P90X- 2nd time Around

Has anyone finished the P90X rotation for the second time or is anyone half way through the second time? I would like to know what type of results your seeing? Are they comparable with the results you saw the first time around and if so are you doing classic rotation or the lean rotation? I'm curious what it's like the 2nd time around? Thanks.
I know some people have viewed this question but has anyone done this for the second time or are you halfway through? Just want to know if you got great results second time around too?
I am starting my 2nd round in about 10 days. I got awesome results the first time with the Doubles rotation. Great core strength, more definition in my upper body and abs, my legs got a bit smaller which has never happened before but I liked it as they were a bit big (I am a pear shape) I lost about 20 lbs but I also majorly tweaked my diet...:)...I am going to do the Lean rotation but probably more like a Lean Doubles....:)...Carole
I'm almost done with my first round and I have gotten great results, but I don't think I could start it again right away. I'm getting bored to tears. I'm gonna go back to Cathe weight workouts for a while when I'm done w/ my 90 days. I'll probably come back to it in a few months though.
Thanks for the replies, I'm only on my 9th week but I'm seeing noticable results. I do intend to do this again myself after a short break,I just need to figure out what rotation, right now I'm doing the classic routation. Thanks again guys for letting me know how your results have been I really appreciate it, I'll have to check in with you again later.

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