***Watercoolers, Wingin' It Wednesday*****


Just starting us off. Back to work today. I'm not looking forward to seeing my in-basket.

Good Morning All:

Sorry I didn't get on yesterday - just a busy day as my in-basket was FULL.

I had BB last night and we won (just barely though). Stupid me, I thought we were playing at 7:15 so I show up and don't see anyone else arriving and start making phone calls. Well the game was at 8:30! So instead of going home, went and bought a smoothie and watched the 7:15 game.

Seems everyone is busy these days but thats a good thing I think. Will be short and hope to pop back in later today.
Good morning,
Today was a timesaver premix from GS Legs. Shooting for getting in a walk during my break at work and then golf in the evening. I told DH I'd get those lawns mowed too. We have a camping trip coming up so I told DH we'd sit down and write out a list of things to bring.

Patricia, woohoo on winning the BB game! Summertime baseball sounds nice.

Hi to everyone else,

Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was a 2m Run with Cami and Total Body Plus.

After work I am getting together with my girl friends for some gossip, drinking and eating. :eek: :9 :9 Should be a good time, since I have not seen them since Christmas. Last time we had a get together I was sick in bed.

We won 2 of 3 games in vb last night, and I though for sure we where going to lose every game. These kids where all in there 20's, and some could really play well. It was the few that didn't play well that killed them though. :7 :7 The 2nd game the score was 27-26, so you know how close that one was. Stayed and had some beer with our team, and didn't get home until 10pm. But it was fun to chat, since the evening was very nice.

Jeanette, You might consider the Plus workouts! :eek: Tony has incorporated the banana in one of the exercises. :7 :7 But the way he does it in this one seems to be easier, so I don't mind doing it as much! :7 I have been doing the speedwork on my own, doing it the way Runners World says. They have this cool feature on their web page called Smart Coach. Plug in the numbers, and it gives you a training log. You can change it to fit how you need it. It seems to be working well with this plus rotation. In there they describe speedwork, so for example I did 5 miles yesterday. I did a warm up for 1.5m then did 3x800 at a faster pace then did a 400 inbetween each 800. All the while I am doing this I watch the news. Have to keep up on what is happening in the world. :7 :7 I have not been able to do an unassisted pull-up or chin-up yet, but one of these days it will happen. Maybe when I am doing STS! :D Have fun with your golf today, and so sorry that you have to go to work. But then you are only there for 3 days. ;-)

Patricia, WTG on the win in bb. I am always afraid that I will miss our games, and I only live about 4 miles from the courts. :D At least you had a chance to relax before the game. :D Hope your day at work isn't to hectic! ;-) Did your DH make it back safe from TO?

Debra, Oh my what happened to CBL's car? We need to have much warmer weather for us to enjoy going to the lake/pool. We are having some cooler weather here lately. x(

Wendy, Good idea about holding off on the Plus until your shoulder heals. I don't have shoulder problems, but I do feel it at the end of the Upper Body workout. I wouldn't have been able to hold off on the Krispy Kreme's either. I got my hands on some dark chocolate yesterday. :9 No we probably wouldn't say a perminent bye bye to faire, but I think we would go to part time. The amount of time DH spends getting prepaired for this thing is like a full time job. :) It is easier on him now that his job changed though. Oh yes Cami LOVES our bed. DH said that yesterday she was laying on her back with her feet in the air, and her head hanging off the side of the bed. :7 :7 :7 Do you think that she is comfortable with our family? :7

Kim, Have your children just finished school? I noticed that you where wrapping presents for their teachers. I feel the same about the plus workouts. You do feel that you have gotten your body worked. I'm betting that the Upper Plus workout will give you a bit of soreness. I think he really works the shoulders and triceps.

Have a great day everyone,

Hi Ladies!!!

Did the warm-up and first combo to BM2 done before doing Shoulder ^^.

Watched Flipping Out on Bravo last night. OMW!!! Jeff totally cracks me up!!! I love that show!!! I totally get how OCD, self-centered, he is. Okay, maybe not so much the OCD. :7 :+

OH! Jeanette and Patricia!!! It's back to the grindstone today. No more playing all day for you ladies!:-(

Jeanette: LOL You just go on telling him!!! Ohhh, I will have to check out the timesaver premix today. That sounds like a plan! The walking should help keep the DOMS away. Do you get DOMS from GS legs?

