New facility


Hi Cathe,
In the thread talking about the road trip you mentioned your new facility. Didn't you use to have a picture posted somewhere about the new place? If not, would it be possible to do so? I thought I remembered looking at something, maybe it was a layout of the place you are in now.
I would also love to go on a road trip and meet you. That would be SO COOL!
Cara I the only one wishing she could move to New Jersey to be near enough to join this Health Club?

So impressive, great membership rates...and Cathe live?

Great Googley Moogley! What a facility.

That fitness center alone looks like it would be worth moving to NJ, let alone seeing Cathe!
Is this Cathe's club? Is she the owner or partner? I'm completely impressed. I'm on the "other" coast and our memberships are rediculous in most places. I just can't pay out the wazoo to belong to a club called "Park Pointe" because it's so prestigious (sp?). Gosh, the health club industry has gone off it's rocker out here.

I was born in Philly..can I move back?


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