Taebo Bootcamp Delux set... what am I mising?

I like these workouts, haven't had the chance to do them a lot yet but the ones I have tried seemed tough. The bands add a new element of intensity. However I agree that sometimes the bands can be awkard when kicking. I like the new Bootcamps though and I will always be a big fan!!
After 2 years now I still can't get past the term "Billy balls"...sorry ...it sounds too funny. I caved for the 2004 series from QVC and when I was trying to like the workouts, he would say "Get you Tae-Bo tools" and I would die laughing...}(
LOL, Renee. My hubby can't either. :) He has problems with his wrists and I gave him the Billy balls to squeeze. He was doing fine until he looked at them and saw, Tae Bo, printed on them. ;)

Lisa, the bands are cumbersome and they are very effective for some moves and not effective for others. This is why I prefer doing these workouts with my xercuffs and a pair of 3 lb. dumbbells during the toning sections. BUT, I have never done push-ups that has kicked my butt like the push-ups using the bands for resistance does.

Between the push-ups and squat thrust, I find these workouts very challenging. I think some of the disappointment is due to the fact that they are not pure cardio workouts. All of the bootcamp workouts have card, calisthenics, and the usage of the bands.
Yes, part of my disappointment is because they are not all cardio. I know he's trying to mix it up a bit, but I love his hardcore, kick butt cardio style. Since the very nature of cardio kickboxing incl. alot of toning from all the punching/kicking, I don't think actual toning only segments are needed - in fact, even some of the old ones have floor work that many times I skip thru. If I want to concentrate on toning/strength I use my Cathe weight training DVDs.

Oh, well. You can't please everybody! The BootCAmps are better than what's been coming out, but still not doing "it" for me...I don't know why exactly.

I just received the Fat Blasters - haven't had a chance to do yet, but my hopes are still high.


Keep smiling & sweating!
I agree with you about the toning. I would love to see Billy put out some new SUPER TOUGH pure cardio workouts!! We can only hope.
I agree with both of you! I would love to see a pure high energy Tae Bo workout. My wish is for GoodTimes to step back and let the instructors create the workouts.

The bootcamps are definitely the best workouts that GoodTimes has produced, so I'm hoping that this trend will continue.

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