Depressed, Just back from spending 28 days in the hospital


Hi everyone,
I usually lurk and rarely post but I am really bummed because I spent the last 28 days in the hospital and hand a small bowel resection on June 25 and then went on to develop a severe wound infection. Needless to say there is a gaping hole in my abdomen that I have to dress twice a day and I am in lots of pain with no hope of exercising for at least 8 weeks. I am just hoping this wound heals quickly. Thanks for listenting to me rant.
I know its hard not to be bummed out but you have to look at the bright side.At least your in the healing process.I wouldn't worry to much about not getting to workout right now.Just concentrate on getting better.Maybe in the next couple of weeks you could sit down,look at your workouts and design a rotation that will get you back in shape quickly.Remember the muscle has a great memory!
Take care...have a couple of naps for me:)
Praying that you have a quick recovery. Workouts can wait, your health and well being can't. Take care of yourself and please don't overdo it. You do not want to be back in the hospital again.:(
So sorry to hear about your experience. Just concentrate on getting better. Exercise can wait. You don't want to end up back in the hospital.

Hope you get better soon.


you are extremely restrained: you barely ranted at all! It sucks: but you have to put the big picture and long term health at the fore front of your mind right now, and put anxiety over not exercising right back there with the inconsequentialities of reality, where it belongs.

You are in pain, you have had major surgery, please don't worry about not exercising. Right now your body needs all your energies and many positive vibes for healing. That's your priority, right? Exercise will still be there when you are healthy and ready, it's never going to go away, so it can wait a little longer. Right?

Sending you all best wishes for a safe, effective and total recovery,


I'm so sorry you're not feeling well and had to spend so much time in the hospital. I hope you begin to feel better soon!

Oh goodness Phyllis ...big hugs to you. Do you have any pain relief to take? Don't even think about working out you just get yourself healed up 1st. Take care and good luck.

You're not ranting. That was quite an ordeal. I will be thinking of you, and hope you heal quickly. I know it's hard to not exercise, but that's the best thing for you right now. You'll get back into the swing of things when you can.
RE: Depressed, Just back from spending 28 days in the h...

I am so sorry Phyllis! If it is any consolation to you, I have had a knee/hamstring injury for the past 8 months. I felt like my body held together pretty good the first 6 months! :) Now, the last two months have not been as nice. :-( Soooo, what I am trying to say is, give yourself these two months to heal WELL and in no time, you will be right back at it. I can sooo totally relate with your feelings of depression. I have never had an injury like this before and it is hard to feel like you will ever be fine again, but you WILL! Saying extra prayers for your healing. Watch your new Cathe's and learn all the moves, maybe dig out an old Cathe you had trouble with choreo-wise and use this time to figure out what the heck she is doing! (This is coming from someone who has TWO-LEFT-FEET!)Thinking of YOU!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Depressed, Just back from spending 28 days in the h...

Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. It is so nice to know that my fellow catheites are so caring and warm. Yesterday I was kind of having a pity party for myself but after all of your warm wishes I feel much better. Thanks again.

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