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    Hi Kim! Not Cathe, but wanted to say hi and welcome! I just recently began posting (I'm relatively new here but have lurked for MANY months) ...funny how we do that! I love Cathe's workouts too. [I am 38 and have 2-year-old triplets plus a 5-year-old...all girls. How old are your twins?]...
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    Your desert island movie selection....

    I think I would pick "Little Women"...or maybe the entire Star Wars saga...or maybe the musical "Oklahoma"...gosh how do I decide?!? BTW Wendy, I really like "Drop Dead Fred" too! Cracks me up! Renee
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    Hey Aquajock...need some suggestions!

    Sorry I should have done a search myself. I use that feature all the time really! But after the idea of water workouts popped in my head, I immediately thought "Aquajock!" and posted right away. Thanks a million! Renee
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    Hey Aquajock...need some suggestions!

    We've got a pool and this year I've decided to incorporate some sort of water workout into my rotations. I would like some ideas for cardio. I'm really not into swimming laps. I'd much rather do something else if possible. Any suggestions? I appreciate your help. Thanks! Renee
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    Next DVD's to buy?

    I agree with A-Jock's suggestion! Low Max is low impact, lots of fun, and you get a pretty good leg workout too! The pyramids are invaluable for building strength and endurance. Excellent choices! Renee
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    Moms - I need your advice

    We always make sure to play games by the rules with our 5-year-old daughter even though she has a tendency to get pouty and rude when she doesn't win. We constantly talk about how just being together and playing the game is what's important and how just playing is the best part. We also explain...
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    favorite actor

    How about Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker)?!?! Yum! And what about Matthew McConaughey (Sahara)?!? Double yummy!! And of course...Mel Gibson!!
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    No Equipment Needed Mini-Series

    Excellent ideas, A-Jock! I would buy a series like that. Renee
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    Seasonale--follow up

    Seasonale is a pill that you take once a day just like other birth control pills, but you take Seasonale for almost three months and then you take the placebos for the week you get your period. My doctor advised me against the Depo Provera shot because of my experience with PMS. She suggested...
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    Seasonale--follow up

    Hey Maximus, I am on my second pack of Seasonale and I too could not be happier! My TOTM lasted about 4-5 days and I still experienced some PMS (cramping, fatigue, some moodiness) but not too bad. I love going 3 months without the dreaded visitor! Renee
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    Just curious...are you...?

    Married with 4 kids! Life's a zoo!...2-year-old triplet girls and a 5-year-old girl. Wahoo! Renee
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    question about calf muscles

    Hi Cathe, I have a question regarding soreness in the calf muscles. A day or two after I complete a thorough leg workout like GS Legs, I get DOMS in the top area of the calf muscles near the back of the knee. Do you suppose this could be due to general weakness and a need for strengthening...
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    so how did you all work out with babies?

    I have 2-year-old triplet girls and a 5-year-old girl as well. As soon as the triplets go down for an afternoon nap, I start my workout. Sometimes my 5-year-old works out along side of me or she'll watch a show. I always give her a reward if she lets mommy workout and doesn't interrupt! I have...
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    Help with C-Sections

    I'm not Cathe but I wanted to mention that it is possible to reduce the c-section pooch because I did it. I had triplets via c-section a little over 2 years ago. Although I have lost all the "baby" weight through exercise and healthy eating, and haved really concentrated on firming my abs and...
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    What was your wedding song?

    Oh, how romantic...thanks for making me walk down memory lane....My husband and I danced our first dance as a married couple to the theme song from the movie "Pure Country." It was performed by George Strait and it is called "I Cross My Heart." Our other choice was "Keeper of the Stars" by Tracy...
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    Cathe--did your fitness routine change

    Yes, Cathe, please comment! I have been a lurker for quite some time now but feel compelled to speak up. Quick is Renee, 38-y-o, live in Houston, married, mother to a 5-y-o girl and 2-y-o triplet girls (spontaneous, no drugs or in-vitro). I just turned 38 last Sunday and have been...
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    The Compendium has been emailed

    Lunacat, I just emailed you a request for the compendium. Thanks in advance! Renee