Patricia: What a PITA to have to call the sitter!!! I always feel uncomfortable asking the sitter to stay longer than expected. Normally, they couldn't care. But, I just hate doing it!!!

Laurie: What! You have real life drinking buddies!:D ;) Have a great time!!! Have a drink for me!!! There you guys go again slamming the 20 yr olds! Well, someones got to do it.:+

Kim: Hope your day goes smoothly. Yeah, we homeschool over the summer. Usually, I start on next year's curriculum so we can take more days off during the school year. Well, last summer we didn't due to my FIL's illness. Add to that the Thailand trips and we didn't reach the goals I felt they could reach. So, this summer will be a summer school of spelling, reading, vocabulary and math. Instead of doing most of it with real books from the library, they're using workbooks. It's faster and sequential which means it's less work for me to plan. They will also read real books, just for enjoyment, not to pull vocabulary and spelling lists. Also, the twins really need the additional work to solidify math concepts. It takes them about an hour to an hour and a half to complete each day. So, it's not a big deal. It keeps them away from junk tv.

Debra: How's the knee looking? See, Eoin still loved you despite your knee. He probably loved you even more because of it.:) Are you and CBL happy to get back into your separate bedrooms?}( :+

Eoin Report

First, you should check out YogaPeeps.com and download Eoin's interview since he discusses his thoughts about the yoga alignment workshop. It gave me a better perspective about it as well. I wished I had found it before the workshop.

Secondly, I know I will forget and miss parts. Here's what I remember off the top of my head. Patricia and Debra, feel free to correct me or add to this.

Friday night's class was only a block away from the hotel at one of the yoga studios. There were about 20 people at this class. Plenty of room to spread out and still be intimate. Eoin asked everyone to come up and gather around him. Of course, class started with everyone giving everyone hugs. Yes, he made me hugg Debra and Patricia and a bunch of strangers!!!:p :+

Then we broke off into smaller groups to discuss what is balance and how do you achieve it. Dang! After 3 hours of sleep, flying, walking, and a cosmo, I was in no mood for deep thinking. Or even trying to think biblically!!! Hmmm, come to think of it. Am I ever grounded enough to think?!?!:+ It was interesting to hear everyone's thoughts and answers.

After circle time, we went to our mats to for Downward Dogs. I asked Eoin what if we had shoulder injuries. (I have a hard time doing yoga when my body isn't warm.) He asked for clarification. I mentioned rotator cuff. And, he came over and helped me with my form which totally made a difference!!! First, he told me it wasn't about the butt. LOLOLOLOL

About a minute or two later, he stopped the class and had me come to his mat at the front of the room. He noticed a lot of people with the same form issues as me. So, he was going to use me as an example.:eek:

He asked me to show everyone how I typically did downward dog... with my shoulder blades pinching in the back, my shoulders pulling back with my chest, and my butt lifted into the air. Then had me do downward dog pose on my back... Think glass bottom boat. So, I'm on my back, my legs are in the air like in downward dog and my arms extended next to my ears. He had me lift my chest and head up while keeping my arms where they were. Right away, I could feel that pain in my shoulders. It felt just like my typical downward dog!!! He did this to show how my arms were way out of alignment. Next, he had me lay my chest and head back on the mat and bend my knees to touch the floor for the rest of the form pointers. Talk about an ab workout!!!

So, I'm on the floor with my knees bent, feet resting on the ground, and arms extended next to my ears when he directs everyone to look at my ARMPIT!!!! And, I can't remember when I last shaved!!!!! :eek: ;( Patricia assures me that my armpits weren't hairy!!!:+ You can tell alot about what's going on in people's bodies simply by looking at their armpit. So, he has me do the wrong pose again with everyone's attention on my armpit. Then he has me do move my hands back down towards the ground and rotate my elbows in. People could see how doing this engaged my chest and lat muscles. It also created a nice arch in my armpit. Who knew!:p

Next, he has me flip back over into a real downward dog pose. He directs them to my pinched bladed back. Once I round my back for a fuller look by engaging my chest and rotating my elbows inwards, you could see a difference in proper form. Also, it felt soooo much better. The pain in my shoulders vanished!!!!!!!!!!

