what do you eat?

A Typical Day Might Be...


Kashi Go Lean non fat milk and blackberries
or Cottage cheese and fruit

Snack - dried apricots


Boca Burger or Lean Cuisine

Snack (before my workout) 1/2 grapefruit, 10 peanuts or small 0 fat Dannon yoghurt.


Green salad with cuc's, tomatoes and mushrooms - light ranch dressing
4 oz. Petrale sole or chicken breast

1 glass of wine

I'm a very light eater and I try to keep it nutritious.

RE: A Typical Day Might Be...

interesting thread.

-2 slices of 7-grains bread with peanut butter
-6 oz of Orange Juice with calcium
-black coffee


-fresh veggies (carotts, celery etc.)
-low-fat strawberries yogourt


-Singapore noodles wich is Stir-Fry veggies with shrimp on noodles
-1 cookie or small low-fat muffin
-glass of milk

popcorn or pretzels

Lot's of water
RE: A Typical Day Might Be...

HEY GUYS! I appreciate everyone sharing their meals! Here's what I ate today:

2 slices whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter
1 orange
1 c of soy milk

1 banana
1 dannon lite and fit yogurt with 2 T wheat germ

3 oz canned (in water) albacore tuna mixed w/ 1/4 avocado, in a whole wheat pita with tomato and spinach
mixed greens and veggies with nonfat dressing

1 apple, 1/2 c lowfat cottage cheese

1 baked sweet tater topped with salsa and herbs
artichoke hearts with basil and oregano and garlic
1 Boca meatless spicy chicken patty

1 pear

Tell me what you think, share diet advice, meal ideas, etc... keep posting! :0)
3:00a.m. - 1/2 banana
5:00a.m. - 45 min. cardio, 10 min. stretch, shower & get ready for work
6:30a.m.(Breakfast) - 3/4C Wheaties, 1/4C Kashi Go Lean Crunch, 1C skim milk, 1 egg (poached), 1 tsp. butter
9:30a.m. - 4 oz. Plain Fat Free Yogurt
12:30p.m. (Lunch) - Tofu stir fry w/Oriental veggies, 2 oz. salmon filet, 1 biscuit, pita or bagel
3:30p.m. - 4 oz. Plain Fat Free yogurt, 1/2 banana
5:30p.m. - 45 minutes weight training, 10 minute stretch
7:00p.m. (Dinner) - 4 oz. steak, 1 large baked potato, 1 Tbs. butter, 1 Tbs. fat free sour cream, 1 1/2C bagged salad, 2 Tbs. dressing.
I'm bad :) Help!

Geez, you guys eat so well! I'm ashamed to say I don't! I sure wish I did but I never seem to do it.

Lunch(I get up at 11am- college student): 3/4 box of Mac & cheese
Snack: Tostitos (no idea how many)
3 chocolates
--15 min weights, 50 min spinning class--
Dinner: Baked Ziti (noodles, cheese, sauce)
2 pieces garlic bread
PM Snacks: air popped popcorn w/ butter
granola bar
some more Tostitos

I basically just snack throughout the day. I never actually get full (except at restaurants). Unfortunatley, I don't snack on fruit mainly because I'd much rather eat chips than an apple. I've never been a healthy eater so it's tough. I do drink lots of water. Plus, I only have about 5lbs to lose (my diet's totally to blame)so I'm not too strict- I just eat whatever, which is not good either.
Any tips for me???

I'm bad :) Help!

Geez, you guys eat so well! I'm ashamed to say I don't! I sure wish I did but I never seem to do it.

Lunch(I get up at 11am- college student): 3/4 box of Mac & cheese
Snack: Tostitos (no idea how many)
3 chocolates
--15 min weights, 50 min spinning class--
Dinner: Baked Ziti (noodles, cheese, sauce)
2 pieces garlic bread
PM Snacks: air popped popcorn w/ butter
granola bar
some more Tostitos

I basically just snack throughout the day. I never actually get full (except at restaurants). Unfortunatley, I don't snack on fruit mainly because I'd much rather eat chips than an apple. I've never been a healthy eater so it's tough. I do drink lots of water. Plus, I only have about 5lbs to lose (my diet's totally to blame)so I'm not too strict- I just eat whatever, which is not good either.
Any tips for me???

RE: I'm bad :) Help!

I know this probably isn't the best advice anyone can give......but you will only change your eating habits when you REALLY want to. I too, when younger, ate only junk food and snacked all day, and even though I still was skinny - it caught up with me! About 1 year after I had gotten married (at 23 yrs. old). I gained 20 lbs. overnight, I swear!! But I never changed my eating habits until I hit rock bottom. If you truly want to change, you will no matter how hard it is or how nasty the food tastes at first (you will get used to the taste by the way). Or you could be like I was, totally unhealthy, but still skinny and think "aw, screw it - I'm still skinny, why bother" and let it surprise you a few years later. : )
RE: I'm bad :) Help!

