*****Watercoolers, Tranquil Tuesday******


Hi ladies,
I'm still up so thought I'd go ahead and start this. Remind you of Traci???

Going to hit the hay now.

Hey Hey now Ms Netta Van Petta! Traci does NOT go back & hit the hay!! Ms Traci puts on an ultra strong pot of java & goes for it!
:7 :7 :7
Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was Speedwork for 5m. I did this on my TM for me it is just easier. :D I may try to get in some yoga too, will see how I feel.

Have vb tonight, and that is about it. Just need to finish getting some bead work done, so DH can finish DD's dress. :D

Glad to see that all of the Eion fans are back safe.

Patricia, Glad your world is getting back to normal. WTG on scoring the Slim n 6. :D Glad that Eion is such a normal person, now that makes me like his DVD more and more. :D

Wendy, How wonderful that you DS is coming home! Glad the girls like their summer schoolwork, mine are being lazy SLUGS (ha! ha!) (need to get to the library!). Dang that is a late night you had getting home. Yes the faire is a huge commitment, but at some point DH and I will say no more. I think the sitter is a better option for our weekends than the daycare for Cami. She gets to be home, and sleep in her favorite place (our bed!). We do still take her to daycare on Thursdays, because I think she does have fun playing with other dogs. Now on to the P90X+:

Here is what I can tell you about the Plus workouts. None of them are over 45 min. Which is very nice! :D The weight work goes by time instead of reps. I find that I'm a lot slower than Tracy and Mark are when doing the reps, Tony really doesn't workout to much in these (calls himself the trainer). Tony cracks me up, and apparently Tracy finds him funny too. I needed to go down in weight, because it is more endurance than heavy (like P90X). In these Tony wants you to feel the burn. You move from one body part to another for a round, get a 30 min rest then continue with another round. The interval workout you do something like 15 exercises for 1 min each, then you get a rest. After the rest you do those same exercises in reverse order. Total Body is a little like Core Syn, with pull-ups and chin-ups mixed in. He also does some work with weights. Kenpo Cardio is similar to KenpoX, but he has more combos in this one. It is a short, but effective workout. He does do more kicking in this one than KenpoX too. Abs/Core has to be the best one yet. It is about 20 min, and you do 4 different exercises per round. You do a hanging bar/standing/plank/floor exercise, and then start another round. It does seem to work the shoulders pretty good, because you are doing endurance. And I find my shoulders tire easily doing that method. :D I'm still getting used to the exercises, because a lot of them are way different than the X. Hope this helps some.

Debra, Isn't if funny how you need to rest from a vacation. One would think that they wouldn't get you so tired. :7 :7

Kim, So how did you like Interval plus?

Jeanette, Glad you have one more day before you need to get back to work. I know what you mean about being home! I always enjoy when I take time off, and just spend it working on our house. I'm looking forward to having a couple of days off next week, before the weekend and opening day of faire. You are right, my missing those workouts didn't bother me at all. My run with Cami yesterday was faster than I usually run, probably because my legs where not tired. :7 Yippee on improving you golf swing. I have been trying to find something that my youngest could get involved in. I suggested golf, she was like NAW! Yesterday I though why not tennis. She thought about that one a little longer, but then said no. :( I would just like for her to be interested in something that she can get involved in with school too. Now I'm down to just choir! :D

Ok so I've prattled on long enough!

Have a great day!

Hi all! Just popping on before heading out to pick up the pooch and take CBL to get his car (long story). DD slept until 10...so I am getting a bit of a late start. We are heading to the pool this afternoon so that she can have some kid time...I will check back later today when I have time for a real chat...but....

Waving wildly to Traci!!!!!!!!!!!!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi Traci!

See Jeanette, you need to start talking smack about Traci, then she comes to talk to us! :7 :7 Traci, hope you are doing well. Is you business keeping you busy? :D

Debra, Love the meez! :7 :7 Don't tell me Eion had the blood rushing to your head like that!!!! :7 :7

Hello Ladies!!!

LOVE it seeing Traci post as she flies by cackling!!!:7 ;) :* :*

Somehow, perhaps due to the thunder and lightening, part of last night's post didn't post. Here's a brief recap of the missing post...

The road to Lane Bryant is paved with good intentions. (No offense to Lane Bryant shoppers.:eek: I never pushed play. Instead I ate like a pig all day!!!! (3 Krispy Kreme doughnuts and other various processed snack foods) My luggage was delivered in the afternoon.

Jeanette: Congrats on stroking the balls with ease!:+ Sounds like you need to get back to work and rest.:7 ;) OMW! The workshop was great. Eoin was more than I expected. The class sizes were small and intimate. Not anything like a Bryan Kest or Baron Baptiste mat on mat, butt to face experience!!! You are a good sister to encourage but not change her. When my sister and I did that, we started to like each other. What a nice memorial. That was nice of the pastor to offer suggestions on what to contribute. I was shocked that I didn't have larger bags under my eyes in those pictures. Like the retreat, I had very little sleep. But, when I did sleep, it was deep; no tossing and turning and waking up every hour. You know, I change my mind... I think the Captain doesn't mind the glazed look if it keeps you from thinking up more honey do lists. :7 :7 :7 OH! MY! Poor Tillie!!! She must have been scared shi1!ess!!!! You'd think the vet had experience with this kind of stuff. Hopefully, he took notes to remind him to leave Tillie in your arms for future visits. :D

Debra: Yeah Yeah Yeah ;)... See you when you return.

