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  1. P

    A Very Sad Day!

    Cathe, I am sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. The truly become part of the family. In may I put my pug down, she was 14 years old and had a growth on her spine. My prayers are with you. Phyllis
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    How many of you guys live in NJ?

    Hi, I don't post much, but I live in West Milford which is northwest NJ, I have never taken a class with Cathe. I think her club is about 2 and half hours away from me. I would love to visit her gym. I have to wait though because I am recuperating from surgery and can't exercise till middle...
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    Hardcore Presale starts Now!

    Dear Cathe, I am so excited, I just preordered all the DVD's and Hardcore Extreme. I am not able to workout probably until October because I just had major abdominal surgery and developed a wound infection, but I am sure that when I can restart I will have this to motivate me to get back to...
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    Depressed, Just back from spending 28 days in the hospital

    RE: Depressed, Just back from spending 28 days in the h... Hi everyone, Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. It is so nice to know that my fellow catheites are so caring and warm. Yesterday I was kind of having a pity party for myself but after all of your warm wishes I feel...
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    cathe- premixes

    Hi, Just wanted to add my .02cents, please keep the premixes. I love them. As I am recuperating from surgery right now, when I start bsck exercising I plan to use the premixes to get back into shape. So please, please, please keep the premixes!!!! Sincerly Phyllis
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    Depressed, Just back from spending 28 days in the hospital

    Hi everyone, I usually lurk and rarely post but I am really bummed because I spent the last 28 days in the hospital and hand a small bowel resection on June 25 and then went on to develop a severe wound infection. Needless to say there is a gaping hole in my abdomen that I have to dress twice...
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    Thanks Cathe for the new workouts

    Hi Cathe, I am a very very biggg fan of yours and have about 95% of your workouts. I was sick for about three months with a exacerbation of my Crohn's disease and was on high doses of medications and stopped working out. I started back in April and am so happy I pre-ordered these workouts...
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    Yoga/Pilates/Stretch question for Cathe

    Hi Cathe, I would love for you to make a stretch/yoga tape. You have a great style of teach and your nice personality shines right through in your workouts. I usually lurk but just had to put my .02 in . I can't wait for your new DVD's to arrive. Phyllis
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    childs weight

    Hi, My daughter is very overweight also. What is 10 stone equal to in pounds. My daughter will be 9 in June and is 114 pounds. The doctor was very upset at her physical. My other daughter is 10 and is 62 pounds. I am trying to be more active with my daughters and teach them good eating...
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    My DVD player Broke, I am bummed!!!

    Hi everyone, I am so upset, this morning I was already to do Cathe SJP premix with weights, I went downstairs and my DVD player would acknowledge there was a disc there, so I tried to open the door and get it out. I couldn't reach the disc, so I unplugged the machine and shook it sideways, my...
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    Working out at home and a gym

    Hi everyone, Just wanted to say thanks for posting. I am hoping the gym will help motivate me a little more. I hope I can actually do the spinning class since I have only done Spinervals at home last year for about 3 months and have not done them since. I am hoping to meet other fitness...
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    Working out at home and a gym

    Hi, I don't post much, I usually lurk, I was just wondering how many of you work out at home to videos and also belong to a gym. I just joined a gym by my house for a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday membership. I plan to take a spinning class on one of those days and do the weight machines on...
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    what are your hobbies..besides fitness???

    Hi I don't post much but this seems like a fun thread. I love to read and have been learning to crochet for the past 3 years, I say that because I am still making one afghan from then. But my excuse is that I am left handed and the instructions are for right handed people. I also love bike...
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    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays To All!

    Cathe, Your sons are totally adorable. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for your great workouts. Phyllis M.
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    Anyone else been on high dose steroids and their side effects?

    Hi everyone, I justed wanted to thank everyone for posting. My problem besides the not sleeping is that I can not eat solid food. Everytime I eat soft foods like scrambled eggs or rice I am in agony. I told my gastrenterologist that this is very unlike me on steroids, when I am on steroids I...
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    Anyone else been on high dose steroids and their side effects?

    Hi, My name is Phyllis, I only post once in a while but frequently lurk. I have Crohn's disease and have recently had a bad flare. After being in the hospital for one week for a small bowel obstruction, the doctor sent me home on high dose steroids. Just curious if anyone has been on them...
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    Kidney stones

    Hi, I am a nurse, the only thing I can tell you is for him to drink a least 3 liters of water a day, I know that is a lot but he needs the extra fluid to pass the stone. He should continue his pain meds as needed also. Does he have a follow up visit with a urologist, just to check and he also...
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    Mindy's Awesome Intervals and Interval Express

    Hi guys, Thanks a lot for your answers, I think I will just get the Awesome Intervals and see if I like her style. Phyllis
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    Mindy's Awesome Intervals and Interval Express

    Hi, I usually lurk, however I just wanted to know if anyone has used these videos and how they compare to Cathe's. Also if any has Janis Safell Brand New Butt Plus Pilates and how that was. Just thinking of what to as dear hubby for Christmas. I am still anxiously awaiting my new BB DVD's...
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    Wow People are complaining

    RE: You MAY choose not to read this but... Hi everyone, I still do not see why this post was started, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I usually lurk and rarely post but I couldn't help it. I just want to say that anything Cathe puts out is fine with me, she has proven herself...