Search results

  1. L

    Equipment for new series

    Thank you so much Deborah! That was exactly what I was looking for! Lindy
  2. L

    Equipment for new series

    I've searched and I can't find the name of the company that you purchased your stability ball and medicine ball from. Since the DVDs are going to ship soon, I need to get my equipment ready. Could you please re-post the information? Thanks much! Lindy
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    Feeling sorry for myself

    Thank you Thank you all SO much for your warm thoughts and wishes. You all helped to lift me out of the deep hole I was in this morning. I can never tell you how much your words mean to me. I know in time my brother's death will be easier to comprehend. For now, I'm glad that he had...
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    Feeling sorry for myself

    I don't post very often but I've been coming to read everyday for about 3 years. I kept talking myself out of posting this because it seemed kind of lame. But this morning I'm so depressed and sad I just can't stand it anymore. On Christmas Eve my family was enroute to my SIL's house to...
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    Worst sound while working out?

    Hi Donna! I don't hear "meat" but there are a lot of other interesting sounds (mostly me grunting and swearing). Luckily my kids are at school when I work out and my cats don't seem to take offense. I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your posts. I absolutely adore your sense of humor...
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    Worst Junk Foods

    Sorry for butting in here, but. . . Chocolate comes from a bean - this puts it in the *vegetable* category. That's my story and I'm stickin to it!! Glad to see I'm not the only Dr. Pepper lover that hangs out here! Lindy
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    An introduction thread !

    I don't usually post (but read up on all you girls everyday!). I guess I'm feeling chatty today so here goes - 1) My name is Diane and I'm 47 yrs old (eeek!). I've been married for almost 19 years to a really wonderful man (who puts up with my fitness insanity) 2) I live in sunny Southern...
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    Please help me - this is very long

    RE: Please help - again I just wanted to let you know that for as long as you decide to stay in your relationship, there is hope. My husband and I ran into serious issues about 9 years ago. There were days when it was hard for me to look at him without feeling betrayed. I stayed with him...
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    getting back into the swing of things

    Hi Paula! Congratulations on your little one! I have been thru a similar situation as you (one teenager and 2 little ones). It makes for a scheduling nightmare! It does get easier with time. I also exercise for the same reasons you do. Realizing the black hole is there is half the battle...
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    Is anyone using or have used Glucosamine Sulfate?

    Anne, I'll throw my 02 in also. I've been using the combo for about a year now. Everyone in my family takes it - including my 80 year old ping-pong playing dad. We are all very conscious of arthritis since my mom had to have a knee replacement about 3 years ago (compared to the cost of her...
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    Still can't work out

    Jackie, I have dealt with depression and feelings of hopelessness for most of my life. The one thing that has helped me the most has been exercise. Since the 11th, I've felt the same way you have. However, I can't afford to give up my workouts. It's my best defense against depression. I've...
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    I am so happy to be fit when...

    I can haul a 5-gallon jug of water (approx. 40lbs) after cleaning fishtanks and take it out to the yard to water my plants. The BIGGEST reason I'm happy is when my 10 year old daughter (80 lbs) or my 7 year old son (45 lbs) need a big old mama bear hug or a piggy back ride around the room and...
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    I was just here lurking - partially because I'm bored and because Cathe's now pregnant so I figured she'd be posting. I qualify as having "made it" through the teenage years. My oldest son is almost 25, my daughter is 10 and my little son is 6. Not only did I survive the teenage years - I...
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    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    RE: Me too, Please! Kathy, Please add me to the list also. Your hard work is really appreciated! [email protected]
  15. L

    Totally Off Fitness Topic but Funny

    Kathy - Thanks for the great post. I nearly fell off my chair laughing! I printed off a copy to give to my husband for safe-keeping. I have a 10 year old daughter who I'm told is going to be a total heartbreaker as a young lady. My poor baby girl also has an older brother who's 25 years old...
  16. L

    Motivation Post Baby

    I was going to suggest putting that sweet little baby in the stroller and going for a walk - with your husband. When my youngest was little we found it a great way to get some light exercise and fresh air and also to have a chance to talk. We'd move at a moderate pace for about an hour in the...
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    Pic of the Day, 6-12-01

    RE: My prayers are answered! I almost fell out of my chair laughing! I did MIS this AM and swore at the crazy 8's the entire time. I read the description Cathe put up very closely to see if they were included in the new vid! I second your thank you!! Lindy
  18. L

    I need some support, please

    Hi Christine! Sweetie - are you sure you need to lose those 10 pounds? I'm 5'8" and I wear a size 8. I try really hard to keep my weight up and not let any drop off. The only way I can get away with being a size 8 is because my upper body is very small and I have extremely LONG legs (think...
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    DVD player

    RE: Does it program across the DVDs? Since I've been checking into this for the past couple of weeks, I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in! Originally I purchased the Panasonic DVD player after being assured by the salesman that it would program across DVD. Got it home, hooked it up, and NO GO...
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    A Rotations Offer

    Thank you for your generous offer Kathy! Would you please e-mail the rotations to me at: [email protected]. Have a great day! Lindy