He talked about yoga as having patterns. Once you learn a few basic patterns (poses), it's all the same pose only in different planes.

First: Tree Hugger Pose

Stand with your toes touching. Line up your Anterior Superior Illiac Spine. Basically it's your pelvic bone (the bony hooked part and top of pelvis). You do this by tilting your sit bones under. Next, is a neutral back. Ribs are centered not lifted. Back is not arched or curved. Then you raise your hands in the air.

You keep this alignment for downward dog, lunges, warrior three, etc... It's all the same pose in a different plane.

Okay, I'll discuss the rest of the workshop later. Feel free to ask Patricia and Debra for clarifications. LOLOL

Ballistic Hugs,
RE: Eoin Report

About the butt.... We all know I have a tendency towards high heels. So, naturally, I tend to stick my butt out. Well, that's what I was doing in Downward Dog. Hey, why do you think Phil goes to yoga with me.}( ;)

Anyhow, stand like you're a proud person with your chest puffed out. Do you see what happens with your butt? That's kinda like my form in downward dog -- a constant high heel look. Let's call it the Hot Tranny Mess or HTM for short.}(

Now, stand like you're a shy highschool teenager who has suddenly had a growth spurt.}( Round your shoulders forward and slouch. That would be the opposite of Proud Butt Syndrome... PBS. <--- like the WendyWords? :7 :+

What you want is a neutral back with a lined up pelvis.

Okay, I'll post more later. This is a lot of mental work trying to remember all of it.

ETA: Hot Tranny Mess:7
RE: Eoin Report

I'm such an airhead.

HTM and PBS are one and the same. He called the shy teenager the Neanderthal. How about we call it TMBBS... Too Much Big Boob Syndrome or BBS for short.:D
RE: Eoin Report

Hi all! Just had to pop by to say that Wendy is cracking me up with her analogies and acronyms!! What a hoot! Sorry I have been out of touch the past couple of days...just busy spending some time with DD....and some time with CBL too...and yes, Wendy, we are glad to be back in our own separate beds...LOL! But we are headed out to dinner tonight since DD is going to vacation Bible school with the fundamentalists...not to their church though....They are going to a neighborhood church. Anyhoo...more time at the pool today...I also had court this morning to get rid of my speeding ticket. CBL's car was just in for a tune up and oil change, but they f**ked it up and they had to reset the whole computer system.

I am off to work on some laundry and rest a little after playing in the pool. Hope everyone is doing well!

kisses to all.....


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

RE: Eoin Report

Hi all,

I haven't stopped by for a while, but I was glad I did today!

Wendy - I got a great chuckle from your armpit story. All that alignment is critical to keeping the injuries at bay; especially if you do yoga regularly. I'm sure my form isn't perfect, and I do enjoy Shiva's frequent comments about pelvic alignment etc. etc. I also read that doing lateral raises with the shoulder in external rotation also causes rotator cuff issues.

Laurie - I just finished the first month of X+. I'm definitely stronger than I was when I started. The recovery week isn't much of one, but I did find that I can lift heavier and for more reps (than I could when I finished the X last). It is amazing considering I haven't lifted anything bigger than 15 lbs in a month. I can do some mean pull and chin ups though:)I am going to stick with X+ for the duration. It's a no brainer and I really don't have anything else to do anyways. Plus it fits nicely with running.....

I hope everyone else is doing well.

RE: Eoin Report

Good Evening Coolers

Just finished up MM. Really needed a TB w/o. Think I'll do TJ tomorrow especially since I didn't do any abs tonight.;) Just too lazy for those for some reason tonight.

Pretty quiet here. ;) All caught up at work and now the weekend is almost here.

Let's see what everyone else has been up to lately:

Laurie - dinner & gossip w/your friends sounds like fun. It's funny when you mention the younger players, b/c last night at BB there were a couple younger ones also but they played like crap! So no need to get excited and I still feel young out there on the field. Hmm, drinking last night, drinking tonight. Is that your monthly limit? Good thing June is almost over.:p What the heck is a banana? Thanks for asking after DH - yep home safe & sound once again.

