How do you measure your distance. Patricia was telling me that some people use a GPS device. I would have never guessed to do that. Maybe your friend is bi-polar and you only got to see the high part. Hopefully, these drugs will help her. OH! Get Thee Bravo!!! Flipping Out is over the top funny!!! I missed the first episode of Sheer Genius too. My stylist was dying to talk to me about it too.:7 Oh well, she's going to have to wait until I come back to get my roots done.

Hi Patricia and Kim! Hope all is going well with you both.

Posting this before I start on today's personals.

Ballistic Hugs to all
Jeanette: WTG with two risers!!! That's like a highstep for us petite ladies!!!:) I was wondering if you got any fires near your home. Hope all Californian's wet dreams come true!}( :+

Debra: Is the diva baptised yet?;-) What is this with all this arm talk? I guess it's not ALL about the butt! Someone needs to tell Phil.:7 I saw that OD post too. Sounds like this girl was curious. But, it had to planted into her mind from somewhere... maybe the school bus? Hey! That's where I first learned everything!!! We still have to talk to dds about the birds and the bees. I'm not looking forward to it either!!!!!!!!! I think we'll do a weekend away together to discuss it. There's a book/audio on this topic from a biblical viewpoint for mothers and daughters. So, we'll probably do that soon. The twins can wait for awhile. They're mentally not there yet.

Laurie: I love Panera too. Carb heaven!!!!:9 Why don't you pop in a little X Stretch tonight. Oooo! Better yet... have dh massage your legs for you. }( Dying here about you not being in the like phase!!!!!!! Does your dh know?!?!;)

Okay posting so I can start on the eoin report part two!

:* :* :*
Debra's post reminded me of when eldest dd was two years old. One morning, dd wakes up early and snuggles with me and Phil on the couch. <--- We were thinner back then. :) We had fallen asleep watching tv. Later that day, she starts dancing provocatively, flipping her long hair all around with the PBS (Proud Butt Syndrome) :eek:!!! WTF!!! I ask her what she is doing!!! She says, I'm doing the Cartner Dance. Then it hit me! She means to say the Partner Dance!!!!!!!!!:eek: Phil and I fell asleep on the couch with the tv on HBO.:eek: :eek: I shouldn't be allowed to be a mother!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eoin Report Part 2

I best post this before I forget more...

So, Saturday's session was at a rented facility since the studios were full with regularly scheduled classes. Debra slept in, Eoin was late... slept in too. And, apparently, everyone knew that we had gone out with him that night. So, they're asking me why he's late... Like it was my fault he didn't get enough sleep. Uncomfortable to say the least! Meanwhile, the owner is making phone calls trying to track him down. He finally arrives in the middle of one of her phone calls.

I forget if he started the class with circle time. I think he did. The purpose of this workshop was to discuss arches. He reviewed tree hugger pose for the people who didn't make it to Friday night's class.

Arches! Who knew we're like ancient Romans!!! We are!!!

The palm arch... He scanned his hand to show where the contacts points should be. LOL Basically, you want every tip of your fingers to make contact. I'm getting away from myself...

Our hands should make TWO arches.

The Primary Palm Arch:
The bottom corners of your palm to three points at the top of the palm (located at the bony part of the palm which lines up with the bottom of index finger, middle finger and pinky finger).

The Secondary Palm Arch:
The points on the top of the palm and bottom corners of the palm arch to every finger tip.

To check form, you want to be sure you create space under the knuckles.

He explained the physics behind arches. Arches redirect downward force and cause an upward force. The force comes down and goes back up into the cornerstone which would be our legs, arms and torso. Now Shiva makes sense!!!!!!!!! This is what she means about the force shooting out and coming back up. Listening to Shiva, I always felt like I needed someone to translate English into English for me:7 Eoin was always my Shiva Translator!!!!!

