Anyone who's done P90X Doubles

For anyone who has already started or has finished this cycle. Did you find that you could do both the cardio and the weights in the same morning? Or within the same frame of time? Those of us who are used to Cathes' aerobic training it would seem that we could handle P90's cardio and still do the weights? Or did you find it was better to do weights first and then the cardio portion? Just want some advice? I'm going to try this in about 3 weeks and I'm just trying to get a feel on what to do? Thanks.
Hi Mic...I did the Doubles the first time and normally lifted first before cardio. I have done that even with Cathe. I even like double workouts...:)...I am starting another P90X round on Monday. The Lean rotation and I will more than likely make it more of a doubles rotation as I will be running alot due to marathon training...I'd be happy to answer any questions...:)...Carole
If you lifted first and then did the cardio, their cardio did you find yourself feeling preety wasted, or like you just had a very good workout? I guess I'm asking if you felt like you had enough stamina for both workouts? Thanks. One more thing, when you did the doubles the first time was that with the classic routation?
No, I didn't feel wasted at all but to let you know as a marathon runner I have alot of endurance and stamina. I will also say that on occasion if I did leg weightlifting before legs would feel fairly tired but I still felt I got a good workout. There are 3 P90X workouts, The Classic, Doubles and Lean. I started with the Classic but swtiched to the Doubles after about 3 weeks (I think). Now following the Lean I'll just add more cardio by running so that is why I said it would be like a "Doubles" rotation. Sorry for the confusion...:)...Carole
I did the doubles all along even in the beginning. I never had a problem doing them back to back. I like to get my workout over with in one part of the day. I only did their plyo though, not the cardio x or kenpro - they are bothtoo easy. I substituted that one w/ Cathe cardio or Powerstrike.
Thank you, thank you, thank you both for your responses to my question. Now, I'm pretty sure I could do both in the morning, I like to get my finished with early in the day too. I'll have to check back with you guys later on. Again, thanks so much it helps to have insight. Hope your workouts continue to go well.
Hi -

I did the doubles rotation for P90X and found that I did better when I did splits. I like to run a few times a week, so I would get up really early and run for 30-40 minutes and then later in the day I would do my P90x strength training.

If my schedule didn't allow and I had to do both cardio and strength back to back, I would do strength first and then cardio later. However, I was usually pretty wasted after doing P90X strength so my cardio would be pretty moderate.. a power walk in the neighborhood or CTX Kickbox.

If you are doing doubles, don't be afraid to take an extra rest day.. its alot of work on your'll be tired!!

Good luck, Lynn M.
Thanks for the response, I hope you got great results from your routine. I'll be sure to keep that information in mind. I know everyone is at a different fitness level and we have to be careful and listen to whatever our body is telling us. Thanks again for the advice.

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