Meal replacement bars/shakes


In all of the fitness magazines (like M&F Hers, Oxygen) and plans like Body-for-life, all of the nutrition plans they give include meal replacement and protein bars/shakes. I've tried these and hate them! Are there substitutes to these, or are they absolutely necessary for results?

Great question, and I am anxious to hear the replies as I too have wondered how necessary these bars are? The caloric count of most is anywhere from 170-300 calories, and for me, I'm thinking I can get a lot fuller from a garden salad loaded with peppers, onions and assorted veggies for the same calories! The only purpose a bar would have for me is if I were on the go and didn't have time to prepare a nutritious lunch, or time to sit and eat one, so I supplemented with a bar.
Not one for Bars or Replacement Drinks....

Like the world, I'd far rather get 200 to 300 calories worth of REAL food..........


I do not eat the proper amounts of protein and soy and all that good nutritious stuff. As a matter-of-fact, I absolutely ABHORE breakfast. I also have a MAJOR weight problem, so I know that eating breakfast or refueling the muscles after the workout (even though I Might not be hungry!) is ESSENTIAL...... It aids in recovery, I don't get as sore, the muscles seem to respond more!

So, there is a place in my world for those silly bars and drinks. I like Spirutein... with soy and protein. On a side-note, I also find that my definition and my feel-good factor rise when I'm consistent with refueling my body!

I also am a WW member, so I have to count the points for these ....

You may want to add some Sugar Free Fat Free pudding mixes (by the tablespoon) to make it thicker and more pallatible. Or even a mousse mix. Doesn't add a ton of calories, but makes it more like a milk shake! There's lots of ways to modify them to make the drinks enjoyable and I have found they serve a purpose (for me!).

Luna Bars are good.... and of course, all bars should be drowned by a follow-up of sufficient ounces of water!

Just my $.02!
RE: Not one for Bars or Replacement Drinks....

I have to agree with CledaB, I think the only way to feel full by eating a protein bar is to drink a ton of water. I drink about 1 gallon a day and can only eat 1/2 of a bar usually. I like MetRx ?.... (it's not the long heavy bar, but a square, low-sugar bar)...sorry - in Peanut Butter, Advant Edge in Lemon Cheesecake, or Promax in Chocolate Mint or Blueberry Cheesecake.
I really like the HMR Benefit Bars. They have a decent nutrition content and I think they taste great. The problem for me is that, like candy, if I buy them I will eat them...ALL...within 24 hours! They are better than candy so I still use them, but only as a snack replacement rather than replacing real food.

I guess I am one of the weird ones!! There are a lot of bars and shakes out there that I love! I use them mostly because I am not a big meat eater and I feel that protien is essential for building and maintaining muscle. I can only eat so much cottage cheese and nuts! Beans which have a lot of protein don't agree with me too much, if you get my drift! That's why I use them, but I am very picky about calories, carbs and fat content and what time of day I am eating them. example: low carb ones at night and meal replacement bars or shakes count as one of my meals if I am really busy at work, not a desert.

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