HEY GUYS! Last night, a family friend brought us over a homemade chocolate cake. I very rarely eat sweets, and usually feel so bad when I do. As some of you know, I have recovered from anorexia/orthorexia and am still struggling with some things... feeling guilty, being too strict when I enjoy a reasonable portion of something less healthful, etc. But last night, after a healthy dinner of broiled boneless skinless chicken breast, okra with herbs, and a sweet potato with salsa, I stopped and said "If I don't have a slice of that cake, I'll go nuts. Then when I do let myself indulge, I'll eat everything in sight!" SO I cut myself a piece, sat down and ate it. Yes, I jogged a little more this morning, but still had my toast and peanut butter, orange, and soy milk for breakfast. Usually I'd limit my food today to make up for the extra cals from last night. But since I'm still trying to gain a few pounds, there's no need for that. I guess I am just happy that I am learning to enjoy things like cake and cookies and not let it run my life. I am slowly learning how to eat them in moderation and not feel guilty about it. I exercise 5-6 times each week and take pride in my healthy diet, eating at least 6-9 servings of fruits/veggies each day. My new years resolution was to strive for a healthy balance in every aspect of my life, and that piece of cake last night shows me I am on my way. I just wanted to share. And thanks to all of you who keep this thread going, nutrition is so inportant and I love hearing about your meals, snacks, cravings, etc. Healthy regards to all!
Good going!

Hi, Saralh!

Just wanted to say I was very happy to read your post, and you should be proud of yourself. Sounds like you are indeed on the road to a healthy balance! It's good to hear stories like yours.

RE: Good going!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! It's so hard at times, but this forum is awesome. I take comfort in knowing I can always post a problem, question, or thought at Cathe's site and get help from other women I can relate to. Thanks for the support!
RE: Good going!

HELLO TO ALL! Well, I am looking for some new breakfast ideas. I have 4 or 5 breakfast meals that I eat regularly and love, but I'm in need of a change. Has anyone tried Boca sausage patties? What about cottage cheese on an English muffin? I usually eat hot cereal cups (fantastic foods brand) with nuts (almonds or walnuts) and fruit (orange or grapefruit), toast with pb or almond butter and fruit, an egg on a wheat eng muffin with fruit (mango!), or cereal (like flax plus or kashi go lean) with nana slices, berries, and soy milk. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome! I don't have a lot of time to cook in the morning so these fast breakfasts work well. But gimme your ideas! Thanks!
Sarah, another idea for a warm breakfast

I'm cooking squash as I type this morning. I toss it in the oven when I get up..I've got a butternut and an acorn squash and mash the two together for a warm breakfast substitute for oatmeal.

I also use flax meal mixed in with Almond butter, some gingerbread/cinnamon spices and maybe a touch of walnut oil if it's too thick...and spread it on apple slices. You can also add a touch of coco power too. Makes a great snack.

RE: Sarah, another idea for a warm breakfast

Man, I never would have thought of that but it sounds wonderful! Flax meal... do you know the nutritional info on it? Is it similar to oatmeal? Thanks for sharing those tips! Oh, and do you add anything to the squash?
Hi Sara! DYNOMITE choices you've made! I wouldn't change it a bit. EXCELLENT! My day usually consists of:

Meal 1: 3 egg-white cheese omelet w/1 slice of whole wheat toast w/blueberry jam or Soy flakes cereal w/strawberries and V-8 juice

Meal 2: chicken & salad (red pepper, eggs, spinach, tomatoes & cucumbers) & grapes

Meal 3: fish w/1/2 baked potato & veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, squash & carrots) & kiwi

Meal 4: protein bar

Meal 5: tuna pita sandwich (small made w/whole wheat pita bread)

Maybe a biscotti w/some green tea

Well, that's it. Keep up the good work. Kathy
There's that green tea again! I have come across black tea, and really like it. Also, jasmine green tea is awesome and so good for you! Thanks for the encouragement and sharing your meals. What kind of biscotti do you like? I tried making some for gifts for Christmas... apricot-pistachio biscotti! They were quite tasty but really hard to make!
Here's another question for everyone:
Do you eat only when hungry, and if so how hungry do you let yourself get before you eat? I eat pretty much by the clock... if 1 o'clock rolls around and my stomach isn't giving me a signal, I will eat lunch by 1:30 anyway. If I don't my energy will drop and I will be ravenous by early evening! Same goes for my midafternoon and midmorning snacks. I almost ALWAYS have a nana and nonfat yogurt w/ wheat germ mid morning, and an apple and cottage cheese or trail mix or soy nuts mid afternoon regardless. It helps me to keep from overeating at other meals and keeps me going. If I truly don't want the snack, of course I won't eat it, but that's usually not the case. I guess it works best for me to eat regularly and often. Just wanted to know what works for you guys! And how far in advance do you plan what you eat? I keep a variety of foods available so I have easy and quick choices. And as a college student, I have to bag individual bags of trail mix and soy nuts and such to grab on the go. But everyone's different. Thanks for sharing!
I eat when I'm hungry, and I pay strict attention to that. I carry Myoplex Lite and a water bottle with me at all times so I don't get caught hungry somewhere.

My energy level drops like a rock when I get hungry.
It's funny this should come up as I have just resolved (yet again) to eat only when I am hungry! This after I found myself ready to pop a bite size Rice Crispy Treat into my mouth because it was there. I wasn't hungry and when I do succumb to those temptations, I find I am never satisfied by my indulgence but once I get started..... The fact is underconsuming calories is one way to increase longevity. I read that after age forty our metabolisim slows by about 5% per year, 3% of which is directly attributed to declining activity levels. The other 2% is muscle loss. It's not necessary to become frail just because time marches on.

I am a grazer by nature. The fact that I usually choose healthy things to put into my mouth doesn't change the fact that eating when not hungry adds pounds. Much of it is strictly automatic, no thought in mind. I working on mindfulness in all areas of my life. This forum is great! It really helps to keep me on track since I know that we all share these issues. I have enjoyed this thread so much. It really helps keep the focus on eating clean!

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