Laurie: Thanks for the X+ Report!!! I am going to be a good girl and wait until I am shoulder pain-free. But, your description of it sounds tempting! I'm slugging it with your girls today too. I may get in a little yoga. I'm still catching up on sleep. Wow. Would you really pull out of the faire at some point or just cut back on your involvement. LOL on Cami's favorite spot. Baby and her sound like sisters of another mister. ;)

Okay Ladies, off to get the girls started on homeschool and type up my Eoin Finn Workshop Report.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Morning girls,
Today was 3 combos from Step Blast, then the stability ball abs from KPC. Nice workout and about 60 minutes long. Next, I'm going to clean up a little (but not too much) and go golf 9 holes. After that, I'll hit the nursery for some border plants. Then...I'm going to ride my bike for about an hour. I'll ride if the smoke from the forest fires doesn't invade our valley like it did yesterday. Then...DH will be home from work and he wants me to go cut a load of wood with him. I canceled going to the ladies bike ride tonite. Of course, when he asked me to go, my first response was that I had the ladies bike ride at 4:30 tonite. I then thought, hmmmm...I'm golfing tomorrow night with a girlfriend, then have a golfing lesson on Thursday night so I'd best go with him tonite. Aren't I the giving wife??? Teehee... Always willing to compromise (when it suits me). My guy friends that DH works for always tease me about how spoiled I am with my activities. Hey, I know how to ride that fine line. You don't make it thru 29 years of marriage without learning something.

Traci, my love!!! You made my day by "seeing" you on here this morning!!! Wish I was sharing that pot with you. I mean coffee of course. Hope all is well. Please post soon to let us know what's going on in your world. Sure miss you.

Debra, what happened to CBL's car? Have a great day by the pool. Looking forward to your next post.

Laurie, what did you do the speedwork to? Do you have a workout for that? You are almost tempting me with the + workouts, but I think I'll just wait for STS as I really want to "shock" my body. Don't want to be in too good of shape LOL! Heaven forbid that would happen. I'm thinking I'm going to need to break down and get a pullup bar. I think DH may even be tempted to do one if I had it hanging there. Especially if I teased him that I could do one and he couldn't. I used to play tennis when I was in high school, but was never very good at all. I think it is an activity that I could get into, but if I come home with one more hobby, as Jackie Gleason would say, "To the moon, Alice!" I'm really excited about my golf as my hits are getting softer feeling so guess I'm hitting the sweet spot more often.

Wendy, sorry you lost that post. I've lost a bunch with Vista on this laptop. Maybe they are on here, just can't find them. Glad you got the luggage back. 3 Krispy Kremes????? My gosh! Bet it doesn't even show on you. I'm done with circuits now and am starting a Leg Rotation by Fitness Freak. It was partly my fault for handing Tillie to the vet. It just totally freaked her out. She was pretty calm up until that point. Poor baby, she's sore and not feeling well today due to her shots. Can't wait to read about the Yoga Workshop!!!

BBL, off to golf.

I had to rush over here to tell you about my latest stumble!!!

I was googling SuperFlow Yoga because Eoin had mentioned that I should try it when I found his wife's blog. On there was a link to Yoga Peeps. It's a free podcast. Well, one of the recent interviews was with TONY HORTON!!!! I downloaded it (mp3) onto my puter and listened to it on Windows Media Player. I'm sure you could directly download it from itunes as well. You don't need an mp3 player to listen to it. Just your computer.

Here's the link:

You should see the link for the interview with Tony on the homepage. I highly recommend listening to it.

I'm so motivated to push play. No Excuses!!!:7 :7 :7 Off to do some Cathe step and yoga. BBL for Eoin Report.

Just finished Kenpo+ for the first time. My review of the + workouts: overall they are a lot more syngeristic then P90X. It's mostly compound movements (Think of CS in the X series) I haven't done upper body + so I think it's more isolated moves. I haven't felt really sore after the workouts but more of a overall fatigued feeling. I really like the shorter workouts and the feeling that I'm getting an overall workout in a shorter time e.g. Working different body parts all at once. These workouts really move fast with very little break in them. A lot less choice between 8-12 reps or 12-16 but exercises where you go for the entire minute. The definitely remind me of Core Synergistics.

Wendy How exciting that ds is coming home! Is this the ds in Germany? Don't you give your dd's a summer break from school?

Debra- Thanks for posting pics! Love the new meez!

Jeanette Hope you enjoyed your last day of holidays. At least it will be a short week at work for you. Poor Tille, was she just at the vet for a check up? Hope the smoke isn't too bad, from a family of asthmatica I can't even imagine living with smoke like that. We do have some problem with the smoke in the fall as the farmers burn their stubble even though they are not supposed to do it.

Laurie Glad to see you back from your busy weekend!

Waving Hi to Patricia and Traci!

Going to go check out Wendy's link and wrap presents for the kids to take to the teacher's tomorrow. Kim
Hi again,
Had a good day today, didn't accomplish much, but had fun. My golf game was really good! Hopefully, it's not a fluke. I'll play golf with my girlfriend tomorrow night. Hope it carries over. It was a beautiful morning, though somewhat smoky. After my golf game, I bought some more plants for the front yard. After that, I did a bike climb as I thought we were going woodcutting tonite. DH came home and he decided that we'd go on Saturday to cut so we hopped in the Jeep with the girls and went out to the woods to relax. That was really nice. I did some reading and tried to take a little nap. When we got back, I finished the planting in the front yard. Tomorrow it's back to work.

Kim, everyone seems to like the P90X+ workouts. I always liked Core Synergistics, except for the bananas, superman, bananas. Yes, a short week for me this week and next week too as we'll be leaving to go camping on Thursday morning of next week. I took both dogs in for their annual shots. This was the 2nd time in at this vet's office for her. The first time, he removed the stitches when she lost her eye. They were both moping around this morning, but are much better now. The smoke is laying down in the valley right now. Very thick. We have hundreds of fires burning right now in northern California. Limited resources.

Debra, you must be a busy girl. Hope to hear from you tomorrow.

Night all,


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