6 weeks off..need advice


Active Member
I had to take a month and a half off due to some female probs and a d&c. Before all of this I was on week 4 of meso 2 and was seeing amazing results. I'm also a runner and haven't been able to do that either. Now that every thing is behind me, I'm very eager to start into sts again but have no clue where to start. Should I start Meso 2 over....or go all the way back to the beginning (meso 1) and completely start over??? I feel like I came so far..but 6 weeks off?? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Jackie
Jackie - So glad you appear to be on the mend :)! I don't know the "right" answer, but if it were me, I'd start over with Meso 1. No matter how you approach it, good luck!
I would have to agree with starting again with M1. I know that it can be frustrating, having been so far in the program, but I think you´ll get your best results that way...again, just my thoughts!
This is what I am doing

I was on the last disc of Meso 2 when a hand injury took me out for 4 weeks. I am starting up next week with a full body muscle strength/endurance DVD on Monday and Thursday with cardio in between. Starting the following week I will pick up with Meso 3, but will need to drop my weight. Then I will take a week off and start up with Meso 1 and do the program all over again.
Hope that helps.
thanks for all the great input!! I pretty much answered my own question when I resumed my workouts and running. Its truly unbelievable how weak and out of shape I got in a few weeks. I haven't even had the nerve to try sts yet...my easy workouts are killing me!! So I guess it'll be back to meso1 when it happens (bummer)...I must be losing it-I don't think I felt this weak after my pregnancy that I spent on bedrest(lol)!

Thanks again,

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