Designer protein


Active Member
Does anyone use this protein drink? if so, how does it taste. I don,t eat any kind of meat, so i need some extra protein.What is a good multi-vitamin.
Hi! I use Designer protein every day as a supplement. I do not eat any red meat and I don't really consume all that much protein from other foods so I need this supplement. In my opinion, Designer Chocolate is probably the best tasting flavor (but only when mixed with milk, not water) Strawberry is also tasty but not as "rich" in flavor as the chocolate. I ususally order my Designer online from Affordable Supplements. com which offers it at the best price (other than a Trader Joe's) :)
I like this brand best...I've tried quite a few even EAS simply protein, Spirutein, Soya, Interactive whey...and it's Designer that I like. The others have a sweet after taste that i can't tolerate at all. That EAS was expensive too! I still have the whole tub to get through! I recommend strawberry designer whey with skim milk and watermelon crystal lite.
I also use Designer Protein just about every day. I agree with strong@heart that the Chocolate tastes best. I haven't tried the Strawberry yet, but found Vanilla to be...well...not so tasty.

I usually mix mine in a blender with skim milk and sometimes throw in a banana.

My husband and I really like Designers as well, the chocolate flavor only. Good advice was given here, take it with milk not water.
My husband and I really like Designers as well, the chocolate flavor only. Good advice was given here, take it with milk not water.
Maybe it's just my tastebuds, but I've tried Designer Protein in three different flavors at differetn times in my life and everytime I ended up giving it away. It may be the best protein shake, but it was horrible tasting to me. I prefer eating more beans, yogurt, tuna, etc., or Promax or Advant Edge protein bars.
Here's a good one I made tonight...3/4 glass skim milk with a few drops twin liquid + 3 ice cubes + 1 scoop designer vanilla praline + a handful of frozen blueberries! Yummy. Usually I don't like Vanilla praline but this was good.

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