So, for the palm arch, there is another arch being formed... the pectoral arch. It's formed by the collarbones and shoulder blades. See a connection here!?!?! So, like an instrument being tuned. You can tune this arch by moving your thumbs.

So, hold your arm away from your body straight in front of you. Spread out your fingers. Push your thumb downwards. What muscle do you notice reacting? Yep, it's your triceps. In my notes, the palm activate the pecs. Play around with your palm arch force and you'll begin to get the picture of how it works.

Okay, you want even tension. Say you're in downward dog. Your pecs and bis are engaged, but you're triceps are flopping in the wind, checked out for the program. Fine tune them back into play! Press down on your thumbs to get that even tension in order to activate the triceps and get that thrust evenly distributed. You will also see that beautiful armpit arch. <--- I'm sure Patricia and Debra think my armpits are!!! :7

Next, he explained the top of the foot arch. The force should be directed to the bony heel and the ball of the foot. Likewise another arch spreads laterally (1st metatarsal base, and 5th metatarsal base). Just like the palm arch, the tips of the toes are the contact points for the secondary arch. So, you would have to bend the toes for more thrust.

Getting back to tension. Same with the arms. Sit down with your legs extended in front of you. Rotate your big toe in and your little to out. What part of the leg does it activate? The outer part of the leg below the knee. Pull the big toe towards your body. What part of the leg does it activate? The inner part of the calf. You want to create even tension. This will give you more stablilty for balancing poses!!!

More about tension... You do NOT want your yoga practice to be all about flexibilty. You want strength. He discussed yoga gurus who would do yoga for hours. Stand up and FALL down because there was no tension in their practice. Well, we want to be strong and safe. We want to protect our joints (knees). So, those of you with knee issues, pay attention to the arches in your feet and how to go about controling the tension in your legs.

The next arch he discussed was the dorsal arch. This is for poses where the top of your foot is on the ground. I have to practice my dorsal arch BIG TIME!!! I have great difficulty getting my toes to arch correctly here.

Dorsal Arch:

Even though your heel is not touching the floor, you still want to push out through the heel... Making sure it is pointing straight up and aligned. He used pigeon pose to help explain the dorsal arch. In this position, your big toe activates the groin. The heels activate the butt and hamstrings.

I'll post another report later on the Evenly Toned Front Arch and Shoulder Stand Arch.

Patricia and Debra, please help out explaining the dorsal arch since that one is difficult for me to do thus explain.

RE: Eoin Report Part 2

More on the palm arch and even tension. Move your whole hand to see what I'm talking about. Rotate your hand with the thumb moving away and then towards your body. You can see how this activates your muscles. So, with this in mind, you may, like me, need to rotate your elbows into proper alignment.

RE: Eoin Report Part 2

Getting back to the butt :p ...

So, to check for that rebound force. Do your arches with proper form in downward dog. Have someone push on your sit bones. The force should be strong enough that they cannot push you over. You will be solid as a rock!!!! This is what Patricia meant when she said Eoin had his hands all over my butt.:7 We had hands all over everyone's butt over the weekend!!!!!!!! Phil does not mind checking my form now!!!}( :+

RE: Eoin Report Part 2

Good Afternoon Coolers

Wow, we've been busy today chatting. I ended up going home sick yesterday around 4pm so just now getting around to checking in. Obviously did not w/o. I feel so much better today. A good nights sleep does wonders. I'm glad I'm feeling better b/c I have BB tonight at 9:45.

Lets see what everyone is chatting about.

Jeanette - good for you on using 2 risers. I never attempt that anymore unless I'm doing a 1/2hr Charlene Prickett w/o. S**cks that your instructor didn't call. Is this the 1st time he has done this? yes, you can have some of my rain. I can't imagine what you're breathing in. What are you planning on buying in Reno. DH asked me if I wanted to go to Costco tomorrow but I don't feel like it. He doesn't hear that from me too often. Yoga with the girls sounds like fun. My main office just announced they're doing Yoga at Lunch in our boardroom . I'm so jealous. There is no way we could do that here as there is no room for that + the place is way too dirty from the site dirt being tracked in.

