icklemoley, are u there?


Just a stab in space here, but I thought I picked up on an "Australian" accent. "No worries" Am I right, or just stabbing?
Curious Cara

that's pretty funny. I've been in the US 12 or 13 years now and the reaction to me when I go to a store or place I've never been before is one of two:

1) I get genuinely complimented on my lovely English accent by people who love to hear it, even though my family think I have bastardized my accent completely!!! OOOOOOOOpen those vowels!!!!

2) I get asked where I'm from in Australia!

Sigh.... Are you really living in Wales like it says on your Cathe profile? Oh God, I sound like such a Londoner, like "is there anywhere else to live?!?!?!?!?!". Tell us some more about you. I'm intrigued!

Actually its not the first time that someone has told me i sound Australian...have no idea why??? Must be too much Home & Away :) Yep profile is correct...do live in Wales (south). A place called Abergavenny (heard of it?). Think "Deliverance"!!! }( Its very quiet. Has four mountains and full of old (75 plus) people. I think i'm the youngest! It's quiet so i like it. Sadly though its bloody cold and i hate the cold. Clare...how and why did you move to the US? And which part? Would love to know x
My apologies. I thought about that after I sent the note.
The reason I asked is that I picked up on the "no worries", and I am sorry, I do know the English use that phrase too.
I was an exchange student in Oz for a year, so was just curious.
Love both accents, my host father, whom I became very close to, was originally from England.

I know Abergavenny well. Family holidays in Wales and all that. I have spent many holidays in Talybont, with hoards of family friends engaged in jolly hearty outdoor pursuits followed by much noshing of cherry pie. Yes, it was always cold there in April which is when we went. The mountains are fab, not sure I could handle the peace and quiet for that long. Nothing against old people though!

I moved to the US to start an MA program in Spanish-American literature. My long term boyfriend, now my husband, had come to Pennsylvania (bloody freezing cold in Winter, horriffic amounts of snow, damn sweaty in Summer, impossible to breathe, sleep in the basement stuff) to do his PhD and I was terribly lonely in London without him. When you find your soul mate, to me, you might as well go to the ends of the earth to be with that person. THen I had my first child Martha, took some time off, kept teaching Spanish which I really enjoy, then started PhD program myself. Stopped it when my husband finished and got a job in Michigan, which is where we are now, in Ann Arbor (not as cold as PA, doesn't snow much, quite hot in Summer, they call it the armpit of Michigan, but it's preferable to PA and anything South of here, like Mississippi!) at the Universty of Michigan, a fine institution at the forefront of the Life sciences research, etc. Then I began my PhD again here and I really still love the teaching more than anything. Research gets me down, even though I love the intellectual puzzle that literature and cultural study present. I hate writing papers. I am still engaged in this.

I am working on a dissertation on masculinities in Cuban narrative, contestations to the dominant state discourses of hyper-hetero-sexuality from a queer studies perspective. So I get to deal with issues of power, sexuality, gender crossings, cultural transvestism, race-crossings, queer sexuality, the closet, etc. The 20 th century in Cuba is fascinating and there's so much political change going on as the nation strives for it's independence under US imperialism, and all this affects the sorts of masculinities which may be performed/lived/articulated and enjoyed.

I've probably told you way more than you needed or wanted to know. I get carries away sometimes, sorry! Anyway, listen, if there are in future things you need from fitness websites out here, please think about whether I can help you reduce shiping fees, OK?

So, am I right? You work as a fitness instructor/personal trainer? I am impressed that you can make a living out of this in Abergavenny. What else do you get up to (that you can print ;-) )?!?!?!?!

See ya,

Hey Clare…thanks for the background info…! Wow… you’re a busy girl! Thought your wording on “soul mate” (and following till the end of earth) was touching. Sounds like a lucky guy.

Actually I don’t personal train in Abergavenny (due to the population being … small!). I work for a financial adviser to make ends meet. I am a fitness therapist by trade (have a masters) but found work very difficult in this part of the world.

You sound like you work very hard. I cannot have a conversation with you on “masculinities in Cuban narrative” as I no very little about the subject, though it does sound fascinating. What got you interested in gender studies?

Abergavenny is so small that getting up to any form of mischief is hard to do. Suppose I can climb the mountains and molest the sheep!!! Ok, I think not! As you can see, at 25, I’m clearly in need of some stimulation!!!

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