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  1. C

    Powerstrike 1 &2

    I also having been trying to buy the powerstrike videos for weeks. I can't find them anywhere and keeps saying they are out of stock to check back, but they still are not in after weeks of checking back. Collage does show powerstrike 3, but they state it will not be in stock...
  2. C

    Would you purchase more Cathe if they were in retail st...

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if Cathe will make all of her DVD's available in more retail stores, such as Target. I would purchase more of them if it were more convenient. I find that sometimes if I think about a purchase to long I don't make it. There was a exercise program that I had been...
  3. C

    Ordering DVD's

    Hello everyone....could someone please tell me if you can order Cathe's DVD' other than through the internet or phone? I do not want to use my credit card to order. I prefer to use checks or money orders if possible....I have a catalog but it does not include the Hardcore series, which is what...
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    P90 Masters

    I agree, I just received my DVD's and today I did Plyo legs, it was a fantastic workout and I think Tony is funny and legs, butt, and thighs were on fire!
  5. C

    Billy Banks bootcamp workout

    Karen...I agree with all of the people who have been disappointed in the Bootcamp tapes...I don't like to criticize Billy because he is a good man who really wants to help people with their fitness goals...but...everything that he has released under the company Goodtimes have been terrible, they...
  6. C

    MIC messed up my legs

    I just want to clear up my "out of shape" comment about the ladies in the MIC or older videos....I should have said the more cut appearance of Cathe and her crew now is really amazing to me...Even Cathe has drastically changed her body...I understand what the average woman looks like... I guess...
  7. C

    MIC messed up my legs

    I didn't want to spend fifty dollars on the DVD to see if I liked the workout or not, and so I purchased the VHS...boy am I glad I did legs are hurting so bad after doing this workout, I did not like the first half hour of the workout...the step section was pretty good and the music...
  8. C

    NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow catwoman...lighten up, we all understand that tragedy is everywhere...and those of us who workout probably due so to relieve stress!....scorpio posted her question in the proper place...when I received my first Cathe DVD it was the wrong one...I came to this site and explained my problem and...
  9. C

    Taebo Bootcamp Delux set... what am I mising?

    I feel like alot of you do about Billy's workouts...What has happened to the intensity, and the music is so boring!....I have almost all of Billy's tapes and I feel so ripped off... I fall for the infomercials every time, but not this time....His best workouts are the Advanced Volumes 1-12, they...
  10. C

    Keeping this site clean!

    Marion...I have to agree..first of all I not sure which posts Cathe removed from the board, but I didn't see anything X-rated, but she can do that...I have to laugh at all the people, and you have put it right how they are on bended knees thanking Cathe, when they have participated with such...
  11. C

    Which DVD should I get?

    Hey everyone...I am about to order another DVD, but I am trying to decide between High Step Training Advanced or High Step Challenge from the new hardcore series....I have Bootcamp, which I really love, but I need some opinions on which one is more of a butt kicker!...Thank you
  12. C

    You know you are addicted to Cathe when...

    LOL, I am so happy to hear I am not the only one to do this..and AllisonT I was cracking up when you said you also read Cathe's catalogue...I do that also, which usually ends up costing me alot of money!....Have great workouts everyone...Connie:)
  13. C

    You know you are addicted to Cathe when...

    Hey know you are addicted to Cathe when you watch the workouts for entertainment, like popping in a movie!...anyone else out there do this?....
  14. C

    Thank you Cathe!!!!

    Hi Cathe...I just wanted to tell you thank you!...I have been a fitness fanatic for 20 years and I can't believe that I had never heard of you until about 3 months ago when I was doing research on Collage Video. People were raving about you and said you were the best instructor ever..So I came...
  15. C


    Valerie, I just went to the web site that you suggested to help with moves, and boy is it great that has helped me with other moves I was not getting also, step by step it shows you how to perform, what a great site thank you for letting me know about it!...Connie
  16. C


    Oh thank you so much, all of your suggestions are helping me so much thank you DebbieH, yes that really helps..I am reading it and trying it, and Valerie thank you for the web site I am heading there right now. I need all the help I can get, this IMAX 2 has me going bonkers! Connie :)
  17. C


    Help!...I am still working on Imax 2...can someone break it down and explain how to mambo..and then how to pivot!...I might be the only one in Cathe's history to not be able to get it!!!!.....I am so frustrated!...Connie
  18. C

    Does anyone workout on the same side as Cathe?

    Hey everyone...I have been having a terrible time trying to get the steps down to Imax 2, this DVD has me totally confussed, but alot of your suggestions have helped...but I have to workout on the same leg as does not make since to my brain that when she cues left leg and she is...
  19. C

    Imax2 and C&W have me messed up

    Thank you for the replys...this really helps me to feel like I am not the only who can't get this...and I really want too, because everyone raves about how fun they are...I am just not feeling it yet...I am having trouble "mirroring" Cathe, I can't wrap my brain around when Cathe cues right leg...
  20. C

    Imax2 and C&W have me messed up

    Ok I thought I was going to be able to pickup the choreography to these DVD's even though they were described as complex...I keep trying but I am not getting it...I get all turned around when Cathe's back is to the TV...doing the mombo's, pivots...etc., I guess I am gonna have to get a...