MIC messed up my legs


Active Member
I didn't want to spend fifty dollars on the DVD to see if I liked the workout or not, and so I purchased the VHS...boy am I glad I did that...my legs are hurting so bad after doing this workout, I did not like the first half hour of the workout...the step section was pretty good and the music was really good, like roller coaster, that one took me back, but the warm up was boring. I could not get the hang of the grapevine, turn, grapevine, L step...the moves in this just got me frustrated and made me remember why I stopped doing step aerobics.

Also, the production on Cathe videos have greatly improved. Cathe looks good, but I must say I was shocked to see how out of shape the ladies behind her look. Cathe and her latest crew all look amazing..I think I'll be putting MIC on e-bay...stick with the new stuff....
I don't think the women in MIC look "out of shape." They look perhaps more "average" than "buff." I actually like the mix of body types in earlier workouts. I can't keep up with some of the jumps, etc., that Cathe and Lorraine and Jai do, for example, and it was always nice to have someone "like me" that I could relate to. I really can't relate to the "six-pack abs, 15% bodyfat" look at all.
It's really hard to compare Cathe's current production style with her style back in the late 90's. But I don't care much about the production. I care about the workout. I actually think that if we classify her current workouts as advanced most of her oldies are very very advanced. MIC is one of those workouts that I dread to do, but I would never sell it because I feel so accomplished after I complete it. I agree with the previous reply. I don't think the crew is "out of shape" their body types are more real than the current crew's body types. But in terms of cardiovascular shape, they look great to me. No panting or struggling whatsoever.
Oh, MIC! It was always a favorite before my feet failed me and I had to chuckle at the idea of the old crew being out of shape because, well, they did MIC. I also like the less fitness model-like role models to look at because that well-muscled look is unattainable for me. I think women have come along way in the last decade as far as going for that look for their own satsifaction. Old crew members like Rhonda and Cedie showed that a more buff look was attainable and changed their shapes in the the later workouts. While not as outright muscular of Cathe or Jai, both were looking more lean and muscular than in the golden oldies. We all have different bodies to work with and different goals as well but being muscular is not synonymous with being fit.
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Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Mary Oliver
I also like that Cathe has "average" women in her workouts. I usually end up watching Cedie, I think she's my favorite! She's really graceful and so cute! Her facial expressions crack me up!

I don't have MIC but each time I try a workout for the first time I usually don't love it, I have to do it a few more times and then I can form an opinion (usually positive). Give it another try or two before you sell it, from what I hear it's a killer! :)

Also, what do you mean by "MIC messed up my legs"? Did you hurt yourself?
MIC is also good to split up and use for shorter cardio workouts...hi/lo one day or step one day. Ditto what everyone said about the different body types. I don't have the time or dedication(read: eat too many M&M's) to look like Cathe and most of her crew so I definitely appreciate having different body types to work out to. Although, what I care about most is do I like the workout and will I do the workout regardless of whether the ladies have six packs or look average. You may want to give it a go a few more times and then sell it if you still don't like it. I find that I go through phases. I won't do an "old" workout for a while then I will pull it out and be amazed at how worked out I feel or how much I enjoyed the workout after not doing it for a while. Also, what was your mood when doing MIC? I find that I LOVE KPC if I'm in the mood for kickboxing but if I I'm not in the mood for it...bleh. I wouldn't say MIC is my favorite but I keep it for variety as I don't do a lot of hi/lo. Also, check out a couple of A-jocks mish moshes some of which incorporate the hi/lo from MIC if I remember correctly. Or...just get rid of it as originally planned...tee hee!
I just want to clear up my "out of shape" comment about the ladies in the MIC or older videos....I should have said the more cut appearance of Cathe and her crew now is really amazing to me...Even Cathe has drastically changed her body...I understand what the average woman looks like... I guess since some of my first purchases have been Cathe's recent Hardcore and Intensity Series, you can really see a difference in the way Cathe looks in addition to the crew she chooses to be in her videos...I think if you are exercising to Cathe's DVD's you are looking to take your body and fitness to a whole new level...she is the best, her DVD's are the most challenging...I do aspire to have a body that resembles Cathe and the ladies in her videos that's what motivates me...just an opinion...I hope I didn't offend anyone.....
MIC does seem dated compared to what the productions look like today, but for me it's the most demanding of all Cathe's cardio workouts. Even in comparison with the IMAXes, my heart rate monitor consistently hits the highest calories burned on MIC. I guess it's the video I've learned to love to hate.

Someone else mentioned it, but it also works great as two separate 30 minute cardio routines. All this winter it seemed like every time my rotation called for a run, it snowed. I used MIC and the IMAX premixes as my 'run' many a morning!
I agree with CurlyQ about trying any workout more than once before forming an opinion. It has happened to me several times with some of Cathe's workouts, & I have all of them.

I just wonder if you have really good shoes, because you will need them in this workout more than any of the others. Also, yes the warm up is boring, usually I do my own moves, but I do warm up thoroughly. It is a must! Then I forward it to the part where she starts doing light jumps (like with a jumprope but no arms. That, is where the workout begins.

As far as the double grapevines at the cool down, I still can't figure them out. When they start, I start my own moves. This is a great workout. It is tough and sweaty.

As far as the physiqes, hey all these girls held up through the entire workout with high energy. Awesome.

I love MIC. I first bought it on video in the 90's. I now have it on DVD and use it even more. I like to put the step portion onto other workouts and I do the same with the cardio. I would never be able to part with it.

I love MIC also. In fact, I prefer it over all the IMAX workouts, mostly b/c it's straight aerobic rather than anaerobic. While I find the 3 IMAXs a little more fun b/c the choreography is more enjoyable, I like MIC better b/c of the constant high intensity of the workout.

Personally I couldn't care less how Cathe's crew looks. I guess I find them inspiring, but my focal point & main source of inspiration is always Cathe.
I just did this one today, and although it is a bit dated production wise, it is still a great workout and my hat goes off to Cathe and her crew, this is one tough puppy!
I have never done MIC but I have a few of Cathe's other workouts that I wasn't crazy about the first time I tried them. I never thought I'd be a "stepper" and I really am not a patient person when it comes to learning coreography. But after I learn the steps and moves it gets more fun and I end up loving them.
Oh my gawd. I just looked MIC up in the video section and realized I actually own this one but have never looked at it. Guess what I'm doing tonight!!!!!
MIC is one of my favorite cardio workouts. It is very high intensity and I try to do it once every other week or so. Just to make sure I can still keep up. It does seem the floor section is a little slow starting out, but watch out, the intensity really picks up.


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