what do you eat?

HEY! Well keep posting! And of course you know all you can do (weights, etc) to prevent that metabolic slow down! And eating more often keeps your metabolism going, too. I just don't get as hungry as I think I should a lot of the time. SO I eat anyway because I know I should, and I'm still trying to gain a few pounds. At 5'5" and barely 105 lbs, I have a bit to gain. But I want to do it healthfully, and hopefully I'll get more of an appetite if I gain a few pounds. And healthier skin and hair. But whether we are at an ideal weight, underweight, or overweight, we are all in the same boat... just trying to reach optimal health with the foods we eat... and with everyday temptations and emotions it's not always easy to make the right choice. So PLEASE keep posting. Thank you for sharing! It makes me smile to see you guys tell me what you think and how you eat and your struggles, etc!
I overdid it on the bread today, and I feel like I ate a TON, but I'm within my "points" range, and don't actually NEED to lose weight, so whatever.
By the way, if I see it and it has sugar in it, I will eat it. I have to pour water on things so I won't eat them!! Weird, I know. I was given a box of chocolates for my birthday, and I promptly ate 4--then took them home and ran them under water so I wouldn't polish off the rest. I know this sounds insane, but it is the only way to stop myself. I would dig them out of the trash, I'm ashamed to say! :) So water is good for me for more than just it's hydrating benefits! ;-) (Please note that I am not so extreme that I think I can't have some chocolate every now and then--BUT I cannot stop at a moderate amount, so it is best not to have any junk around.)
Here's what I ate today:

Breakfast: 1/2 pita w 1/3 c. egg substitute, 2 Tbs mozzarella and some salsa, stuck it in the toaster oven--YUM (4 pts)

Lunch: 1 apple and 1 c. artichoke and pasta salad (has artichokes, spinach, tomatoes and pasta)(4 pts)

snack: 1/2 pita w/ some spaghetti sauce, 2 Tbs mozarella, 1 oz shredded chicken breast, a few olive slices and sundried tomatoes (about 4 1/2 pts)

dinner: 1 serving weight watchers beef stew (carrots, celery, green beans, tomatoes, and beef)(6pts)
1 cup spinach, 1/2 tomato and 2 tsp. Gingerly dressing

snack: 1/2 cup fat free pudding (1 pt)
1/2 pita with 2 tsp pb&j (3 pts)

Yugh. That is not a typical day for me. I usually have grape nuts for breakfast with fruit and skim milk, usually salad with pita and chicken or tuna for lunch, always an apple or other fruit, dinner I almost always have more veggies than that. I also usually don't do 86 pitas in one day!! :)

I like to inclued lots of beans, veggies, fruit (but I like summer fruits so much more than apples and oranges!!). My biggest downfall is ice cream and eating out, and I've really cut way back. I am really trying to limit my portion sizes of everything
I eat every three hours. If I wait for my stomach to growl, I am usually light headed and on my way to getting sick to my stomach.
HEY! So you eat even when you're not hungry hungry? I don't let myself get really hungry either. Glad to hear you follow the preventative snacking method, too! :0)
HEY! Here's another question. I am concerned I am not getting enough protein. I am likely consuming between 65-85 grams each day. I'm 5'5" and about 105 lbs but trying to gain 5-10 lbs. How much protein do you guys typically eat? I know we don't store extra protein for later use, so it's important to get enough each day. I try to eat a lot of soy protein as well as lean fish and chicken. Just wanted some thoughts and advice on the subject. I am not interested in trying protein supplements, but I am still anxious to hear your ideas. Thanks!
sweet potato fries...

I make up a batter of egg white, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder and salt and coat pared sweet potatoes in it and bake them - yummy!
Boca sausage

We eat the boca sausage links and like them a lot - they taste just like real sausage.
RE: sweet potato fries...

Man that sounds so good! I think I'll try it this week. Just cut em up, season them, and bake? At what temp and for how long? Do I need to microwave them at all before baking? Thanks for the tip!
RE: sweet potato fries...

Ok, I've just jumped in mid-stream without checking all of the posts. But I make oven fries (sweet potato or russet) by spraying a roasting pan with oil (good old Misto but Pam's ok too) & tossing in potatoes cut the size I like. Just make sure they're dry. Salt, throw on herbs or spices, & roast at 450 till done. The time varies a lot with how full the pan is, & the potato.

Here's the recipe I use. Like Debra said, you can cut them any size you like and vary the time according to how full the pan is and how you slice them.
Hope you like them!!

Sweet Potato Fries

1 large egg white
2 teaspoons chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1 lb. pared sweet potatoes - cut into 1 inch strips

Preheat oven to 450
In large bowl, whisk together egg white, chili powder, salt, and garlic and onion powder until frothy. Add potatoes; toss to coat well.
Using slotted spoon, transfer potatoes to nonstick baking sheet; spread to make single layer. Bake until golden brown and crisp, about 20 minutes, stirring once during baking.

Makes 4 serviings.
per serving - 128 calories, 3g protein, 1g fat, 29g carbohydrates, 4g fiber
Hi, Sara!

