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  1. Zenara25

    KCM Rotation

    It's an endurance strength workout with core moves. Kelly does have premixes with cardio instead of core. I haven't done this one in awhile which will change soon now that I've got it on my mind :)
  2. Zenara25

    Kettlebell weights?

    Here's one of the Zuzka Kettlebell workouts you can try for free. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Zenara25

    tv with wifi and Cathe Live

    Not sure what problem your having so I'm just guessing. But do you see anything on the TV after plugging in the Chromecast? If not maybe this will help below. 1. In addition to the HDMI port make sure you also plugged it in to the USB port on the TV. This is to power the Chromecast. Or if you...
  4. Zenara25

    New to Cathe, not new to fitness, where to begin?

    SNM and or Curt just recently created tutorial videos on how to use the OnDemand service. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Zenara25

    Trouble accessing past life videos

    I don't have the OnDemand service yet but has anyone tried rotating the actual iPad to see if "more videos" shows up? I have at least 3 apps that hide a feature I need until I rotate my iPad.
  6. Zenara25

    New to Cathe, not new to fitness, where to begin?

    You might ask Curt (the Cathe tech guy) this question over in the CatheTV section. I believe they are looking into options of how (which devices etc.) to view OnDemand (this is still a pretty new service). Cathe TV - The Cathe Nation
  7. Zenara25

    New to Cathe, not new to fitness, where to begin?

    On Demand is Cathe's subscription internet streaming service for viewing all of her workout videos that she has released. A great deal IMO if you have fast internet and don't have her DVD's yet. For example this service is similar to watching videos on the internet like youtube, or Netflix...
  8. Zenara25

    Wheat belly

    Through 23andme genetic testing I recently found out that I have a gene mutation that probably 30-40% of the population has. It's called MTHFR. This means I can't absorb Folic Acid/Folate (AKA Vitamin B9) and it is actually toxic for me. My blood work even shows that my folate levels are 4x...
  9. Zenara25

    Can I add non-Cathe DVDs to WM?

    On occasion I'll copy one workout to another date. Not sure if this is any faster though. In case you don't know how to do this in the calendar click on a workout you've done that you want to copy and do again. On the right side click on 'show details'. Scroll down and click on 'copy workout'...
  10. Zenara25

    Cathe Forums now work with Tapatalk

    You can like someone's post in Tapatalk by clicking on their username and a pop up appears allowing you to "like", quote etc. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Zenara25

    Cathe Forums now work with Tapatalk

    Also trying out Tapatalk :) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Zenara25

    Announcing Cathe's Next DVD Series - Ripped with HiiT™

    Yes :) So excited for this series!!! I love HiiT, Heavy Weights and Plyo :)
  13. Zenara25

    What supplements do you take?

    Morning - Heart and blood pressure health: Omega 3 Fish Oil and Ubiquinol(better form of CoQ10). I also take Vitamin C powder in my morning protein drink. Noon - I had gene testing done recently. I have MTHFR so I have a difficult time absorbing most regular B vitamins. So I take a special...
  14. Zenara25

    Not sold on the streaming subscription

    I'm sure Curtis will respond to you. But the Chromecast Extension 'may' also be needed.
  15. Zenara25

    2 New KCM workouts...

    Not sure if this would help the particular issue your having. But I remember I had to go here to locate a special code at the very bottom of the page. This might be just for the forums though. Can't remember unfortunately.
  16. Zenara25

    Not sold on the streaming subscription

    I'm just guessing here. But I think that you need to use the Google Chrome browser. It's available on almost all devices. What device are you using to control the Chromecast?
  17. Zenara25

    Cathe, more PRS please!

    Yes there's at least one premix on both DVDs that includes part of the other workout. A really great way to mix it up! And a way for me to enjoy these fun workouts even more :)
  18. Zenara25

    Any Reason Why the Cathe Site Was Down This Morning?

    This is probably the reason.
  19. Zenara25

    Cathe's new Website Design

    It looks like the font/darkness has been updated :) It's not the best choice IMO but at least it's 'a lot better' than before. Now I can read the Blog again! Yay!! :D
  20. Zenara25

    Cathe's new Website Design

    Thanks for the response SNM. I tried it on different browsers but the same look :( I've zoomed in but the font color is just so light. I've also thought about copying and pasting the text into a word processor and choosing my own font. But that's too much work. Looking forward to when the...