Cathe- Getting married in 3 mos, strapless gown! Tank top rotation?


Hi Cathe!

I too have become a huge fan over the last year and have built up quite a Cathe library. I've lost 25 lbs so far and would like to lose approx 20 more b4 the big day if possible. I'm also a faithful Weight Watcher, and that keeps me on the healthy eating track.

I did some pokin around the threads and discovered the Tank Top Rotation. Did the first one tonight (LOVE CTX by the way)and felt GREAT! Anyway, do you recommend this for fast results or would you suggest another one? I mostly want toned arms and fat loss. Lots of other stuff I want (LOL) but just tryin to keep it real. September will be here b4 u know it...

I'd really appreciate any suggestions.

And thanks for bringing new WO motivation into my life. Your tapes are beyond amazing and have made it possible for me to fit fitness into my schedule again. :)

Here's what I've got to work with:

High Step Adv
High Step Circ Beg/Int
Step Blast
Push N Pull/Supersets
Pure Strength
Hi Sassyella! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments. I can see that you are strongly on your way to achieving more too. Thank you, too, for sharing your inspiration with me.

I'm not totally familiar with the tank top rotation but I will use the workouts you have listed here.

First off, it is great that you are faithful to eating well. That's half the battle won (as you know already).

Week 1-3:

Day 1: CTX of choice (cardio only)plus pyramid upper body
Day 2: CTX of choice (cardio only)plus abs from ME
Day 3: CTX of choice (cardio only)plus pyramid lower body
Day 4: CTX of choice (cardio only)plus pyramid upper body
Day 5: CTX of choice (cardio only)plus abs from ME
Day 6: CTX of choice (cardio only)plus pyramid lower body
Day 7: off

Week 4-6
Day 1: Step Blast plus ABS ONLY from one of Pure Strength Series tapes
Day 2: Pure Strength c/s/t
Day 3: Imax2
Day 4: OFF
Day 5: TWO timesaver cardio's of choice plus ME abs only
Day 6: Timesaver cardio-only of choice plus Pure Strength b/b/a
Day 7: Timesaver cardio-only of choice plus Pure Strength legs/abs

Week 7-9

Day 1: 40 min. walk/run plus Push Pull
Day 2: Imax 2
Day 3: 40 Min walk/run plus Push Pull
Day 4: OFF
Day 5: Timesaver cardio-only which has kickbox plus Abs of choice
Day 6: Supersets
Day 7: 20 minute light run plus 5 intervals of IMAX 2

Week 10-12

Day 1: High Step Advanced
Day 2: Step Blast
Day 3: High Step Advanced
Day 4: OFF
Day 5: 45 minute walk/run plus abs of choice
Day 6: MIS
Day 7: Cardio and Weights

Good Luck!
Cathe -

Thank you so much for your reply! You're the absolute best! I'm gonna get right on this and report my results when I'm back from Jamaica! (we're doin the ceremony and honeymoon there :) )

Anyway, I'm lucky enough to live fairly close to your gym, so I may make a couple of those workouts in person. :)

Thanx again... have an awesome day! :)

RE: Abs of choice

Totally butting in here, but wanted to offer some suggestions for your Abs Of Choice days; these are mish-moshes of Cathe ab workouts that can be cobbled together from your current collection:

CTX Kickbox prone planks, supine planks and roll-ups; THEN
Cardio Weights ab routine in its entirety

CTX Power Circuit prone planks and supermans; THEN
MIS abs in its entirety

CTX Kickbox prone planks, supine planks and roll-ups; THEN
CTX Leaner Legs ab routine in its entirety*

Cardio Weights ab routine in its entirety; THEN
ME or PUB stability ball plank and pike work only

*(The Leaner Legs ab routine is traditional ab work at its absolute best)

I haven't done the Timesaver DVD nor can I recall what ab routines or sections of ab routines are on that one, but I did a killer combo of the KPC ab routine omitting the stability ball pikes and planks but going straight to the SJP ab routine in its entirety a few days ago, and my abs were barking - flatly - for two days.


RE: Abs of choice

Thanks Annette! Feel free to butt in all you want when you've got suggestions like that! :)

So am I being crazy here? Whattya think my chances are of getting reasonably close to my goal by wedding day? I'm thinkin if I stay true to these routines, I may have a shot... :)
RE: Abs of choice

Hi, Sassy! I personally don't "do" scale weight so I'm probably the wrong person to ask about "weight loss" goals.


The rotation that Cathe has outlined for you is awesome. I am a particular fan of the CTX cardio routines, especially the 10-10-10 routine (the hi/lo segment there is a real barn-burner) and the Power Circuit routine (I adore cardio-leg-circuit workouts, and Cathe does my beloved step-kickbox there for 10 minutes). I am also a particular fan of I-Max 2; interval workouts are just the most.

If you stay true to those routines, and even give yourself a couple of sessions for a real intensity blaster, and you continue a nutritious, whole-foods program with sensible amounts, you can't lose . . . er . . . well . . . you know what I mean.

Couple more cardio mish-moshes to upkick your intensity:

CTX 10-10-10, substituting the interval segment from CTX Step Intervals for the step segment that is the final "10";

CTX AllStep, again followed by the Step Intervals interval segment

CTX Kickbox cardio, followed by the hi/lo segment from CTX 10-10-10 (middle segment)

That oughtta burst your buttons.

RE: Abs of choice

LOL! Thanks Ann... I agree, this workout plan is no small feat... I watched 10-10-10 for the first time last night, and YOOOWZA... my stepson once said, "Is she a robot?" LOL.... After watching 10-10-10, I really didn't know what to tell him. ;)

Anyway, thanks again for the pointers and the well wishes... here goes nothin! ;)

RE: Abs of choice

How much weight have you been losing per week/per month? If it has been pretty steady than the exercise should only increase that. I go to WW but only avg a half pound a week while avg for all is a half to 2 pounds. So hopefully you are on the high end of avg. Pounds and weight aside, you may see more changes in how you look and find that what the scale says isn't as important. We're here for you if you need help or support!
RE: Abs of choice


If I'm being a good girl, then yes, I do tend to stay at the higher end of weight loss and avg 1-2, even 3 lbs at times per week. I don't know if that will continue, but i'm hoping with the amped up cardio (have you seen that rotation?) it will.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and support... i'll probably jump on over to the Success Stories thread later this week...


RE: Abs of choice

Just a quick word of advice from someone who also had a strapless wedding gown - Don't do any heavy upper body right before your wedding, your muscles swell 24-48hrs after training so stop UB work a few days before hand otherwise your arms may look "puffy".

Good luck with your goal, looks like a great rotation:)
RE: Abs of choice

thanks for the tip curly Q! :) I'll keep that in mind... i'm so thankful for this rotation... it's really rejuvenated my motivation. :) But man, it looks tough...

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