June rotation question


I have been struggling with a major weight gain over the past few years after maintaining my weight with Cathe workouts and Weight Watchers for at least three years. I'm still working out with Cathe and still doing WW, but have put on weight. I don't understand. My question is I've had people tell me maybe I need to do lighter weights, more reps. I just finished the May rotation, did it faithfully except for maybe 3 days. Kept a food diary, pretty faithful, but still no weight loss, and don't really feel like I got anywhere toning wise. I would like to do the June rotation, but am scared that the heavy lifting will add still more weight! ANY advice from the educated crowd????
I do not consider myself an expert by any means, but how are your clothes fitting? I have seen posts that talk about people actually gaining weight - muscle weight - and going down clothes sizes because they have lost inches.

Also, have you tried eating more points one day and less the next or more for a few days and less for a few days? There is a thread I believe in the open discussion forum entitled WW or BL and there is a lot of information about tweaking the WW plan. One more thought...are you eating healthy foods?

Good luck. Don't give up and keep exercising!
If the June rotation appeals to you, I urge you to do it. There's a lot of conflicting advice around. There's certainly a large camp here that things lifing anything less than max is a waste of time. But ultimately you have to figure out what works for you & what you enjoy. You may find Cathe's June rotation is exactly what you needed to jump start your weight loss!

There are lots of reasons one may hit a weight loss plateau. The WW program has a good reputation but it may not provide enough calories for an active person. Did you see the thread on the Open Forum re WW vs BFL? You might gain some insight.

Angela posted a good question. Are you sure you're not getting results? Looser clothes, more energy, more strength?

Good luck. And be patient.

Thanks for responding! I do feel like I am eating healthy and have been pretty good about keeping a food journal. I did keep a exercise journal for the first time last month when I did the May rotation. Before I would just kinda keep track in my head.

That's one thing why I am SO frustrated is that my clothes are not fitting loose. The weight has just crept on over a period of about three years, but it seems like just overnight. I am still doing as much exercise as I was before and still eating clean, having cheat days every now and then. I was always able to turn around a gain before, but now there has been no turning. So depressing!!

I'll have to check out the WW vs BF again, I read it once.

Thanks for the encouragement!
Have you tried changing your routine to include a different king of aerobic activity? Like from all stepping to incorporating running, swimming, spinning, etc?
I was so afraid to cut my cardio(step only) to do more weight training and incorporate a running day. I took the plunge and my body changed for the better. I have some definition now. I don't know if/how the weight has changed. And I cheat alot with my eating, but was still able to gain definition.

Good luck. Don't be afraid to do something different. Your body may need a shock to make it respond.

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