Debra - isn't kinda nice not having any plans for the weekend. We've decided to stay home as the weather forecast is calling for more rain and the cottage isn't in any condition for taking a Toddler. DH won't go away for an entire weekend to work there anymore b/c he says he misses DS too much. Hmm, I think it's more he doesn't want to finish it the drywall anymore on his own which I can appreciate. Envious of all your pool time. The lake should be warm enough to go swimming now so expect to get into next weekend sometime. LOL about needing the school routine to get up in the a.m. When I was on mat leave if DS didn't get me up early then I stayed in bed as along as I could. I certainly didn't plan anything in the mornings that for sure. I just saw your post bout OD. I totally agree with you. Kids learn so much these days from t.v. I even think about what we have on in the background on t.v. when we're playing w/Matthew and wonder how much he takes in. I'm giving you permission if you want to go and post and I'll even defend you there if you get lambasted.

Laurie - sounds like a good run this a.m. Olive Garden - I used to love going there especially for their salad and garlic bread. I'm not sure if they're in Canada anymore though. So are you losing any sleep over this whole boyfriend thing yet? Is this about the time in your child's life that you don't sleep anymore? Its never easy when you hear of someone being depressed. My BF is a manic depressive and has been for around 8 years. She was my Maid of Honor but I was never sure if she would actually make it to the wedding and I swear sometimes with all the drugs they give she sounds stoned sometimes. She has good days and bad days though. We are slowly losing touch especially since I moved away. She just moved and hasn't given me her new phone number. I emailed her but no response yet.

Wendy - bummer on DS missing his flight. Is your family jinxed for travel or what. 1st your flight is delayed then they lose your luggage and now DS's train is delayed. Remind me not to travel with you or any of your family.:p I finally got into a hair salon too this week. Just a trim as I was trying out a new hairstylist. DH asked if I even got it cut? It is more layered though and "cleaned" up. Hope you get to the yoga studio this weekend. Sounds like you've done some good investigative work to find the right one and right instructor. Maybe you should hire on to a P.I. office LOL. Am I ever glad I didn't take notes since you've done such a good job here recounting it. What a good memory you have even with your note taking.

Ok -have to get back to work but will try to check back in later.
RE: Eoin Report Part 2

Last day of school today! The guidance counsellor called me this morning and said that the award presentation was in a few minutes and that she had meant to phone me as ds was getting an award. The carpet guy was supposed to come measure the basement and I couldn't reach him so I stuck a note on the door and ran to the school (just a block away). DS got a award for being the best "conflict resolution" person, LOL, they are kids trained to patrol the grounds at recess to help other kids work out their conflicts. He also got some athletic awards. The kids report cards were great except dd7 gym mark, LOL, she is so uninterested in sports she likes her music, books, dolls, crafts and hates anything physical.

I'm sticking to my schedule and got CS done today and YogaX yesterday. Heading out with a couple of friends for a 8 mile run tomorrow on my "rest" day. Keeping one friend company while she trains for the Minneapolis Marathon.

Okay, time to catch up on personals, it's amazing how fast I get behind.

Laurie Glad you got some girlfriend time, always so much fun. I sure hope everything is ok with your friend. The mom/dtr time at Olive Garden sounds very nice.

Wendy- I couldn't get Tony Horton's interview to work on the YogaPeeps website. I'm enjoying all the yoga information. You haven't mentioned how you like Toronto, did you get a chance to do any sightseeing?? Did ds make it into town? I use a Garmin which looks like a watch and it's a GPS to tell how far I've run. It can tell you way more info then anyone really needs to know. (eg your pace each mile, your slowest/fastest pace) You can put intervals in it, speed/time alerts, download routes (like having a map on your wrist) etc. It plugs into the computer and you get all your info stored in your computer. It costs about $300, DH bought me one for Christmas a couple of yrs ago.

