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  1. J

    DVD player question

    I ordered Cathe's new workouts on DVD, and have all the rest on VHS. When I get a DVD player am I going to have to keep switching the connections in the back from DVD to VCR? Does connecting the DVD player to the VCR solve this problem, or do I have to get a DVD/VCR combo?
  2. J

    Embarrassing female question

    Ditto that! I guess we won't be so quick to freak out next time we get a weird zit. I'm glad everything's ok, too.
  3. J

    Embarrassing female question

    Boy do I feel like an idiot! What I thought was my Lipoma spreading like wildfire was actually parts of my ribcage! (or so says the doctor.) My only explanation for my idiocy is that maybe, as we get older and thin-out in the chest area, there is less breast tissue to cover up the ribs, so the...
  4. J

    Embarrassing female question

    Hi Sue! I thought I better tell you what's happening to me right now. About 3 weeks ago I had a nipple zit. I've never had one before, and it popped A LOT, like yours, then I noticed a hard lump in my upper chest area, a little bit below the collarbone. The Doctor thinks it's probably a Lipoma...
  5. J

    Is Bok Choy safe to eat?

    Hmmm...Maybe I'm unfairly blaming the bok choy for a strange coincidence. The first time was regular bok choy, the second time was baby bok choy, none of it was bagged, and both times eaten with rice. I guess I'll go back to the drawing board on this. Thanks you guys!
  6. J

    Is Bok Choy safe to eat?

    Twice now I've had food poisoning from Bok Choy. Fresh Bok Choy from the grocery store. Is it dangerous to eat, like sprouts? Has anyone else had problems with it?
  7. J

    How to know what to eat if vegan is the goal?

    Kathryn, thanks for all the scientific info. Complete proteins have always been a source of intrigue and confusion for me. The subject has come up before in this forum, and the gist of it was that pretty much any combination of beans, greens and grains would result in a complete protein. I did a...
  8. J

    How to know what to eat if vegan is the goal?

    I just want to thank rcbinmichigan for telling us about the complete protein myth. I have often eaten more than I wanted to in order to make my protein "complete", so this is going to simplify things for me in a big way. Thanks!
  9. J

    Need input on dead rows..

    Do you have Bodymax? On that tape Cathe does the rows bent over at a 90 degree angle, like you described. I stick with the 45 degree angle on those because the 90 degree feels unsafe to me, but maybe if you're extra careful it would be ok.
  10. J

    Stupid Mango Question

    Well, the mango was pretty difficult to work with. I finally got it peeled, then I couldn't get at the pit to cut it out, so I just ate around it, and it was a very sloppy sight to behold. It tasted okay... I can see how it would be much better in the salsa. So, I'm not going to fight for the...
  11. J

    Stupid Mango Question

    Thanks, everybody! I'm sure glad I didn't chomp right into it like I was tempted to do. It's pretty soft, so I'm going to get to work on it right now!
  12. J

    Stupid Mango Question

    I was reading the thread about addictions and saw that some of you would rather fight than give up your mango. I've never had a mango, and I wanted to get in on the fun, so I bought one today. It's a big, beautiful rainbow of red and orange and yellow. I want to eat it, but I don't know how, so...
  13. J

    What Cathe-isms have you misunderstood?

    It always cracks me up when Cathe's putting the barbell on her lap for tricep dips and she says to "center it in the center". I have to yell out to the TV "center it where???" And at the end of Bodymax she says something I still haven't figured out - it sounds like she's saying "we're jamminen!" ???
  14. J

    Cathe Quirks?

    Hi Cathe! I've noticed in some of your videos that you loosen your hands during the negative motion on bicep curls, and you lift your feet, ever so slightly, when doing ab crunches. Is this a quirk, or is it to make sure the proper muscle is doing the work? Is this something we should be doing, too?
  15. J

    imax 2 question-what other work out?

    I was SO wondering the same thing! We know Cathe's superhuman, but it's flattering to know that she thinks we're superhuman, too!
  16. J


    I really want to hear what Cathe will say about this, but in the meantime I'm going to throw my two cents in. I've heard something about how you can't drink AND build muscle, but I can't remember the details. It was something about how alcohol depletes your muscles of something that it needs...
  17. J

    Shoulder Instability

    I don't know if this will help, but I've injured both of my shoulders on seperate occasions by doing incline bench presses. I could not lift my arm straight out in front of me above shoulder level without major pain. On both occasions a cortizone shot in the shoulder fixed it right up. I no...
  18. J

    Self motivation

    In response to one of your questions "Is it really that hard to exercise?" The answer is NO. But I agree with AKirkland and Kweller that if you're not brought up with an active family it will be harder to incorporate it into your life. My opinion is that this is where the old Nike slogan comes...
  19. J

    Yoga Question

    Thanks for the info, you guys. I don't actually practice yoga, Amadeus. I have some tapes by Kest, Yee and Rich, and I guess I don't really like any of them, because I can't seem to get myself to do them more than once every few months. I just incorporate some of the poses into my evening...
  20. J

    Yoga Question

    This might be a really stupid question, but I have to ask. Why do yoga videos say not to do inverted poses when you're on your period? And why do they always say not to do it, and never explain why? Is that a discretion thing? Is it too disgusting to dicuss? I work standing up and must do a...