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  1. L


    Anyone here with Lupus? I've just been diagnised and have been planning on starting a I'm not so sure. Thanks!
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    Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately I don't take any medications other than Tavist Sinus about once a month, and I've been taking this for years, with problems in my white blood count now. I did see a oncologist yesterday and he ran more blood tests, so in about 1 week I should know...
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    I am wondering if anyone knows anything about Leukopenia (low white blood cells/immune system), such as how to correct it? Thanks. : )
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    What type of shoes?

    I agree, I also wear Nike walkers for everything except running. Love em!!
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    Chest size...

    For someone who is only a B cup, you shoudl be more than happy to have a C. It is nice to get compliements, but wouldn't you rather be told you have a nice waist or butt?? Do you really want people staring into your chest as they talk to you? And, remember all of the health risks that come...
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    dinner ideas

    I simply eat healthy with lo carbs all day and eat a normal portion sized dinner. No second helpings (except for veggies if I am low on calories that day) and no bread. You can also check out, they have a lot of different recipes to choose from. They also have just added a...
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    fitness magazines

    RE: I heard they went under I may just be imagining this, but I thought I had read that Fit magazine is now called Health & Fitness. (Not Health - it's a different magazine).
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    Help with after work stress eating

    You can also try eating small meals every three hours, keeping your sugar levels normal and cravings basically nonexistent. Keep a can of Planter's Mixed Nuts (very filling, and a source of good fat - something you need), protein bars, and more veggies instead of fruit. Eat only 1 serving at...
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    what do you eat?

    I eat every three hours. If I wait for my stomach to growl, I am usually light headed and on my way to getting sick to my stomach.
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    Meal replacement bars/shakes

    RE: Not one for Bars or Replacement Drinks.... I have to agree with CledaB, I think the only way to feel full by eating a protein bar is to drink a ton of water. I drink about 1 gallon a day and can only eat 1/2 of a bar usually. I like MetRx ?.... (it's not the long heavy bar, but a square...
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    fitness magazines

    Why not read them all? I have subscriptions to Muscle & Fitness Hers, Oxygen and Walking, but I also read every issue (thanks to my library) of Runner's World, Shape, Health, Fitness and Muscle & Fitness. You get great information from all of them and pictorial motivation. A lot of them do...
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    Need a good 30-40min video

    RE: shorter workout tapes I prefer The Firm "Tough Cardio Mix", The Firm "Hare Workout", Tae-Bo Advanced, or Stephanie Steele's Cardio Kickboxing.
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    question for those who have HR monitors

    Sorry I can't help you with your question. I do have a HR Monitor, but unfortuately, it does not tell me how many calories I burn, just my heart rate and time. I am hoping someone can answer your question though, to help us both. Also, if anyone knows, is there anyway to guage how many...
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    what do you eat?

    RE: I'm bad :) Help! I know this probably isn't the best advice anyone can give......but you will only change your eating habits when you REALLY want to. I too, when younger, ate only junk food and snacked all day, and even though I still was skinny - it caught up with me! About 1 year after...
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    acceptable forms of chocolate?

    Well, officially a woman's hormones do change every seven years, so that may be the culprit, BUT one little candybar or brownie WILL NOT KILL YOU, I promise!! About a week before my period, I know that if I don't eat somethign rich and chocolatey (no matter how many calories) that I will in...
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    Designer protein

    Maybe it's just my tastebuds, but I've tried Designer Protein in three different flavors at differetn times in my life and everytime I ended up giving it away. It may be the best protein shake, but it was horrible tasting to me. I prefer eating more beans, yogurt, tuna, etc., or Promax or...
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    Barbell Question

    Check out your local Sports store and find out whether your weight plates are Olympic, or Standard. They have different sized holes to fit different sized bars. You probably have standard weights and should find a wide assortment of different bars at the store. Even though the small curl bar...
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    what do you eat?

    3:00a.m. - 1/2 banana 5:00a.m. - 45 min. cardio, 10 min. stretch, shower & get ready for work 6:30a.m.(Breakfast) - 3/4C Wheaties, 1/4C Kashi Go Lean Crunch, 1C skim milk, 1 egg (poached), 1 tsp. butter 9:30a.m. - 4 oz. Plain Fat Free Yogurt 12:30p.m. (Lunch) - Tofu stir fry w/Oriental veggies...
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    FYI - new Max. Heart rate formula

    I just read in Runner's World (Oct. 01) that they have come up with a more accurate way to figure your MHR (maximum heart rate) and I wanted to pass it on to any other "superwomen" who do everything and keep track of this sort of thing. There are 2 new formulas: the first is good for people...
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    Protein Bars

    I just wanted to add that Met-Rx Source is a good choice (peanut butter), and Promax Blueberry Cheesecake, Chocolate Mint, and Double Fudge Brownie are all good too. You can get them at GNC or you can order them over the net. Another hint, which is what I do, is to only eat 1/2 of the bar at a...