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  1. ccbw03

    stability ball ?

    Hey Cathe, Is it okay to do Pyramid upper body on the stability ball? Thanks in advance! Cara
  2. ccbw03

    New facility

    Thanks Barbara! It's such a cool place and I live soooo far away!!
  3. ccbw03

    New facility

    Hi Cathe, In the thread talking about the road trip you mentioned your new facility. Didn't you use to have a picture posted somewhere about the new place? If not, would it be possible to do so? I thought I remembered looking at something, maybe it was a layout of the place you are in now...
  4. ccbw03

    working those saddlebags

    Aila, When you do your rotation with L&G's and MC, KPC, Imax 2, do you incorporate any upper body at all? Thanks, Cara
  5. ccbw03

    Little chuckle

    Hey Cathe, I've been enjoying your workouts as always, and have been doing super sets these last couple of weeeks. I've been kind of laughing, because every time I get to the side raises for the obliques, you say to put your hand there and you can feel the indent, well that is what I'm trying...
  6. ccbw03

    icklemoley, are u there?

    My apologies. I thought about that after I sent the note. The reason I asked is that I picked up on the "no worries", and I am sorry, I do know the English use that phrase too. I was an exchange student in Oz for a year, so was just curious. Love both accents, my host father, whom I became...
  7. ccbw03

    icklemoley, are u there?

    Just a stab in space here, but I thought I picked up on an "Australian" accent. "No worries" Am I right, or just stabbing? Curious Cara
  8. ccbw03

    BIG plea for HELP

    Hey a big thanks to everyone!! I forgot to give some of my info. I am 5'6", 37yr. old. My workouts consist of Cathe. I've been doing Cathe workouts for seven years now. I've been doing her rotations that she posts since, I believe, May or June. I have looked into the Physique...
  9. ccbw03

    BIG plea for HELP

    I am SO depressed and unhappy with my body right now. Where do I begin? Three years ago I was at my goal weight thru WW. Exercising 5-6 nights a week, rotating cardio and weights. I am now 30lbs heavier, still exercising 5-6 nights a week, and still following a WW diet. I have had to go up...
  10. ccbw03


    I know I'm not Cathe, but I feel exactly like you do. Just keep doing what you are doing. I know that is so hard to hear, because you feel like you are doing everything right, and nothing is happening. I started doing Cathe's rotations for the month, and even though I print it out to follow...
  11. ccbw03

    Stupid Mango Question

    RE: Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF) $50 for a melon??????? Wow! What a bummer!
  12. ccbw03

    where everyone lives ?

    RE: Hey there CCBW03!! Hey there LizzieLiz! My sister-in-law is from Media, Il. I've always been kinda intimidated to post here because it seems like so many of the gals are from the big city, then here comes the ole country hick! ( even though I don't live on a farm or anywhere near one)...
  13. ccbw03

    June rotation question

    Thanks for responding! I do feel like I am eating healthy and have been pretty good about keeping a food journal. I did keep a exercise journal for the first time last month when I did the May rotation. Before I would just kinda keep track in my head. That's one thing why I am SO...
  14. ccbw03

    June rotation question

    I have been struggling with a major weight gain over the past few years after maintaining my weight with Cathe workouts and Weight Watchers for at least three years. I'm still working out with Cathe and still doing WW, but have put on weight. I don't understand. My question is I've had people...
  15. ccbw03

    Stupid Mango Question

    RE: Mango Salsa (Celia's Salsa From VF) Hey Joan, you described it exactly how they eat it in Australia! Someone over there told me they used to cut up Mangos for their kids they let them eat them in the bathtub because they are so juicy. I just love them too!
  16. ccbw03

    where everyone lives ?

    I had to chuckle here,sounds like a beaty pageant with everyone chiming off where they're from! How cool! Burlington, Iowa, on the Mississippi.
  17. ccbw03

    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    First of all, you ROCK Donna!!!! I've gone from hurt, shock, disbelief, anger, totally pissed off, to a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside after reading all of these posts! My picture right now is all of these buff, super cut, magnificent, healthy, super fit women standing in one big group hug...
  18. ccbw03

    Question for getnfit@39

    RE: Cara................ I've been exercising 5-6Xs a week. I was on the tank top rotation. Now I think I'm going to try the new May one. I'm going to try and write down the days I exercise instead of just keeping track in my head. Yes they do "give" extra points for exercise. I guess...
  19. ccbw03

    Question for getnfit@39

    RE: Lynda............ Hey Donna, Thanks again! You've really got this down to a science huh? I've been using the weight watcher's on line journal to keep track of my eating. I'm not sure if you are familiar with WW or not but it also has a place to just track how much exercise (length, and...
  20. ccbw03

    Question for getnfit@39

    RE: Lynda............ Hey Donna, Thanks so much for your reply. That does help. Do you split your workouts up and do some in the morning and some at night or all in one shot? I've thought about getting up before work, but I can't bring myself to get up any earlier, I get up around 4:30am...