Wendy - are you all rested now from the trip? That must have really s**cked to get home so late. Oh well, thats life. I almost did UP from BM2 today as I don't think I've done it this year at all but decided on a TB w/o instead. Luckily enough DH was home early enough for BB so didn't need one. Good thing since I showed up over 1 hr early for my game. That would have ended up being an expensive night for me. Just be thankful Eoin didn't make you hug me on Sat. as I forgot to put on deodorant (sp?):p :p Good thing the room was cool and we didn't work up a sweat. Yes, I'll confirm that your armpits were shaved. As soon as Eoin did that with you that was my first thought that you'd be so worried.:+ Wendy - too funny. I can't believe you remembered so much detail. Hmm, maybe b/c Eoin had his hands all over butt? Did you secretly have the whole conference taped? Maybe that's why you had your cell phone out on Sunday?

Debra - glad to hear things are back to normal for you too. I guess for me I went from having a bed to myself back to sharing. I so need to look into a king size bed one of these days. Is DD VBS not a day thing but o/n camping?

Tracy - nice of you to drop in to say hi. Glad you're enjoying X+

Jeanette - How did golf go today? Talking about making a list for camping my Mom email me her standard list for the trailer and it was perfect. Since we're going again in September I've kept all my notes and hope to easily just reproduce it.

For those of you doing X+ and have done the X, would it be worthwile to get just X+. I was putting off by the X due to STS but who really knows when that will come out?

Okay off to bed.
RE: Eoin Report

Not much time tonight as we went to the baseball game. Our city's team is the Winnipeg Goldeyes. I had bought tickets for DH for his birthday in May. We left after the 7th inning which is plenty long enough for dd and I. The guys are watching the end of the game on tv.
Boy, only once I made the guys leave a game (football) with 30 seconds left, our team losing at the other end of the field. How was I to know that the last 30 seconds would have the "play of the season" which was replayed over and over all year on TSN. They never let me forget it, *sigh*

I was a good girl and got up at 5am to do Upper Body+ and Abs+ before work as I knew that I would be busy this evening. Once I'm on a rotation, I'm committed. Didn't sleep well last night so very tired now.

Our driveway was finished today!! We can't park on it for a few days so the cars are on the street. It looks great! The kids had fun watching the crew work after school.

Laurie, it's the kids last week of school. They finish Friday at noon, almost done!

Will catch up tomorrow. Kim
RE: Eoin Report

Hi all,
Back to a not too full inbasket, but believe me, still plenty to do. My boss left for the day, which is a good thing as it gives me a chance to catch up. After work, I met a girlfriend and we had a great time golfing. We'll meet again next Wednesday night. Tonite was pretty smoky outside, but we golfed anyway. No sense in this department. We just about had the place to ourselves. Who'd have thunk it?

Laurie, your Cami sleeping on the bed with all 4 feet up reminds me exactly of our German Shorthair. Our dogs are so spoiled, it's pathetic. Sounds like Cami found the perfect home and feels relaxed to say the least. Great job on the volleyball! Nice to have the camaraderie afterwards with drinks and talk. Did you say dark chocolate? Those dark chocolate M&M's are good (um, or so I've heard :p).

Wendy, no DOMS yet from GS Legs. The workout that tends to give me DOMS more often is Butts & Guts. I think it's those little plie jumps that do it. Thanks for the recap of the yoga workshop. How'd it feel to be the demonstrator in the workshop? Were you self conscious at all?

Debra, how's the knee? You sound busy.

Tracy, hope all is well with you. Miss your expertise on here.

Patricia, I'm envious of you doing Muscle Max. I like that one and I like the count in it. I can lift a little heavier because it's a bit slower. I have a permanent camping list somewhere, but think it's misplaced. Golf was great tonite. My drives are feeling very satisfying, hitting that sweet spot almost every time. Think it feels like when you're playing baseball and hit a good one just right. I have a putting lesson tomorrow, and that can't come too soon. For instance, I tee'd off tonite and sent it right to the green. Should have been 2 putts for a par 3. Oh no, it was 4 more putts for a 5. Oh well, got to get better sometime. I can't answer your question on the P90X+ workouts, but bet Laurie, Kim, Sandra or Tracy can chime in.

Kim, glad you got the driveway done. Is it asphalt? Our's is gravel and pretty old gravel at that. Paving would be nice. When does your school start again? Seems our schools were out the 1st week of June.

Night all,


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