Debra- Hope you have a nice relaxing weekend with no commitments. When does school start for you? I tried to give ds11 the birds and bees talk a few months ago, he wasn't slightly interested.

Patricia- Sorry, you were sick, did you catch what Matthew had? I think the + workouts would be a good stand alone workouts. Why not buy P90X though? Is Matthew feeling better? We still have Olive Garden here in Wpg, I like them but DH doesn't so we don't get there much. Boy, you guys are getting lots of rain. We're been mostly hot and sunny the last couple of weeks. Should be a nice Canada day weekend, I have Monday off so have a really long weekend. Going to head to my mom's cottage for a couple of nights hope to do some swimming, waterskiing.

Jeanette- Why is it that California always has so many forest fire problems? Is it due to dry/ hot weather? Just curious. I also wonder if the rates for respiratory diseases are higher in those areas. Glad that the smoke is getting lighter anyways.
I'm glad that you're enjoying your golfing this week. We got our gravel driveway, paved with asphalt. We had talked about doing it for years so glad that we finally went ahead. Sure will make snow shovelling so much easier. Schools go back after Labour Day week in Sept. I think Canadian schools mostly get July/Aug for holidays
while done in the USA you guys get June/July?
Doing Yoga with a group of friends sounds like an interesting idea. I do find doing yoga by myself rather boring.

Will check in tomorrow before we leave for the cottage. Will be gone until Monday night. Kim
RE: Eoin Report Part 2

Good Evening Ladies,

Ds got his flight fixed. He'll be home Sunday instead of Saturday. Sure can't wait to yell at him for sleeping in and missing his train. Oh, yeah, right. He says it was late. Um, yeah. Let him lie to my face! Oh, wait. I can't tell when my kids lie to my face... remember the 911 call!!!

Got a lot of errands done this afternoon. Phil got home from work early. We went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. No cheesecake for me. But, I had two tropical martinis.:9 Came home and took a nap. I'm such a Baby Lush when it comes to drinking!

Woke up and did Low Max Premix Combo 1-4 and part of Kest Energize. Got bored with him and did my own flow. Oh! What's the deal with the outer thigh raise blast being an easy one?!?! Should I be happy to take them when offered? That one is one of the harder blasts for me!!!!:-(

Tomorrow, I plan on going to a restorative/gentle flow yoga class. I think I've got downward dog with correct form instinctively down.

Oh! Another form check for the Palm Arch. Have someone try and pick up each finger while you're in downward dog. If your arches are correct, they won't be able to budge your fingers from the floor.

Patricia: Your game didn't start until 9:45?!?!?! Wow! That's a late game!!! What did you have yesterday? A stomach bug or cold? Not much PI work on my part. The teacher's bios are on the website. Yeah, my notes were non-existent. The booklet from the workshop jogged my memory.

Kim: Conflict Resolution... How sweet!!! He should be my translator!:7 :+ How do they grade gym class? When I was in school, gym grades were based on making sure you didn't forget your gym clothes! I truly like CS! I should pull that one off the shelves this week. 8 miles sounds like a lot of work! Talk about endurance!!! What's the furthest you've run at once? Did you right click on the Tony show? You can download it that way if doesn't play when you left click it. On my PC, I have to download shows. On my laptop, it will play without having to download. Don't ask me why? If I ever get into running, I'll have to check out a GPS set up like yours. Till then, I'll let you have all the fun!:)

Okay ladies, I'm off to shower and go back to bed.

Chat more over the weekend.

Sweet Dreams!
RE: Eoin Report Part 2

Got my Cardio Coach #5 on my bike in tonite. Great workout! Before that, DH and I went grocery shopping together. After the bike ride, I mowed the lawns, so that's finally done.

