Just completed Imax2 for the first time......


Oh my goodness, I just did Imax2 for the first time ever.....I already knew a lot of the intervals from doing Terminator - BUT, my word it was tough! I am really hurting now! x( I only stopped for a 2 minute break for a good sip of water and to wipe off the sweat when Cathe says to turn off for 30 seconds, so I don't think I did too bad! Plus, I did manage to complete all 10 intervals.

I got a bit confused over some of the step work on interval 9, especially with the turns and T-step, but I guess I'll get it with time.

So, now I know what everyone was talking about! :)

Conrats Josie!...isn't it awesome once you get thru it...:)...Interval 9 is a killer for me. When doing Terminator and I get to the Interval 9...I always modify...:)...if you did all 10 even with a 2 minute break, I think that's great...and yes...you will get all the steps with time...:)...Carole
Thanks for that Carole - I feel as though I've really achieved something! Just had to crow about it here cos DH and my friends would never understand what I was talking about!

I have to say, that has to be probably one of my best and most effective workouts in many years - I can't remember when I got so breathless like that - probably whilst doing sports at school!

Congratulations! It hurts so good, doesn't it?:) Don't worry about modifying ANY of those intervals or blasts. That evil blast in interval 9 is so harsh on my knees. I've never done those fast plie jumps as I still want to be able to chase after my grandkids one day.:) I do them half-time: 4 slow ones. And don't worry about that 2-minute break either. As long as you went back and finished it. Cheers!

Thanks Pinky! I'm still on such a major high from completing the entire thing! I even went out today and bought a polar heart rate monitor - mainly out of curiousity to see what my heart rate is doing the next time I attempt it!

Yes, interval 9 is positively evil....}(
Josie, I have used a Polar Heart Rate monitor for about 8 years. They are so cool and when you see how high your HR goes up in those intervals....WOW!!!...off to do the Viper...:)...Carole
Congratulations Josie!

I posted an almost identical thread a couple of weeks ago when I did IMAX 2 all the way through for the first time. I was pumped and I felt like I could fly! I imagine that how you feel too. I personally think completing this workout is a huge accomplishment, regardless of whether or not extra rest was taken. I totally hear you and everyone else on interval number 9. It's unreal!!!! For me, that interval and interval 7 kick my butt every time!

Great job!
I can imagine using the polar heart rate monitor will prove interesting next time I'm doing those intervals! Can't wait to test it out tomorrow, however I think I'll try something a little less intense.

BTW, I found out that you can get a great Triumph sports bra and it has a special insert that you can put the polar unit into so you don't need to use the elasticated strap....so I may have to invest!

Thanks everyone for the words of congratulations everyone!

Josie :)
That is wonderful!!

I know how you feel - two weeks ago after, having and playing with this workout since they came out - I completed a flying angel!

Isn't great how completing a Cathe workout can give us such a high? It's like climbing our own private mountain without leaving our home.
any one have any ideas on how to modify those demon hops on one leg?? I think that's the part that starts to kill my motivation... it's just downhill after that... i'm a trooper, but that move is just a bit too high impact for me.. i'd like to have an alternate in place so when I get to that part I can just jump right in... trust me if i try to come up with something, it'll be like, okay, walk in place for 5 minutes while sipping water :) LOL.
You could always try doing a high knee walk (they do that one on the Lotte Berk dvds) - I think it's quite hard and at least it would keep the heart rate up!
My knees rebel against all those genie hops. The last time I did the workout I substituted some power heel digs for the genie hops. Much better for my knees and still very intense!
>Isn't great how completing a Cathe workout can give us such a
>high? It's like climbing our own private mountain without
>leaving our home.

Bebop, this is exactly how I feel. I couldn't have said it any better.


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