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  1. F

    Introducing the Workout Blender Tutorial

    digital download or dvds hi to all,i don't understand if the workout blender is for the dvds i had download or if it is for the dvds only thank'you:(
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    Favorite Pre Workout Snack?

    bha i don't have a favorite snack before starting my workout,because i eat a big lunch so i don't need other snack...:)
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    high step challenge

    hi to all,i try high step challenge yesterday,i had some difficulty to change the high of step because i haven't the risers but i have onnly the step that it is one block unique,so i try to do this workout,and i'll love it because it is not difficulty to do and the time goes fast...and you wath...
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    Ciao Federica

    ciao chiara ciao visto ke cathe sa preparando 4 new workout,te kosa ne pensi?un bacio:D
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    older step videos vs newer ones

    hi,yes i find that the older dvds are more challenging,i have low max and imax and i find this more complete,for the other workout i have 4days split but the only one i do is kickbox and bootcamp,because the high impact step and the lower impact step for me is too easy...
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    STS Ab Circuits or Core Max?

    in core max you only use the stability ball and madicine ball and no equipment,it's a good workout but in ab circuits you use vasious equipments,you use also weight and plates
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    question about core cardio circuit

    hi,i tried ccc but in core section i don't execute some excercise because i don't have the power enoght to stand up and jump,i think is in the 5th and 6th rond ,do you have any proposal for modification?thank you!!!:eek:
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    legs and arms

    hi cathe,what excercise can i do for slim legs?because my legs with the exercise in your dvds are more muscolouses than the past years...and for my arms?i want arms toned but not a lot of muscle....thank you
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    for a slimmer leg?

    hi,i want to loose some inches in my leg but and not built some muscolouses legs....anyone has some proposal for me???:(
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    Ciao Federica

    ho provato il nuovo cardio core circuit ma l'ho trovato fatikoso soprattutto il round 5 xkè non riesco a fare la parte ultima a terra quando ci si dv alzare x fare il salto rischio di tornare indietro
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    Ciao Federica

    ciao,oggi mi è arrivato il cardio core circuit..lo sperimento nel pomeriggio poi ti faccio sapere kome è andata!!!ho paura di non farcela kn il fiato ma sono allenata qindi dvrei farcela...:cool:
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    Eat during workout?

    i eat before starts my workout,i eat and about 2-3 hours later i start my workout:eek:
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    home workouts versus gym classes

    before i know cathe dvd's i went to the gym classes but now i'm doing cathe's dvd so i practise her dvd at home and when i want...the gym is too expensive for me now..:rolleyes:
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    What's the one workout DVD you hate to do but you do it anyway?

    rarely i do 4ds especialy the part of bootcamp and the high intensity step because i think are not so intensity as the other dvds
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    Ciao Federica

  16. F

    Ciao Federica

    grazie 1000 ciao chiara ah grazie!!!!mi fa piacere ke tu abbia provato qsto lo sto aspettando con ansia,fa lavorare anke le gambe? ho visto dalla preview nel sito ke cmq è un workout cardio qndi in teoria dovrei usare anke le gambe...
  17. F

    STS Shock cardio is now landed in Italy

    ci sono riuscita!! :D:ciao chiara,sono riuscita ad ordinare il mio dvd sul sito di cathe...ho ordinato il cardio core circuit,tu che ne pensi di questo workout,buonagiornata!!
  18. F

    STS Shock cardio is now landed in Italy

    un altra domanda...kome fai a farti arrivare i dvd?xkè io li ho acquistati sul sito totafitnessdvds,te?dal sito di non riesco,penso non s possa...
  19. F

    STS Shock cardio is now landed in Italy

    ah io vivo in provincia i rovigo so bene dove si trova badia polesine....sono veramene contenta di sapere che c'e anke l'italia in questo forum...:rolleyes: io faccio i dd di cathe solo dal 2008 xò mi trovo molto bene!!!! ah tu quante volte a settimana ti alleni?io tt i giorni tranne la...
  20. F

    STS Shock cardio is now landed in Italy

    ciao chiara sono federica anche tu sei italiana?dove vivi?io nel veneto,da quando hai scoperto i dvd di cathe?ti trovi bene?ciao ciao