Taebo Bootcamp Delux set... what am I mising?


I am an avid Taebo fan - I think I've said that in a couple threads here before. I have almost everything he's made. My favorite by far is Get Ripped Advanced. I tried Basic Bootcamp and hated it. Tried Cardio Bootcamp and hated it. Tried cardio Bootcamp Live and hated it. Didn't like most of the capture the Power series. :-( What is going on?

The bands are awkward to me. And they made the toes on my right foot fall asleep.

Taebo Extreme doesn't seem that "extreme" to me. The jury is still out on Lower Botcamp and Ab Bootcamp. Haven't tried Ultimate Bootcamp yet.

And don't come away from this post thinking I've just passed Billy in my aerobic capacity - I haven't. I just started working out again after being inactive for quite a while (a year maybe) with 40+ pound to lose. Yeah, my cardio is pretty good and always has been, but still.

Anybody else less than enamored with Billy's Bootcamp?

Lisa, thanks for the review. I heard many good things about Bootcamp and have been thinking about getting it. Now I have a not-so-good review that will actually help me more in deciding if I should get it anyway... believe me, I file these things in my head.:) I got his 2004 series and just couldn't get the hang of it. I don't know why. I LOVE Billy Blanks. The production value of that series was so much better than others, but I just didn't like it. I got bored after the first 10 minutes. I was hoping Bootcamp would be something I could use along with Cathe's kickboxing workouts. Still waiting for more comments...

You know, the only Billy Blanks I have purchased that I truly love is the Advanced Workout from 1998 or so. I bought the Capture the Power series and boy was I disappointed. That wasn't much of any workout at all. It was more like a beginners guide to Tae Bo. I, too, have heard a lot of good things about Get Ripped Advanced which I need to get. I am a big fan of Tae Bo and it is hard because it is hit and miss with him. I feel like at least with Cathe everything will be a thorough workout. The only thing you have to be mindful of is if you actually like doing what it is she is doing for the workout.

mommy to Aiden Mackenzie 4/8/04
The only Taebo I ever bought was the original series and I hated it. I couldn't stand the music and Billy could not stay on beat. I felt like the tempo was all over the place with him. I think it's a good idea and maybe the other workouts are better but I can't do a workout when the instructor can't stay with the music. Denise Austin is the same way.
I have also grown tired of Billy Blanks' new workouts. I only do the old ones - Get Ripped Advanced and the live advanced series. The problem for me is that he is trying to mix it up and make the workouts new and fresh - but he is doing it with gimmicks (the bands and the balls). The moves are the same old moves and there is very little variety. I am so sick of starting each workout with the same jabs. The older workouts had more variety with the moves, but I feel like now they just stick with the same formula. And they aren't as difficult as they used to be - it's kind of like he (or Goodtimes entertainment) dumbed it down.

But he will always have a special place in my heart for introducing me to my favorite form of cardio...

I feel the same way. The balls do nothing for me. And the bands are awkward. The workouts are easier to me also. :-( I really wanted more of the old Billy!!!
I totally agree..those bands are too tight on my feet and they also tend to roll off. Everything after Ripped! is like a TaeBo RIP OFF!! What is going on? He used to be soooo good & fun! TaeBo Cardio would actually be good if the music wasn't so boring & he'd pick up the pace a tad. The Ultimate Boot Camp is good, but I don't find myself reaching for it very often. Have the BootCamp Cardio/Legs set, but haven't been motivated to open package yet. I may send back to Collage.

What about the newer one on his web site, Cardio Blast? I've ordered but have not received yet. I haven't given up on him yet, but now I've made it thru KPC in entirety & it's really growing on me.


Keep smiling & sweating!
I've already sold off the basic and put cardio bootcamp and cardio bootcamp live on ebay this a.m. Not sure what I want to do with the others.

Yeah, that's the one I'm selling - Cardio Bootcamp and Bootcamp Live. ILower Bootcamp looks like fun but I'll do it without those doggone bands! I just bought some Xercuffs (http://www.leighcrews.com/shop/Xercuffs.htm) - A fellow Catheite tol me about them. Folks on the Videofitness board say they work well with Billy's Bootcamp. We'll see.

I dont want to give up on Billy either but I'm waiting on Powerstrike videos and I still need to get through KPC... he's getting competition...

CRUD! I wish this thread had been here last week. After all the rave reviews on VF, you know the "old" Bily being back, I caved for the deluxe set. They came yesterday. I did the Basic one so I could get the feel of the bands. BORING and EASY!!! So much so I quit after 25 minutes. I am going to try the others over the next few days. If they are all so easy, I am going to ebay them.

I am so tired ot "hard" "advanced" workouts that so so easy.

Cathe has me "spoiled" beyond belief!
I have the original TaeBo series as well as the Get Ripped tapes. Which I absolutely love! I am glad (and disappointed) to read the review regarding the BootCamp series since I was considering buying these tapes.

I do have a stand up punching bag and was wondering if anyone knows of actual videos that may be out there where you can work along with the punching bag?

Aside from Taebo Impact (which is awesome!), I don't know eithere - I was actually asking about that on another thread! :)

I feel like alot of you do about Billy's workouts...What has happened to the intensity, and the music is so boring!....I have almost all of Billy's tapes and I feel so ripped off... I fall for the infomercials every time, but not this time....His best workouts are the Advanced Volumes 1-12, they are butt kickers, and his Get Ripped Advanced Series, but I want new Billy...I don't like the looks of the bands, they look awkward. On Collage Video site under new products they have another Billy workout called the fat blaster series...I am wondering about those....I am gonna wait until I read some reviews before I decide whether or not to purchase...
I know what you mean. I bought the fat Blasters - waiting to get them. I did Get Ripped advanced 1 this morning and it was awesome! I miss the old Billy!!!
Gulp, I'm one of the VFers who like these workouts. I'm also the VFer who highly recommends the xercuffs. ;)

I'm a huge Tae Bo fan. I own every single one of his workouts. This includes his PPV workouts. The best Tae Bo workouts are the Live workouts. The Get Ripped workouts are excellent also, but it lacks the great music that the Live series has. The Get Ripped workouts are from the PPV workouts. The advance workouts in this series is tough, and the basic workouts are even easier than the Live basic workouts.

As long as GoodTimes produces Billy's workouts, I doubt seriously we will see the "old" Billy Banks. GoodTimes has a way of sucking the soul out of workouts. I think the GoodTimes' bootcamp workouts will be the closest that you'll see of the "old" Billy. Sad, but true.

As long as GoodTimes produces Billy's workouts, you will see some type of gadget being sold. GoodTimes loves doing this. Personally, they would have done a lot better if they used something like the xercuffs for these workouts. We already have the Billy balls. This would have been a great way to utilize an existing gadget and still peddle a new one. ;) I do love the Billy balls, and I use them a lot.

Anyway, sorry to read that a lot of you are disappointed in these workouts.

Debbie - that's bad news about Good Times. popping in the get ripped DVD today really made me miss the old Billy more! Glad I have all thoe old workouts. I'm still goig to try Ultimate and I have high hopes for the Fat Blaster series.


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