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  1. J

    fit tv on cable

    lol...I agree..she tends to irritate me. Janet
  2. J

    fit tv on cable

    I had emailed a complaint to Cablevision, and their response to me was that they are going to have a new fitness program featuring Denise Austin workouts.:-( Janet
  3. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 4/9-4/15

    Hiya Beth, Glad to hear you are getting good results with Gym Styles! I was thinking of purchasing those series. I know what you mean about the fat layer looking firmer. I have some belly fat, which I am working really hard on eliminating, but I definately see some definition under it now...
  4. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 4/9-4/15

    Hi! I'm back from Hawaii and boy did I have fun!! Didn't eat so great while on vacation and wound up gaining 2 pounds,even with all the steep hikes I went on! Oh well! lol Weather was amazing, but the sun was fierce! Sunscreen makes no difference!! Need to kick it back into high gear this...
  5. J

    BFL or Eating for Life Check-in 4/9/06

    Hi..glad to see this thread. I have been following the BFL plan. B...2 hb egg whites. 1/2 cup oatmeal S... Cottage cheese mixed with lowfat yogurt L... grilled chicken salad w/ lowfat dressing S... Myoplex Lite shake D... Planning on barbquing some chicken breasts or turkey burgers. With...
  6. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 4/2-4/8

    Hi everyone! I'm off to Hawaii tomorrow morning and will be back next Monday! I'll be doing alot of hiking and wild caving in lava tubes, so that will be my primary excercise! The hotel we are staying at has a gym, so I can get a few hours of weight training in there too! Hope you all have a...
  7. J

    Lost FitTV

    I went from Basic cable to IO JUST for the Fit Tv channel. Now they cancelled it. They didn't move it to a different channel. I think they might have it available for more money, but I pay these idiots enough already since I get my internet and phone service through them. I'm so mad!!!! Janet
  8. J

    fit tv on cable

    I'm not Cathe, but this thread caught my eye because I live on LI too,and I subscribe to IO Cable.. and I am so upset they cancelled FitTV!! I have been taping them for weeks,since I can't really afford all the dvds that I want! For the price we have to pay for cable, you would think that they...
  9. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/26-4/1

    ps... also wanted to add... my blood pressure is now in the lower normal range! Before I started working out and dieting, my blood pressure was a bit high and my doctor was going to have me start blood pressure medicine. She said it won't be necessary now since I have lost 16 pounds and cut out...
  10. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/26-4/1

    I'm feeling really tired today too.Barely made it through Push Pull. Went skating in the street today..Lots of fun! My 3 boys followed along on their bikes, and I had my daughter in the jogging stroller. Was alot more challenging to skate pushing the stroller. I got a great workout. I was...
  11. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/26-4/1

    Today I am doing PushPull. It's a beautiful day out today, so I am also going to do some roller blading on our newly paved road! Looking foward to that for sure! Have a great one! Janet
  12. J

    Whey Protein Powder

    It's fine to make a batch and save some for the next day. I do it all the time. (I had asked this question when I went to purchase my powder at GNC last week.) Janet
  13. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/26-4/1

    Belly dancing sounds like fun! Let us know how you like it! I did Body Fusion today, and I added the Abs workout too. Tough time of it today. My thighs feel very fatigued. Tomorrow I am going to probably just do a power walk for cardio. I need a break from the step and weights. Janet
  14. J

    Self Magazine

    LOL Julie...I just posted about there being too much "fluff" too! Didn't see your post until after I posted mine. Janet:)
  15. J

    Self Magazine

    I used to love Self, but I don't care for it anymore. Way too much "fluff" for me...They have about 40% more ads now than they had a few years ago, and not half as many interesting, useful articles. JMHO! Janet
  16. J

    Moderately Healthy Eating March 28, 2006

    Happy Birthday Shelley! My eating plan calls for 6 meals a day..I am pretty strict about sticking to foods on my plan. Need to lose 10 more pounds. B..Kashi Go Lean w/skim milk and strawberries S..whey power shake...whey powder w/fat free vanilla yogurt, 1/2 banana, splash of OJ( Tastes...
  17. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/26-4/1

    My thighs are numb! lol Janet
  18. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/26-4/1

    Good morning! Hope you all had a great weekend! yesterday I did Low Max...I was in the mood since it was on Fit TV. I love that workout, but my thighs are still a bit sore today, so I am going to do Low Impact Step with the upper body sculpt in Basic Step. Have a great week! Janet
  19. J

    HELP! I'm gainng weight

    I got mine a week early this month, and 2 days before, I weighed myself and I gained 3 pounds. Freaked me out, until I realized why. lol I ALWAYS weigh more starting a few days before TOM, until about 2 days after. Janet
  20. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 3/19-3/25

    Hi! I did Body Fusion today. Loved it! I enjoy doing step with weights in the same workout.It was a relatively easy workout for me, so afterwards I added the lower body sculpt..that did the trick! I think tomorrow I am going to do Low Impact,since it is a bit more challenging than the step...