

Active Member
Help!...I am still working on Imax 2...can someone break it down and explain how to mambo..and then how to pivot!...I might be the only one in Cathe's history to not be able to get it!!!!.....I am so frustrated!...Connie
Hmmm, this might be hard to explain in writing but I'll try.

On a Mambo, step out on your right foot (count 1),back on your left foot (count 2), the quick feet together right, left, right. (count 3,4 & 5). Reverse for left mambo.

A pivot is step FRONT with right foot and keeping THAT foot on the floor AND your back foot planted on the floor just swing to the back of the room turning to the left. (A left pivot is reversed using the left foot front and turning right to face rear.) Sooo, turn the opposite way of the foot you are pivoting with.

Let me know if this helps or you need more explanation.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie H did a great job of trying to explain, but I think the best thing to do is watch and try to imitate it. Something are just harder to put in words than to show someone how to do!
hehe when I was teaching I used to say a mambo was like stepping out to squish a bug, then stepping back :) (weight shift basically) This was accompanied by a visual demo of course, so I don't know if just the words would help.
Oh thank you so much, all of your suggestions are helping me so much thank you DebbieH, yes that really helps..I am reading it and trying it, and Valerie thank you for the web site I am heading there right now. I need all the help I can get, this IMAX 2 has me going bonkers!
Connie :)
Valerie, I just went to the web site that you suggested to help with moves, and boy is it great that has helped me with other moves I was not getting also, step by step it shows you how to perform, what a great site thank you for letting me know about it!...Connie
Glad to help! I got my first Cathe in June 2004. Someone recommended Turn Step to learn the moves. I can't remember who gave me that link, but boy was it helpful!

Have fun learning your workouts! :)

Thank you soooo much. I have been reversing, stomping, stopping, and trying not to give up for almost three weeks! I could not figure out some of the steps! I only looked at one of the steps on the link you wrote, and it looks like exactly what I need. :)
I make up my own move for the pivot or simply omit it altogether b/c I find it too hard to pivot on my carpeting and it's not good for my knee.
I am glad that you guys like this site. I happy to help. I bookmarked it since they do update it pretty consistently. When I get a new Cathe workout, I always look here to see if it's on the list to review it before I attempt to do it with a step.

I am glad that you guys like this site. I happy to help. I bookmarked it since they do update it pretty consistently. When I get a new Cathe workout, I always look here to see if it's on the list to review it before I attempt to do it with a step.

I know how frustrated you feel because I was frustrated when I first attempted the third step combo of "Step Blast" -- I had resigned myself to never learning that video.

I just kept on and on doing it -- and using a 4 inch step until I learned the fast foot repeater -- then one day -- I DID IT!

Same thing with "Power Max" -- I could not figure out those 360 moves. Then one day -- I DID IT!

My point is to not give up -- just give it your best -- I bet one day you too will say - "I DID IT"!

And oh, how happy you will be and if you are like me, the hardest steps will become your favorites!
I know how frustrated you feel because I was frustrated when I first attempted the third step combo of "Step Blast" -- I had resigned myself to never learning that video.

I just kept on and on doing it -- and using a 4 inch step until I learned the fast foot repeater -- then one day -- I DID IT!

Same thing with "Power Max" -- I could not figure out those 360 moves. Then one day -- I DID IT!

My point is to not give up -- just give it your best -- I bet one day you too will say - "I DID IT"!

And oh, how happy you will be and if you are like me, the hardest steps will become your favorites!
Valerie -

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the Turnstep Dictionary of Moves link!!! I practiced the reverse turn step and can't wait to see if I "get it" when I do Low Max tomorrow!

I've only been working out to Cathe for 2 months now and I'm finally starting to pick up on the footwork (yes, I'm a slow learner).

Thanks again!!
Valerie -

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the Turnstep Dictionary of Moves link!!! I practiced the reverse turn step and can't wait to see if I "get it" when I do Low Max tomorrow!

I've only been working out to Cathe for 2 months now and I'm finally starting to pick up on the footwork (yes, I'm a slow learner).

Thanks again!!
I just got Imax 2 myself and feel the same frustration!! I know eventually it will click (I hope), but for now it sure is funny to watch me try!! That link to the instructional site is awesome. I too will try using that for assistance. Connie, we will succeed with the Imax 2 if it is the last thing we do!!

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