Debra, I was miffed about the instructor not showing. Those forest fires aren't endangering our community at all. Most of them are some distance from here, but the smoke travels. Today was much better smokewise. WTG on the "guns" compliment. I don't know why, but my arms are looking much leaner lately. The gut and lower body, that's something else. That sure is odd about the hamstring injury. Oh well, hope it heals up soon. I need to go to OD and see if you posted about the little girl.

Laurie, I've never heard of Noodles and Co. I'm assuming it's a pasta place? I think that's a great idea to take your DD's out to eat and chat. That is good that your DD's new friend is afraid of you. I know my DH had to face my grumpy old dad when he asked for my hand in marriage. They get along great, but think that was the effect Dad wanted to have on any potential suitors. LOL about 4 toes on the pedestal. I would never want to return to those high school days of dating, broken hearts, roller coaster stuff again.

Wendy, your hair sounds cute, cute. I'm ready for a change of some kind. I'll have it cut and weaved on the 10th of July. Can't wait as the stand in girl didn't cut it short enough and it's already way long. I think when I make my Ax Woman Yoga DVD, it'll include moves like stretching my arm to the bottom of the ice chest for a beer, centering myself with a mall and wedge, and ending up in shavasana on the couch. Oh yes, I received my MyChelle sampler today. I need to open the package before I go to bed so I can try it out tonite. Yesterday I ordered some golf polo tops. I think proper women's wear requires a collar on a top and I've been wearing tank tops. No one said anything at all as this golf course is a municipal one (not snooty tooty), but I think it's more proper. I also ordered a visor and some cute socks. I don't even mind pink anymore or feel self-conscious about my pink bag and clubs. I have a golf gift card to a shop in Reno so want to stop by there tomorrow to buy something. Hope your DS arrived safely. Sounded like a fiasco getting him home. I'll bet he's changed since you last saw him. No fires close to here right now, thank God. We had that big fire nearby that started on Labor Day last year. It was a bad, bad one. So devastating. My DD and SIL lost about 50 head of cattle in that fire. Just couldn't get them rescued, though they sure tried. What is Panera? Remember, I'm from the sticks. LOL about the Cartner Dance. What's this? No cheesecake at CF??? Blasphemy! Actually, I've never been to a CF. Probably a good thing we don't have one here. I'll have to google to see if there is one in Reno yet. Good going on Lowmax today. Both premixes didn't appeal to me so I just skipped every other one.

Patricia, the 2 risers makes a difference right at the start of a workout for me. Like my legs don't want to bend that far, but I soon get past that. Lowmax is about the only one that I use 2 risers for. Yep, this is the first time being stood up. I kind of thought he'd call me today, or rather hoped he would. If it doesn't work out with him, I'll find someone else. DH wants to buy some meat and fish from Costco. I think it'll be fun to go shopping, if we can get in there early. LOL about your DH missing your DS too much and the undone sheetrock work. Believe me, I've heard every excuse in the book. They closed down our forest due to the high fire danger so we can't woodcut this weekend. We have plenty we could work on instead. That's pretty neat about your main office doing yoga during lunch. Have you been doing yoga for a long time? Actually, a yoga video tape is what started me down the exercise DVD path about 5 years ago. Otherwise, I just bicycled and rode horses for exercise.

Kim, congrats on your DS's awards! Bet you are really proud of your kids. Our weather out here is so dry so when lightning hits, there is usually no rain with it and a fire starts. We have a lot of national forest land out here. I took a yoga class about 4-5 years ago and enjoyed it. I'm just not that motivated to do it by myself. Hope we can work out a time. Hope you have a fantastic time this weekend at the cottage. Waterskiing sounds really fun. Been a LONG time since I've done that. The new driveway sounds like it'll make things easier, plus looks nice. Kids are out of school around the first of June and then go back the end of August/first of Sept. Varies.

I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open right now. See you all in the morning. I think I have a Back, Biceps and Shoulders workout if I remember right.


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