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    Cathe- Getting married in 3 mos, strapless gown! Tank top rotation?

    RE: Abs of choice Marie, If I'm being a good girl, then yes, I do tend to stay at the higher end of weight loss and avg 1-2, even 3 lbs at times per week. I don't know if that will continue, but i'm hoping with the amped up cardio (have you seen that rotation?) it will. Thanks so much...
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    Cathe- Getting married in 3 mos, strapless gown! Tank top rotation?

    RE: Abs of choice LOL! Thanks Ann... I agree, this workout plan is no small feat... I watched 10-10-10 for the first time last night, and YOOOWZA... my stepson once said, "Is she a robot?" LOL.... After watching 10-10-10, I really didn't know what to tell him. ;) Anyway, thanks again for...
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    Cathe- Getting married in 3 mos, strapless gown! Tank top rotation?

    RE: Abs of choice Thanks Annette! Feel free to butt in all you want when you've got suggestions like that! :) So am I being crazy here? Whattya think my chances are of getting reasonably close to my goal by wedding day? I'm thinkin if I stay true to these routines, I may have a shot... :)
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    Cathe- Getting married in 3 mos, strapless gown! Tank top rotation?

    Cathe - Thank you so much for your reply! You're the absolute best! I'm gonna get right on this and report my results when I'm back from Jamaica! (we're doin the ceremony and honeymoon there :) ) Anyway, I'm lucky enough to live fairly close to your gym, so I may make a couple of those...
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    Cathe- Getting married in 3 mos, strapless gown! Tank top rotation?

    Hi Cathe! I too have become a huge fan over the last year and have built up quite a Cathe library. I've lost 25 lbs so far and would like to lose approx 20 more b4 the big day if possible. I'm also a faithful Weight Watcher, and that keeps me on the healthy eating track. I did some pokin...
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    Tank Top Rotation with newer DVDs?

    wow, that's AWESOME! :) Thanks gigi! Here's the funny thing... I live near Cathe's gym, so I decided to pick up the PS and CTX DVDs and the MIS video anyway! LOL Think it would hurt to do the original Tank Top WO one week, then alternate weeks with your version? Thanks again for the...
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    Tank Top Rotation with newer DVDs?

    Hey all, Can anyone suggest a Tank Top Rotation that incorporates the newer DVD's? Here's the old rotation, PS Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps,and Triceps. CTX Leaner Legs CTX Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps plus cardio Cardio MIS Cardio Cardio or rest ... and here's what I have...
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    am I crazy for for doing a Cathe tape at 11 pm?

    RE: Evening and Late Workouts thx for the feedback everyone! I never have a prob falling asleep, and like many of you, are just not with it enough in the morning to get any workout, much less a Cathe workout going. 11 pm is late, even for me, but I just couldn't face blowing off yet another...
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    am I crazy for for doing a Cathe tape at 11 pm?

    just couldn't fit it in any earlier in the day... had to get my workout in b4 bed... i popped in an oldie but goodie - CTX's All Step and man I'd forgotten what work that was... anyway, feeling good cuz I got it done, but wonderin if nighttime workouts like this are effective?
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    Just completed Imax2 for the first time......

    any one have any ideas on how to modify those demon hops on one leg?? I think that's the part that starts to kill my motivation... it's just downhill after that... i'm a trooper, but that move is just a bit too high impact for me.. i'd like to have an alternate in place so when I get to that...
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    Is it just me or is IMAX 2 like the ultimate butt kicker? Whew!!!!

    RE: Is it just me or is IMAX 2 like the ultimate butt k... thx for the vote of confidence Ninjamom... actually it's good to be challenged... especially in the DVD world you know? It's kinda like being a Jetson, if ya think abt it... we can get a gym class workout without looking for a parking...
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    Is it just me or is IMAX 2 like the ultimate butt kicker? Whew!!!!

    If IMAX is tougher than IMAX 2, then I just need to wait for my advanced card to come in the mail b4 I try it. :) I have to say though, it's been a while since I've exercised 5-6 times a week. I still consider myself intermediate - low level advanced, but IMAX 2 completely humbles me :) I'm...
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    Is it just me or is IMAX 2 like the ultimate butt kicker? Whew!!!!

    I could only make it through the first 30 minutes last night! Maybe I should just act like the intermediate exerciser that I am and do the shortened step version.. adding those blasts is killer! I can do the entire Step Blast tape (which I love) but IMAX 2 makes me look at Cathe like she's...
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    MIS vs. Pyramids?? Which is most effective?

    Thanks guys! Pyramids it is!! Just the motivation I need to get started tonight... it's 8:30 PM and I'm just now gettin my sneaks on... :7
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    morning vs. evening workouts? I'm SO not a morning person...

    thank you, thank you, thank you posters! nice to know I'm not the only one non-functional b4 10 am (or sometimes noon!) :) Here's to consistencey, morning, night OR noon! ;)
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    morning vs. evening workouts? I'm SO not a morning person...

    You're absolutely right CurlyQ (cute name)... That is EXACTLY my thinking on the subject. Why bother if I'm not going to give it my all?? ... so I feel, a skimpy workout AM is much worse than a give it my all workout in the PM, REGARDLESS of what the "But you'll burn more fat throughout the...
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    morning vs. evening workouts? I'm SO not a morning person...

    Does anyone feel that one over the other yields better/faster results? Try thought I may, I just can't seem to get it together in the morning to even hit my treadmill for 30 minutes before work, much less focus on an intense Cathe workout for 60-70 minutes. So I've resigned to working out in...
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    MIS vs. Pyramids?? Which is most effective?

    thank you Lynn! Ok, that makes sense to me! It's time to do legs tonight... ugh.. gotta grin and bear it!
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    MIS vs. Pyramids?? Which is most effective?

    Ok ladies... which will lend the faster results for definition/fat burning? I've got 8 mnths to get ready for my wedding and I've not time to waste! Please share your thoughts! Like everyone on here, I'm rapidly becoming insanely addicted to Cathe's workouts, and I now have several to choose...
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    yee ha! Just got Timesaver! Any suggestions on what to do 1st?

    by the way Erin, if you're still subscribed, here's take two of the TS cardio I got from a VFer that never came through b4.. there's some other stuff mixed in, but it's mostly cardio... Timesaver All Cardio Workouts Timesaver Step, Kickbox, and Core = 68 ½ min 38-1 Warm Up (Step Blast)...