Worst Junk Foods


What do you think the worst foods to eat are? Some junk has at least some good stuff.
Like, ice cream has calcium; pizza can be a somewhat ok meal if it's not loaded with meat, xtra cheese and crust; Snickers have peanuts, etc. I guess doughnuts and fries would be up there with the worse (2 of my favorites, of course!)
Just wanted your opinions...
Soda Pop, like Coca Cola. I even think diet soda should be on the list.

I agree with the doughnuts thing. And the fries. OH, and potato chips.

Marshmallows. And cotton candy. OH, I hate to say this, chocolate.

Actually chocolate doesn't have to be bad, if it's dark and if it's consumed in moderation. Dark chocolates contains bioflavinoids, the kind you find in red wine. But milk chocolate, that's another story.
Do you feel soda pop is the worst because it's empty calories? Or is there something that's even worse about it? As you can probably guess, I am sitting at my desk at the moment sipping on a Dr. Pepper. Wish I didn't like this stuff so much!
Sorry for butting in here, but. . .

Chocolate comes from a bean - this puts it in the *vegetable* category. That's my story and I'm stickin to it!!

Glad to see I'm not the only Dr. Pepper lover that hangs out here!

O.K., this is more of a condiment than a food but: butter and margarine, 100% fat with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Well, except how awesome it tastes on fresh bread and baked potatoes! And Miracle Whip....sigh.

About the soda, the non-diet variety. Nothing but calories. No redeeming value. The diet soda doesn't even taste good and has chemicals added that do who knows what to you. IMO the soda (diet and non) just makes you want to eat more sweet things.

Boy am I glad that chocolate has been redeemed. :>D

I have always though Slim Jims and Fried Pork Rinds have no redeeming qualities other than comfort food! Between the fat, sodium, chemicals, and processing, you'd be better off chewing on your tennie or eating the box from a dominoes pizza. IMHO.

My personal favorite junk food is snack chips, particular kettle chips and fritos.
I just had to throw my 2 cents in.... POPCORN
I know most people think, well popcorn isnt too bad, but the way I like it--Orvill's ultimate butter--its an artery clogging, cottage cheese thighs, good to the last kernel junk food that I just love!!!

Have a good one
Jayne F
Spicy buffalo wings! They have protien, but they also have the -- *Gasp* SKIN! :) They are fried little chicken wings... sometimes breaded, always greasy and that hot sauce will give me heartburn for 2 days afterward. But do I ever love them.
Oh and I'm with Jayne I love my buttery popcorn - especially the movie theatre kind.
Lizzie, I heard a waitress at a resturant say she was never eating chicken wings again since she found out a dozen had 85 grams of fat!

What a list! The scary thing is that so many people consume those foods as their diet instead of as an occasional treat!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
Chocolate will never be called junk food in my books - it's the best :)

But, red licorice and jellybeans are probably don't have much nutrition - my favourite candies...
Me too!

I also had a dougnut and fries today! (and chicken nuggets and a coke). Oh well, it's Friday!

Glad someone else isn't just eating salads and fruit :)
Cheesecake..... Mmmmmmm.... Cheesecake.

:) My bf and I spent the weekend at some friends of his house... his EVIL mother sent home a huge chunk of cheesecake with us... CURSE HER (she is so sweet). It's in my fridge at home right this very moment. I'm taking it to my boyfriend's place and depositing in HIS fridge, I can't be expected to control myself if it's at my place. :9

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