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  1. S

    3rd Phase P90X

    I don't know if anyone will even respond to this question, but here goes. I'm in my third phase of the classic rotation, the last part, I plan to do the program again when I finish given a few weeks rest. My question is this, I really seem to be tired, I know they tell us to eat more carbs...
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    Anyone who's done P90X Doubles

    Thanks for the response, I hope you got great results from your routine. I'll be sure to keep that information in mind. I know everyone is at a different fitness level and we have to be careful and listen to whatever our body is telling us. Thanks again for the advice.
  3. S

    Hardcore Premix Update 9/20/04

    A small suggestion most of the ways you do your premixes are great anyway, however I also do chest and back from p90X so I was wondering if you could keep the shoulders, tris, and bi's together. That would be great!!! I love your workouts and your workout style, thanks Cathe.
  4. S

    Anyone who's done P90X Doubles

    Thank you, thank you, thank you both for your responses to my question. Now, I'm pretty sure I could do both in the morning, I like to get my finished with early in the day too. I'll have to check back with you guys later on. Again, thanks so much it helps to have insight. Hope your workouts...
  5. S

    Legs and Glutes

    Mine aren't awesome but I'm sure there all the stronger for doing the tape. It's definitely a tape I do once a week rather than twice and sometimes I just have to go with something else altogether. You know what else is great about it is the variety. That keepsk the tape moving at such a...
  6. S

    Anyone who's done P90X Doubles

    If you lifted first and then did the cardio, their cardio did you find yourself feeling preety wasted, or like you just had a very good workout? I guess I'm asking if you felt like you had enough stamina for both workouts? Thanks. One more thing, when you did the doubles the first time was...
  7. S

    Legs and Glutes

    This is a great workout, I love the variety but your right it is difficult. I think it's because of all the reps you do, some of those are alot of reps and then she'll do two sets. She really knows how to work you. The final legs sweeps when your lying on the side of the body really do get...
  8. S

    Anyone who's done P90X Doubles

    For anyone who has already started or has finished this cycle. Did you find that you could do both the cardio and the weights in the same morning? Or within the same frame of time? Those of us who are used to Cathes' aerobic training it would seem that we could handle P90's cardio and still...
  9. S

    What fitness magazines do you suscribe to/read? TIA

    I subscribe to Oxygen and Muscle and Fitness Hers, I too have been disappointed in Muscle and Fitness Hers. There was a magazine I was picking up at the store called Energy which gave some nice moves and was refreshing to browse through. I agree that a lot of the magazines seem to repeat...
  10. S

    P90X- 2nd time Around

    Thanks for the replies, I'm only on my 9th week but I'm seeing noticable results. I do intend to do this again myself after a short break,I just need to figure out what rotation, right now I'm doing the classic routation. Thanks again guys for letting me know how your results have been I...
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    P90X- 2nd time Around

    Gotta bump this again.
  12. S

    KPC -- interval training?

  13. S

    P90X- 2nd time Around

    I know some people have viewed this question but has anyone done this for the second time or are you halfway through? Just want to know if you got great results second time around too?
  14. S

    P90X- 2nd time Around

    Has anyone finished the P90X rotation for the second time or is anyone half way through the second time? I would like to know what type of results your seeing? Are they comparable with the results you saw the first time around and if so are you doing classic rotation or the lean rotation? I'm...
  15. S

    Rotation for a flatter stomach

    Bump again.
  16. S

    Rotation for a flatter stomach

    I'd like an answer to this question too. It's mainly the lower part of the abs. The upper seem to be coming along just fine, but it's the very low part of the abs that are so very stubborn. Makes me mad at those actresses who can have babies and 3 weeks later they can put on low rider jeans...
  17. S

    Leg Definition

    Thanks again for all the good advice, I've got some good things to start with so we'll see how the legs start to shape up.
  18. S

    CATHE vs P90X

    I have to say it's not really a question of Cathe vs P90X its more like Cathe or P90X. If you want to focus on some real intense strength training for a while, I would suggest P90X. Except for the legs I do add a Cathe tape, I like a little more work for my legs, and as far as cardio I could...
  19. S

    Leg Definition

    Thanks for the information guys, maybe what I'll do is just mix it up a little. Thanks