I had the same thoughts on protein and discovered I get more than I realized even though I am not much on meat. There is protein in all foods even fruit and vegetables contain a little and whole grains, the foundation of clean eating, contain a fair amount too. Getting enough is rarely a problem and getting it from whole foods is the best way to do it! (Did you know tofu is not considered a whole food since it's made from soy milk and it's not whole technically speaking. Terms like "whole foods" are a guidelines. I love soy and soy protein and eat it several times a week.) I also discovered that my protein intake varies between 15 and 25% depending on what I eat. I have started using http://www.fitday.com to track my intake again. I quit for awhile.

Anyway, the guidelines I follow are these: Based on a diet that varies from 1500 to 1800 calories per day, I eat about 25% of my calories from fat, 15 to 20% from protein and 55 to 65% from carbs. I was actually surprised to find some days my protein intake was higher than 20% because I eat very small portions of meat and I think meat when I think protein. I like the food intake calculator at fitday.

I'd be tickled pink to actually be trying to gain weight! It's hard to give more than general ideas on the matter since I don't know what your energy needs are or how active you are. I would also like to point out that being small, as you are naturally, is fine as long as you are healthy and fit and I know you are 'cause you hang out at Cathe.com! If you don't put on 5 to 10 pounds but you feel good and have lots of energy to live your life, then you are probably just perfect the way you are!
HEY! Well, at one time when I was a teenager I weighed 160 lbs! I went through some problems (read my relpy in the post "Need Advice to talk to stepdaughter" in this forum for details!). But now that I have a healthy frame of mind once again I know I would feel better, have more energy, and not be so cold all the time if I gained about 5 lbs or so. But I do feel great, the way I eat and exercise, I feel like I'm achieiving quite a healthy balance. Between all the veggies and cottage cheese and yogurt and lean meat and soy protein I eat, I bet I am getting enough protein. I really love you guys here! This forum is so great. Thanks for writing and being supportive.
Sara, you should check out the food tracker at fitday.com. You plug in the amounts of things you eat and it breaks the nutrients down, complete with pie chart.

You sound like you know what you're doing though! I love being a Fithead! Feeligng great is the best reward! I have really enjoyed this thread!

B http://www.plaudersmilies.de/natur/petals.gif obbi

I agree Bobbi! I love FitDay's website. You can literally track everything you eat & drink, monitor your vitamins & minerals, activity level and calories burned. It's excellent! I hope they never take it down, it's really helpful. I love being able to add your own foods. My mom thinks I'm too obsessive with it, but I feel like I'm in total control of my nutrition & fitness, and I love tracking it & running the reports they offer.

RE: Fitday

Ok, here's today's menu:

Breakfast: 1 Fantastic Foods Orange and Cranberry oatmeal cup with 2 T walnuts
1 orange
1 c soy milk

Snack: 1 banana, 1 Dannon light and fit yogurt w/ 2 T wheatgerm

Lunch: 3 oz canned salmon mixed with 1/4 avocado on 2 slices whole wheat bread with spinach and tomato
mixed green salad with broccoli and bell pepper and nonfat dressing (Annie's organic yogurt dressing with dill, SO good!)

Snack: 1 apple, 1/4 c trail mix (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds & raisins)

Dinner: 1 broiled skinless chicken breast topped with tomatillo salsa and herbs, brussell sprouts with garlic and fresh basil, and a whole grain bun
1 peach

I'm trying to eat more variety, since I tend to eat the same things most nights of the week. I think I eat a sweet potato with dinner 4 or 5 nights a week! I love my sweet spuds, but I need more meals ideas... went out and bought some egg beaters to experiment with omlettes for dinner, bought some whole wheat spaghetti and veggie tomato sauce, and these whole wheat buns I bought from Whole Foods (tried one tonight for the first time!) are so good! Really thick and chewy, and they're all natural and organic. 6 gms of fiber and 9 gms of protein in one! Took the place of my usual sweet tater tonight and it was good. So anyway, let me know what you think, share your day, gimme some ideas... keep on postin! Thanks and happy and healthy eating to all! Gotta go finish reading the Grapes of Wrath for my college american lit class.... UGH!
RE: Fitday

Something to help you appreciate the book, Grapes of Wrath.....go to the library and get the video of the old flick of the same name with Henry Fonda. I've always felt that videos were great teaching tools. If I were a history teacher, I'd assign a lot of videos!
RE: Fitday

Hi Saralh! Just had to tell you I tried your salmon w/1/4 avocado w/spinach & tomato on whole wheat pita bread. AWESOME! Great sandwich! Also try Marnie's recipe that was posted in this thread! Awesome too. Do eat some turkey or beef chili w/cornbread. Great for this time of year. Look in the book by Brad Schoenfeld "Look Great Naked". He's got some great recipes in there. Also some ladies have mentioned Cooking Light magazine. I'll be checking this out too. Well, happy eating! Kathy
RE: Fitday

HEY! Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I eat avocado with my sandwhiches several times each week for lunch. And cooking light magazine is great! I subscribed for a few years and have their cookbook. It's good for fixing big meals for special events and get togethers. Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of time to cook during the week, so I am always on the lookout for new quick and easy but healthy meal ideas. Thanks for writing!

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