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  1. J

    6 weeks off..need advice

    thanks for all the great input!! I pretty much answered my own question when I resumed my workouts and running. Its truly unbelievable how weak and out of shape I got in a few weeks. I haven't even had the nerve to try sts easy workouts are killing me!! So I guess it'll be back to meso1...
  2. J

    6 weeks off..need advice

    I had to take a month and a half off due to some female probs and a d&c. Before all of this I was on week 4 of meso 2 and was seeing amazing results. I'm also a runner and haven't been able to do that either. Now that every thing is behind me, I'm very eager to start into sts again but have no...
  3. J

    Unexpected Surprise for me!

    Thank you so much everyone for your positive responses. I'm hoping if all is well in a few weeks I'll be more comfortable to join the check ins. I went through so many heartaches in the past that I don't want to jinx anything!!! I've been feeling pretty good the last 2 days...toyed with the idea...
  4. J

    Unexpected Surprise for me!

    Well, there I was anxiously awaiting the new STS system to get to an all time higher fitness level when.....I realize my period is a week late, did an EPT and SURPRISE its positive!! I'm of course thrilled but very nervous, because before my twins were born 4 yrs ago (whom I needed help...
  5. J

    Who is/was your strangest crush?

    I am totally obsessed with Justin Timberlake!!!..and I'm almost old enough to be his ...well...older sister! LOL!! But then again he's into older women like ex Cameron Diaz so maybe there's hope!! :-)
  6. J

    Where'd ya go, what'd ya do?

    >NO WORRIES....we did damage, HA! Fried calamari for apps, >chessy pasta along with our chicken and shrimp entrees, and >all very rich, sweet and fattening desserts :9 Cool!! Now the next time I'm "forced" to go there by friends, I wont feel as guilty!!LOL
  7. J

    Where'd ya go, what'd ya do?

    Cathe, I will be veeerrry disappointed if you didn't eat yourself silly at Carmines!! It's almost MANDATORY there! LOL:9
  8. J

    My last dance with the FIRM

    I agree the original "classic" Firms are great, especially the first 4 volumes. I've always done them in addition to running or extra cardio and have gotten great results over the years. The newer Firms are simply awful imho, and shouldn't even carry the "Firm's " name because they in no way...
  9. J

    pulled out KPC after a long hiatus....

    Last week I caught KPC on Fit Tv and thought this looks so fun...needless to say I just "had to "order it. It was fun and a great workout. We are going on vacation in 2 weeks and I will definately be taking this and KM (I love the KM blasts..but overall I enjoy KPC more). Heaven help those poor...
  10. J

    Too much time working out?

    Thanks gettingfitmom. Every once in a while i need a little reinforcement!!!:)
  11. J

    Power Hour or MIS???

    Thanks everyone for your input. Usually I do a strength workout like me or mm on saturdays after a short run, so I was going to use either one this saturday as something new. Maybe I'll try PH since its a little shorter. Jackie
  12. J

    Too much time working out?

    >I feel like I could have written this letter myself! i am a >nurse and only work weekends and I work out between 1 hr 15 >min to 2 hrs a day (I prefer 2) Mon-Fri. My husband and 11 yr. >old daughter (and everyone else) think I'm crazy and my >husband hates every minute of my exercise. I...
  13. J

    Power Hour or MIS???

    I just recently purchased the DVD with both these workouts on it. I was wondering which of these two w/o's you all prefer?? Is there one more effective? Thanks a million for any input!! Jackie
  14. J

    not getting desired results

    I'm so greatful for this post. It's nice to know there are others out there sharing my exact frusrations. I live in an area where lets say people aren't quite health and fitness oriented. So I can't get much feedback on healthy nutrition and exercise work or from a neighbor! I too am an...
  15. J

    What Is Your Favorite 80's Movie??

    Purple Rain Purple Rain Purple Rain....and oh yeah,...Purple Rain(ok I'm a Prince fanatic) I also agree about the Breakfast Club. Can't flip past it if I find it while surfing!
  16. J

    My resistence band broke!

    Add mine to the list of band casualties. I was doing leg press w/ it this am and SNAP!!! Just ordered replacements, I'll have to take better care of them this time! Thanks for the advice.
  17. J

    Easter Dinner....

    Oh,did I mention that every remaining piece of candy left this morning was sent to work with dh!! LOL
  18. J

    Easter Dinner....

    I was good all day....UNTIL... everyone went to bed and I lost it! I was just craving chocolate, probably from watching everyone overindulge all day, and I proceded to eat many, many chocolate bunnies (yes, many big ones) that I was....and continue today to be sick to my stomach, not to mention...
  19. J

    Calorie consumption during rest times

    Allison, you're right! I find that I'm hungrier on days I don't work out...and even tend to crave junk. Nancy, I haven't heard the new thoughts on strength training, that really sucks!! So all the muscle you build DOESN'T really burn increased calories or increase your metabolism?
  20. J

    Calorie consumption during rest times

    I just posted this on Cathe's forum for her input (hopefully). But I was wondering, does anyone change their eating habits on days they don't workout? I eat pretty clean, but I find I'm usually just as hungry whether I work out or not. Do you decrease your calories or food intake during rest...